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Crew-1 will be launching this Saturday to see a return of full-duration manned expeditions to space that launch from 🇺🇸 Murica 🇺🇸
Say goodbye to piggybacking off the russians
Crew-1 is ready to launch this Saturday!
This conversation my friend had with someone.
I just saw this while scrolling YouTube... it says that it was uploaded 7 years ago. Might be some sort if glitch with YouTube.
What do you call a Phoenix in Germany?
||A Hindenbird||
They launched the Gnome from Half-Life into space on an Electron rocket
Scientists, philosophers, and physicists all agree that the theory that we are all in a simulation is not only plausible, but likely.
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving
I also have a cat named Tux!
I’ve got 2 cats both 8 years old
This is Wernher von Braun, one of the most controversial figures in recent history. I’m sure if he was alive today, he would be the most hated person on Twitter. He was one of the head scientists in Nazi Germany during WWII, and is responsible for the deaths of thousands with his invention of the first missile: the V-2. After the war, the U.S. government did something that most people today, if they were in the position of power, would do the opposite: The government gave him a second chance at life. And you know what he did? He moved to America with a presidential pardon from Truman. He started a new life and went on the be the chief engineer at NASA, and built the first of the Atlas, Titan, and Delta rockets. He also was the primary designer of the Saturn 1, Saturn 1B, and the Saturn V. Because the government gave him a second chance, he became one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, who went on to build the rocket who brought us to the moon. No matter how bad someone’s background, always give them a second chance.
Yes, but the invention of the missile by him lead to the deaths of thousands when some took his design and expanded upon it.
I feel like the story of Elon Musk’s life so far is a real representation of the American Dream. He came from a poor, abusive family in South Africa and when he was 17, immigrated to Canada with his brother to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. A year later, he moved to the USA and went to school. After he finished it, he decided to work for himself. He founded X.com, which became PayPal. After selling it, he gained 180million. Most people would then retire for the rest of their lives, but not him. He put 10m into his company Solar City, 70m into Tesla, and 100m in SpaceX. Now, all three companies are alive and successful with 2 being the biggest companies in the world. Along the way, he founded a half-dozen more companies and became (as of last week) the second richest person in the world. He really shows what can be done with hard work and determination.
Yes, he is.
Apparently, the police were formed for the sole reason of keeping minorities down. Idk. I heard someone say this and it really bothers me. Between police and firemen, 31,000 people are saved worldwide per month, which is crazy. People should respect both fire and police more.
And when he invested his 180m into those companies, he was left with so little money that he was relying on friends to help him pay for his food (obviously, he paid them back)
Guys its wrong to call me straight. I’m antosemibisexual. Anto=Opposite, Semi=Half for context. This is apparently a real thing now. <:KEK:726877368601411624>
I heard 3 people talking about it and it was really confusing.
No i mean i posted something here and it was in the wrong chat
I’ve done Wernher von Braun’s redemption
I’ve done Elon Musk’s rags to riches
What’s next?
Even though I’m a Capitalist and a Patriot, I have to admit that the Soviet anthem sounds really good
||And you know it’s true because if it didn’t, the writers would have been shot.||
The United States planted a flag on the moon when they put people on it, yesterday, China put a flag on the moon with a rover...
We’ve got a moon “truther” here!
Look at this majestic beast on the launch pad.
The fight computers aborted launch 1.3 seconds before liftoff
Guess we’ll have to wait ‘till tomorrow.
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