Message from @Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye
Discord ID: 288381485465993216
someone will have to choose to sacrifice THEIR OWN wealth to take care of the disabled
not mine
I'm completely for the abolishment of welfare
Even for the disabled
@Templar-CA LARPers come from all races and creeds.
I think we have a good disabled jobs program, we should expand on it vs welfare
Zero tax for the orthodox/conservative churches and a range-ban on marxist-verified churches
blind people make tp for the army for instance
that would help disabled
But I wanna know why I should pay taxes for people who sit on their arse and do nothing all day
Welfare is a sham
im not at all for religious liberty, mosques, cathedrals, synogogues, etc. should be closed
tbh if it was entirely up to me we'd just abort all disabled kids before they're born
China got it right, no Temples allowed
@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye That would fuck up the present catholic church
catholic = liberal
The argument is that they have the human right to live, but considering living has a cost there's welfare checks.
If we made jobs easier to get by decreasing regulation and taxes on business, welfare recipients will have no excuse to not get a job
everyone should read this
catholic it depends, the catholics here are hard conservative, but FUCK the current pope
then get ur pope out
no one is entitled to live
until then u lose the argument
they are entitled to try to though
I want isis to blow him up
then we get a new crusade
We need new pope
would be great
Well, at least he's glued to timmy's crotch now. Instead of having little timmy stuck to his.
If you get the short end at life, tough luck
@Ḁ̢̧̡̝̭̀̓̇̈̑yeExEye The Catholics I know are moderately conservative
It's harsh as hell
But that's how it is
the PURSUIT of hapiness. remember, kids
@EcoDIckmcgee while your anecdote is charming, the reality is that the Churhch itself is basically globalism the religion