Message from @Crayon_eater
Discord ID: 811087531423825980
Best known strategy is a wall of fire Prince of Darkness and a bigger jets Apache heli.
If you havent played bomber crew, you dont know how difficult it is to have all your intitial crew still alive
cool shaders glitch that happened on my overworld themed end island- it made everything completely dark even though i put up lanterns!
that looks awsome
Wow! That looks spooky and awesome! Especially with the glowing enderman eyes and the outline of their bodies
does anybody play battlefield 1
Whipped out ol' black Ice big iron
I have no clue what game that is
Looks like call of duty....
Or metal of honor
Rainbow Six Siege....
I would call you a boomer but
This series is old af
what platform
oh cool
me too
whats your rank
Real life graphics
thats cap
graphics are great but no that good
I forget, stopped playing right after apocalypse came out but I was fairly decent in terms of rank
oh nice
i still play daily
max rank
Been a wee while. Mostly because I've been playing so much siege and halo mcc
i aint too great at siege
Love the game despite how toxic it can be
Favorite class in BF1?
and then medic
playing with uselss scouts is always a pain
Love support, especially the Lewis gun. Thing's just built too perfectly in my opinion
yup no flaws
all the starter weapons are good