
Discord ID: 758089951660212234

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2020-12-28 21:37:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Hello o/

Love that reply

Also wtf is she on about


He was golfing because it was Christmas, what was she doing on Christmas morning? Making lover to her girlfriend?

He’s not

He’s increased funding iirc

Basically everything she said was bullshit anyway

Discord friend and I raided a couple servers last night ngl

Pretty fun

This was the requirements to get verified

ATTENTION: A new rule has been set in place. Anyone 16 or older must send in a copy of their ID (you can blur everything but your name, DOB, and face) and a picture of their face to an admin to be verified. We're also taking social medias with face pic, writing your discord name and number on a paper and taking a picture with it beside your face and sending it. We understand we are getting stricter, but we had an admin get doxxed and we've had several raids in 24 hours. We're sorry, but this is what's happening now. Thank you for understanding!

This is illegal pretty sure but leftists don’t care

I’m under 16 so I didn’t do, wouldn’t have anyway

Also “we’ve had several raids in the past 24 hours”

Ha got one more

They aren’t

They are just some proud boys


They were saying that raiders doxxed their staff

But yeah they probably would have done that too

Also they’re lefties, they don’t care about laws

That’s what I said, anyone who is stupid enough to do that shouldn’t have kids

Source please

My doggo

This is why I’m fat I think

Of course it’s fucking California

Gosh I hate my own state

Thank you

Yes it does

Peak leftist logic


They don’t seem to understand this


Here’s mine

I would consider me more liberty than authority

Commiefornia and Calishitia is what I call it

To them South Africa is all black people. Considering most people have never read a history book they will have never know about the British occupying the area for over a century

I hate arguing with these people because they always ALWAYS play the race card, even my own friends

Yeah, sounds kinda racist to me but, what do I know, I’m just an arrogant straight white male

I was about to say that

Dew it now

You mean this dude?

2020-12-29 05:44:56 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  

Please link

2020-12-29 05:45:01 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  

I’ve been trying to find that

You know what

If you get offended by stuff every day, stay in your house and don’t go out, problem solved lefties

This is going to sound crazy

Grow some thick skin

What is she even saying


I’m losing brain cells just reading all of this

These people really need to read a history book

And realize that communism doesn’t. fking. work

Yeah that’s evident

He died in “mysterious circumstances”

7 years after he went into space

Wait how did Stalin have him executed

Stalin died in 52 iirc and the first flight was in 61, he died 7 years after that

It wasn’t Stalin

They’re pretty stupid

You are forgetting that this guys career for the past what 50 some years was a business man, he knows what he’s doing. I think having him in office is what’s keeping our economy from completely imploding

You buy a car

Since when are people “forced” into the suburbs


So she’s completely talking out of her ass

A lot


Oh man

Maybe that’s the point of these things, dumb us down enough so we don’t remember that these people are stupid

Elon Musk went to 5 different Tesla plants and got tested, some came back positive and some negative

My friend was saying that last night

They took this down, I’ve tried three times now

Damn google

That worked, thank you

Global travel is pretty much non existent, how the hell did a strain get all the way from the UK to a state in the middle of the US

Pretty sure the US is one of them

You are telling me that the virus mutates the same exact way in a landscape that is completely different with different people?

And the Sahara desert is not really a place I want to visit

One 7.63x39 per melon

Make em go pop

I’ll jump on that

Anything but the explanation that I’m just ugly


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