Message from @Nospeed411

Discord ID: 800199864171757609

2021-01-17 03:02:27 UTC  

There is a point where it is hopeless....we are quickly reaching that point.

2021-01-17 03:03:25 UTC  

right like we can just move to poland or some other country that easily

2021-01-17 03:03:45 UTC  

at least u are agreeing with me on how fucked we are

2021-01-17 03:03:53 UTC  

aliens are real, tho to the extent we want to believe them? nothing right now says so. most we got of possible alien life is Earth like planets and images of them taken at light speed, which means those images of those planets could be hundreds to thousands of years old given how fast light travels

2021-01-17 03:04:05 UTC  

Here's the thing. Trump has evidence. We have seen the traitors in Washington. Trump is still President for another 4 days. And he has control of the military. As far as I can see it, Trump has two options right now. Have the military arrest the deep state, or let this play out and hopefully *we all* can fight back.

2021-01-17 03:04:53 UTC  

I need to take a break from this, ping me if something happens ;P

2021-01-17 03:04:56 UTC  

and if they dont?

2021-01-17 03:05:07 UTC  

oh good sir we are beyond fucked...we have been since Bush

2021-01-17 03:06:13 UTC  

If they are going to drop something, it will have to shock everybody, even us, to have a remote chance at changing the overall direction of things.

2021-01-17 03:06:20 UTC  

bush started it with the wars, obama gave the government more power than ever, and biden just gonna have us dehumanized beyond belief

2021-01-17 03:06:27 UTC  

so yeah good point

2021-01-17 03:06:58 UTC  

9/11 happens: America units for a short amount of time
Global pandemic happens: The left proceeds to destroy the "United" part of America and turn it into the "Divided states of America."

2021-01-17 03:07:00 UTC  

liberals aren't happy most of the time...they're easy to spot...the only time they're actually happy is making others feel unhappy or not free spirited

2021-01-17 03:07:45 UTC  

right and now they want to ruin our lives

2021-01-17 03:07:48 UTC  

and given that it took Humanity roughly 200-300 years to reach the point of the industrial age its at now, there could be an alien civilization that exists that is at the same point of civilization we are at now, but we have no way of knowing since the pics of their planets are anywhere between 100-1,000 years old

2021-01-17 03:07:49 UTC  

f u n

2021-01-17 03:07:49 UTC  

I just listened to a podcast a little bit ago. It talked about what I just said.

2021-01-17 03:08:34 UTC  

I never thought 9/11 was an inside job until this year

2021-01-17 03:08:46 UTC  

Guys, listen to this podcast episode. Never before have my eyes been opened up so much to this.

2021-01-17 03:09:32 UTC  

Why else would Nancy Pelosi be pushing for an impeachment, other than the fact that she doesn't want Trump to win again?

2021-01-17 03:10:07 UTC  

I mean, there's only 4 days left. So why waste time trying to impeach him?

2021-01-17 03:10:22 UTC  

Or at least trying to push for it so soon?

2021-01-17 03:10:30 UTC  

because of power

2021-01-17 03:10:43 UTC  

they dont want another trump in office ever again

2021-01-17 03:10:53 UTC  

they just want their agenda

2021-01-17 03:11:56 UTC  

Well yes, that seems like the most obvious. But I think there's something more. I think Trump has dug up some dirt on them and the deep state knows this. They've already broken who knows how many laws. So as soon as Trump is out of there, he can't do anything.

2021-01-17 03:12:17 UTC  

For all we know, he could drop the bomb on the 19th and have them all arrested.

2021-01-17 03:12:32 UTC  

I hope its the 17th tho. Tired of waiting xD

2021-01-17 03:12:40 UTC  

He is still President after all.

2021-01-17 03:12:49 UTC  

It’s been uneasy since nov 4th

2021-01-17 03:13:43 UTC  

I just can't imagine trump will let them get away with stealing an election from him... he did say he loves getting even

2021-01-17 03:13:43 UTC  

Unfortunately, but I've tried not to stress about it *too* much. I just hope we can preserve our freedom for whatever comes next.

2021-01-17 03:13:46 UTC  

If he drops the bomb and has them arrested, he does not stay pres...presidential succession act kicks in...depending on who gets arrested.

2021-01-17 03:14:13 UTC  

Swamp rats do not want to give up power......if I was them I'd do anything to remain in power. Shit when I did coke in the 90's it was the same way. Power is a drug.....only issue is power addiction cant be cured by NARCAN.....

2021-01-17 03:14:20 UTC  

I hope he declassifies everything around the russia collusion crap....

2021-01-17 03:14:40 UTC  

...and any other dirt he has.

2021-01-17 03:15:03 UTC  

this, u guys need to understand how far dems will go to maintain power, if that means bodies hit the floor, then so be it.

2021-01-17 03:15:19 UTC  

butler, true