
Discord ID: 727641977885294605

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@Tsar Vladimir Putin why do you hate to fly? I am thinking about joining and being a fighter pilot after college. I can’t wait

@Captain Lunasea that’s 2008-2016 for you lol

You said you love aviation, but hate flying. @Tsar Vladimir Putin

I’m confused lol. I thought you said that you hated flying but loved aviation. You were saying as someone in the airforce

Okay haha. I was so confused. I’m new to discord and have no clue about anything lol.

Sorry about that

That sucks. For all of that crazy amount of inspection time I’m really surprised that anything went wrong. I am also in support of the civilian flying thing too. I think that’s really cool that they are allowing people to do that. It’s awful that it crashed, but those thing do happen occasionally. No one wants it, but it’s the truth

Pot roast if freaking amazing. I make it all the time.

@kyzercube. I love that lol 😂😂. Samuel Jackson. It’ll getcha Effin fat beaches in no time

That looks good. French toast?

I made a cheese beer burger. Made a cheese sauce out of a blonde roux, beer, and cheddar cheese. Made Texas toast and deep fried onions too. Also made fries in the air fryer. It tastes 100x better than it looks lol. I would encourage y’all to try it

@DishonoredRonin. That’s not too terrible, as long as you have retirment and savings

Oh, sorry about that big time then. I cant imagine that. Sorry about you situation

Yeah. I guess so @DishonoredRonin

@DishonoredRonin. I am completely fine with my taxes going to someone with your condition. A physical condition that they can’t help. Same with nursing homes and thing of that sort. The biggest problem is when people who just don’t feel like working live of our OUR tax money and take away from yours. That’s the biggest problem to me

That’s dumb

That’s how some people think life is supposed to be like lol. I will never understand it

@DishonoredRonin @Wardog. I could only imagine that would be something close to tax fraud. Something like that I’d assume

As with all thing @DishonoredRonin


Thanks. It was pretty good

Well why don’t you just go work up 5 trillion dollars and hand us all a massive stimulus check. Jk lol. I havent really thought a wholw lot about it. I have a really good job by some people’s standard (I’m a chem. Engineer) so i haven’t really worried about it. That’s just me though

@Wardog. Depending on the area you live in, there could be great jobs. I work at a refinery and it’s a pretty stable job. I know there are lots of them in the US. That’s really the only stable, good paying job I’ve had. The only thing i can relate to

I haven’t lived in the real world for a very long time, so i have 0 advice lol.

@Wardog Maybe you could try making a police or military career, if you are still young enough. They both have decent retirement and will definitely help to get a better job. That’s the only thing i could think of to fully straighten you out and get you on a path to success. It’s typically 20 years, but hey, it’s something. @DishonoredRonin so true lol. It’s not fun

@mikeflarkin. The online world is also pretty goo because no one can judge you for your mistake or what you’ve done.

I live in a small town, so it’s actually pretty good here. I can’t say the same for others though

@Wardog. That’s part of it, like it or not. That’s the real world, sadly


@mikeflarkin. Yeah, my mom, uncle, and nana were all correction officers and also have a retirment good too. Idk, just suggestions

@Wardog. Oof, sorry for that

I love/hate our family gatherings

Definitely would miss them tho.

I have a bunch of libs on my dads side who are kinda crazy. Those are the only ones who are even close to being not able to get along with. @Wardog. I can’t imagine my life without my dad. We were and still are best friends

@Wardog. If he didn’t do that, then that’s not your fault. He didn’t parent you good enough to be best friends with you. Just don’t blame that on yourself if anything. I know you didn’t, but...

@mikeflarkin. My parents are about the same. I still am super excited to talk about politics. I just live it, and they were never very hard core about it

@Wardog. Like i Said, you shouldn’t feel bad about the way u look at him. That’s his fault for forming a bad relationship with you. His mistake and he should be held to it

@Wardog. You can’t help it. Just learn from it

@Wardog. That’s the leftist ideology. I’d they don’t like it, it needs to be canceled.

@AWOIII. Min was about in 6-7 grade. I just really liked arguing


@Wardog. I love to argue lol. I don’t know why, but i just enjoy it

Thanks. It ain’t pretty, but taste is what really matter

@AWOIII. I was never a boss, but I’m not bad lol. @Wardog. My temper is about average. I get pissed off when people try to piss me off or fight me. That was mainly back in HS lol

@DishonoredRonin. Too true haha

@Wardog. I’d probably get charged with assault now and lose my job. I am happy-ish that i never had one. My best friend is insane tho lol. He always got away with it. He was great at those things

@AWOIIIX. Lmao 😆

@Wardog. Lol, that’s awesome. I was pretty big and still am. Not a whole lot of people screwed with me. (6’3 and 280 lbs)

@Wardog. Haha. I wish i was that size. Passed 135 when i was in 6th grade. I was never very small

@DishonoredRonin. Lol 😂.

@Wardog. I truly wish i had that problem 😂. I never had a very fast metabolism and couldn’t stand to run. What a surprise. A lineman who hated running (mind blower)

@DishonoredRonin. Bye, talk to you later

@Wardog. Did you play any sports?

I did football and band, if you considered that a sport

@AWOIII. Better than some people lol. Pistols do kinda hurt. That’s a ton of force being exerted onto you hands (figuratively not literally). I prefer shotguns. Grew up duck hunting my whole life

It also depends on your size and how you shoot it. There’s nothing wrong with being smaller lol. It’s genetics

@Wardog. Cool. I preferred really kinda making my own schedule in HS, but would submit for band and FB. I never really enjoyed basketball, i was big and clumsy

@AWOIII. I never had a problem with putting on muscle. I ate a lot anyways. Runners are pretty stuck up and annoying lol. I never really like them

That’s at least what i saw in my HS

You can’t really help that

How about you?

@AWOIII. Please do go. You will regret not going. If u go to a small one, they are pretty cool. We have one called Lamar. I went to A&M, but most of my family went to Lamar. It’s a great small college.

I got a scholarship for most of it, but it’s was pretty liberal. Lamar is 5500 per semester. It seems like a lot, but if u get a good job, it’s not hard to pay off.

Lamar was my second option. I figured going to a big name college would help with the job, but Lamar is just as good as A&M. Just not a massive loan and a very big name. It’s one of the top 5 schools in the country. A&M and Lamar

You pretty much need a degree to get anywhere in life’s just go to college

I am just curious, what state do y’all live in? I’m from Texas

Cool. We are all from the south-ish then

Neither are very liberal. I wouldn’t think there is that much leftist crap there

@AWOIII lmao 😂. I have an uncle who is the definition of Cajun. He is “that one uncle”

True. I guess living in a town with 3-4 k people is a lot different than anywhere else. I know west and East are left, but i didn’t know it was spreading to central now

Trump 2020 baby

@Altair Aguilar. It was really simple. I did 2tbsp or butter, same with flour, made a blonde roux, added 6oz or beer (I used miller lite). Half a beer. Whisked that all over medium heat and added in 6 pieces of sharp cheddar cheese, or 4 oz. that’s 1/2 of a cup, one piece at a time. Add 1 teaspoon each of hot sauce of ur choice, and mustard or Dijon mustard. Whisk until the sauce forms and you are done. Easy

@[TDE] Smokie. Ooh, that’s sounds good! My dad makes them sometimes but i never really got into smoking anything. I’m can grill well tho. That’s not hard. I’m making sourdough in the morning and will take some. It makes some killer French toast

Dang! Nice job. Looks great

I love garlic knots. So simple and taste so good.

Do you make your own marinara or did you buy it

Is that you Billie?

Ooh he a bad boy

Good job lol 😂


Sorry. I totally forgot this was even meme channel. Sorry

My raccoon

She’s cute

Or is that a he. Can’t be offending no one

He is a pain in the butt. He funny tho

My old hunting lab is about deaf too. I can sneak up behind my lab and say his name and he doesn’t hear a thing

He’s a trooper lol. Puddles is

My house dog is the same lol. He is so sweet

Yep. My house dog is my best friend lol

Duke is his name

This is mine

Him and my raccoon RJ

He is almost twice the size than i expected him 2 be lol. I’ve got a friend who is into reptiles and things like that. My dog bit me the other day. I guess is scared him when i grabbed his collar and he freaked out. He’s crazy

I never though he would bite Me. I guess we don’t truly know our pets as much as we think we do

Lmao 😂.

Bet that hurt. At least he wanted him to stay lol. Duke barks are the grass swaying in the wind. He freaks out about the smallest things

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