Message from @Crayon_eater
Discord ID: 811055412307558463
Def not a cat
Its just for meme channels
My old cat, she passed away a few years ago at age 21 (a little older)
Cats aka the eternal sleep animals
Void kitties are awesome.
Agreed, I've got a void and a partial void cat, both exist in a perpetual state of conflict
I have a spectrum of most patterns and colors, including a few void cats.
Honestly black cats ain't as bad they seem, this whole bad luck thing is ridiculous. I've only met twenty seven near death experiences since getting him so I think that's proof this belief is blown way out of proportion
Ollie likes to only sit with me because she's scared of everyone. Zoobi is a void cat, no more explanation needed
I have twenty indoors, and nine are in lockdown for health/personality reasons.
If you need an emotional boost, here is like 5 minutes of unadulterated cute.
He screams: error 404
Hes like my 3 years of life I never saw this stuff before
not if it's on topic :)
btw I love Maggie, she looks like a very good girl
Your dog looks a bit old, sagging around the bones it seems
I live in the country. The crippled or otherwise defective farm cats become house cats, and I had a lot who were either born or injured just as winter started this year.
Nah, she's fat, and only six. LOL
Fair enough, living in a flat right now I don't gotta luxury of room
She also has some wolf in her background, and has that huge ruff across her shoulders.
I'll be getting down to six come spring.
Quite a downsize but understandable, cost of that many must surely add up even if you're just buying food and litter
Needs must. It's that or let them starve or die.
A decision that must be made eventually it seems
Nah, they'll still get fed outside with the rest of the farm cats come spring. But they'll also be able to hunt.
Good news then