Message from @Ender87
Discord ID: 770086644669218916
the voter ID would just rid the election of illegal voters and also make fraud harder....and the left doesn't want that
also if you can get through the DMV for literally anything, you can vote with an ID
really a state ID or driver's license is enough
it's the same ID you'd use for literally anything else
That's the thing, this guy thinks that you need a special ID JUST to vote
passports are effectivly a form of ID
again, the stuff you use to get car loans or go to dmv all works, it is amazing voting has no process to check ID
If you want to vote badly enough, you’ll do anything for it... including spending 3+ hours at the dmv to get a state ID
Because we needed gender neutral bathrooms that badly
We did it guys, we ended transphobia
that sims 4 LGBT and Trans content has been in the game for like 2 years
The dependency of the Left on "Hollywood" is so pathetic.
Dave Matthews is playing presently and it's heartbreaking cause I lurv him.
and even with the Left backing Hillary, she still lost
As will Biden and Harris this year.
Everyone hail to the Trumpkin Song!
And now there's George Lopez and Ana Navarro. Just. Ew.
Polls, young and easily influenced minds, and Hollywood.
so ready to see their meltdown on November 4th
I just pray there's no real violence.
I wonder if Trump will deploy the National Guard at polling sites in Red States
Not sure if this is the right spot for this ... If it's not, tell me where
This indeed is the correct place
"Mostly False".
I think that may be a meme, I tried finding that on Snopes... Can't find it. Still funny though
Let's all laugh at this later after Trump wins😆
New York Times: truth
I got two woke ads in a row
One from Vaseline telling me the US is racist and black babies are being born into a racist country
And now NYT trying their hand at comedy by making the hilarious joke that the NYT Is “truth”
Black babies are being aborted into this country
I thought Vaseline is for dry lips..
> Black babies are being aborted into this country
@Chief Kirby good point. Even if America was a racist hell hole like they say it is, there’s still a large enough chance they won’t be born at all
A few days ago a coder used the API of McDonalds to check all the ice cream machines in the USA for availability. A writer at Vice looked at the ice cream machine data and came up with a whole article about racial issues.
Tim Pool was talking about the diminishment of Vice and this is literally a prime example lol.
This is soopr creepy <:DeusVult:768139290848657458>
Deus Vult!