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eh, anime girls are usually skinnyfat

@Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ then get laid, its not like its difficult. Have a decent car and buy her drink while letting her see a wad of twenties

@Praise Jesus ✞✞✞ - North NJ then go to a party where everyone is taking zanex

@gabe_brouse im actually not being serious, zanex bitches = std

i would hope people here are white enough to get that

UNLESS they are milfs

MILFS on zanex are okay

they are adults with a lifestyle choice while skyler and chace are at soccer and they are lonely and need attention

i wonder if we can get milfs onboard with anticom

we'll tell them that antifa want to ban all adderall and percocet

instant army

soccer moms that are isolated from current events still exist

they may dislike "drumpf" but their true passion is their psychiatrist

Shekelstonebergowitz gives them the adderall, we tell them its being threatened by antifa

100% good plan


the problem is that if you want """natty"""gains you have to actually work to get them, you need to stay up for a few days, eat only junk food, fap constantly, and eat lots of soy, then get tested for low-test and browse /fit/

STEM will shift from the left as the humanities courses start to be more focused, no time for indoctrination

eventually they earn a paycheck and see blue haired fatfucks wanting their money

then vote right

the problem is we need more /ourguys/ in the lower humanities as professors. the same debacle as with primary education.

Cutting funding to humanities is good, but there should still be counter subversion

the way students are programmed to just memorize and find conflicts in material for their essays, if they are given a redpill like race->crime it will basically be glued in their minds as they write reports in other classes


handing gen z more reasons to love trump

they are

i can confirm

literally using sjw irony like we do, WITHOUT ever having browsed pol

naturally anti-tumblr, naturally anti-sjw

this is going to be comfy when they hit voting age

@Moonman women respond to their hormones, if all the chads like trump then they will start to

Women are basically like empty whiteboards

u can draw whatever pesonality on them you want

just make the right environment

centrist = right

that means a shift


when alpha once again means trade school and a house then they will fall in line with their newfound "values and beleifs"


I think men shouldn't really consider women at all, just focus on house, car, money

women just gravitate toward gibemedats

even politically

My friends gf is a bernout, she dumped him cause he hated trannies and loved trump, she crawled back the next day blaming her feminist friend for the breakup

women are clowns

I lost interest in dating because literally every one ive dated is basically the same person with different "beliefs" (literally ornamental)

surrogacy + single father imo is superior

no whiny emotional teaching whatsoever

call it what you will, but i guarantee a child with a mom that whines incessently due to a lack of potato farming to do, that grows up in an estrogen soup when his genes are turned for moving out at 15, will be at a disadvantage to a male that was never taught noble lies or weakness as a concept.

MGTOW is dumb, insofar as its disdain for the future of the West

its indictment of women however is spot-on

@Miomio they vote based on trends however, and they do vote. Worse than their influence weakens men.

No taxes fixes the female problem instantly

no state to run to

it doesnt fix their influence problem though. Imo mothers have a deminishing return after the kid can survive long hunts.

boycott meme is a good one

it assumes there is a racial composition with an IQ that can conceptualize the point of a boycott


no borders = end of society

No borders is the absolute dumbest idea in history.

Never ending chaos with the lower-races is trhe destiny of your society unless you violate your own NAP and pre-emptively annihilate thjem.

in which case u become fashy

toppest kek

lolbertarians still exist

Antifa are anarchists, are u advocating anarchism?

does your liberty mean less strict immigration?

anarchists are all equally destructive

same problems as ancap

they ignore nature in the nature v. nurture equation for a dogmatic concept, whether it be communism or capitalism is up to you.

I say lock up the borders, nix the welfare, ramp up the police and wait

good things will happen

chimpouts will basically reduce the genepool

Zero tax for the orthodox/conservative churches and a range-ban on marxist-verified churches

that would help disabled

im not at all for religious liberty, mosques, cathedrals, synogogues, etc. should be closed

China got it right, no Temples allowed

catholic = liberal

then get ur pope out

until then u lose the argument

@EcoDIckmcgee while your anecdote is charming, the reality is that the Churhch itself is basically globalism the religion

Catholics are cucked so badly by their own leader

Truth, but Catholicism has a primary figurehead to lead the cucks to a cuck religion of gun control and refugees

Catholic = numale until they depose their leader

till then there is literally no difference

literally the ONLY thing that Catholicism seems to be against is traps


its a very very small start, but i guess 1/100 is still a point

Do they reject the pope openly or are they "moderate dindunufin" like Muslims?

I will believe it after a new schism



@Playergamer yep, there maybe a lawyer out there that wants right wing fame who may do it

@Playergamer there are many actually, some congregate on Cal-guns

what is anticom up to today

any ops?

what would antifa-flavored ejuice be?

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