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I follow closely enough to be able to hold a conversation about it with the average guy, but I find it difficult to care anymore. I only watch games as a way of bonding with my dad

Most polls have SD around 18%, but the online ones (YouGov and Sentio) put them around 23%. My guess is that they will outperform most polls due to social desirability bias (which happened in the last election too)

Pretty much nobody besides identitarians and political junkies has heard of AfS. Give them time. Sweden Democrats were in this position 12 years ago

We need Tucker on TV. Kobach for VP!

Usually it means they're trying to replace children with pets, unless they're really young

I think you overestimate the degree to which they've planned for a post-white world. China is taking over Africa as we speak. The (((elites))) will have a tough time maintaining power when the west is gone. Hatred of whites blinds them

I've found an appeal to fairness is the best first step, especially with conservatives. Get them to admit that there are anti-white double standards and institutions. After that, white identity politics follows naturally

I thought Montana was Trump territory (except Missoula and the reservations)

If you're volunteering to help in the aftermath of the hurricane, see if you can do it with other IE members. Good for our people and our optics

Giving up drinking in advance >

Being responsible is huwhite

If Patrick's laptop dies for 15 minutes, we're legally allowed to install Koba

Patrick speaks the truth

Open relationships aren't real relationships

IE tracksuits are mandatory for slavs

If you want violence, join Patriot Front, not IE

Reading history books led me to identitarianism

Be a credit to your race, basically

Amren-IE Holy Alliance

Opticscuck master race

๐Ÿšซ No gangweed ๐Ÿšซ

I was planning on joining right before UTR, then hesitated. Finally applied in June b/c I liked the way IE has moved on under Patrick

"Video games = porn" - Patrick

Nothing makes you less approachable than smelling like cigarettes

To LARP or not to LARP

After Sandy, there were volunteer opportunities in NJ for years. Lots of opportunities for us to help our people

Swimming is the last stand of implicit white identity

Dragon Eye Energy

IE extorting us for shekels

Koba's day will come

It is up to us to create the moment

I'm an officer in my college republicans. I'm sure many other IE members are. It's easy to infiltrate low level GOP stuff if you just show up

I didn't know we had a youth server

Barron is the one dropping red pills on them

We have millions of our brothers and sisters calling themselves white trash. Self deprecation is in vogue, even for those outside of polite society

In high school, I had an eminem phase that started originally just because I liked the way he'd say words like f** and I connected with the anger

I feel like people in this movement are on average very intelligent but also quite prone to depression and social alienation

I also crave it, but we need to take breaks from being political all the time. It's harder for us because we can't, for example, go see a movie with friends or a date without seeing subliminal propaganda, but still worthwhile to refresh mentally

Having been pro-white before the alt-right was a thing, it's a little easier for me to put setbacks in perspective and see how far we've come. Even so, when I couldn't do any physical activity due to surgery, I had a lot of pent up frustration

Sounds amazing. Physical activity and being outdoors are good for the soul. Add in community building and it sounds even better

@Asatru Artist - MD dm me if you're doing more stuff in Delaware

@Deleted User Most of Delaware is rural (highest % farmland in the country) and the beaches are nice. Wilmington dominates politics though. It's a ghetto for the most part.

In a rip current, swim sideways and you'll be fine

They didn't censor him after any of his outlandish conspiracy theories. They did it after he started calling out issues like the Boer Genocide. Sure, AJ has baggage, but if he gets Boomers halfway there, good enough

I think Lauren Southern is a lot more red pilled than she explicitly says

She looks the part though

Israel stopped Ethiopian Jews from coming at one point, didn't it?

According to some of those DNA tests, it seems everyone is 1% Ashkenazi

I think it's 2/3 to 3/4 have no nonwhite ancestry, but on average white Americans are 96.8% European

Cherokee were lower Appalachia originally

I'm 100%, so far as I know, and my sister has traced my ancestry back to Roman times on one side

It's sort of like how the tribes we most often associate with the Great Plains were originally from the East. The Sioux were still in Minnesota when the US was founded

Not to mention the horses

Jared Taylor did a video on this, and it's probably safe to share with normal conservatives

Native Americans now get to eat pizza, proving that they were culturally enriched and Sitting Bull was just a xenophobe

Wholesomeness itself is implicit

Our chicken and waffles is better too

We don't use fried chicken

PA Dutch (which is actually Deutsch) style is the best

The chicken is in a pot full of gravy and scooped out onto the waffles

You can add syrup too, but it's not traditional

I want chicken and waffles now too

Any diet tips for gaining weight?

Reminds me of the Ramzpaul video

Same thing happened with McCain

The old political paradigm was a sham and it revealed itself in universally hating Trump

@Rabbidsith They hate both. They hate him personally for having the audacity to challenge them and for unleashing a populism that threatens them

I suspect that's because, over time, Muhammad drifted away from Christian influences as he wrote it

I don't find debating Islam useful. Even if they all became "moderates" I wouldn't want them here

If anything, burka bans are counterproductive because the sheer contrast is so stark to normies seeing them build a parallel society that they become more nationalist. Assimilation is a lie designed to quiet ethnonat instincts

It's not like it saves lives either. It only makes those prone to terrorism feel more oppressed

The UK is the most cucked country on Earth

Ben's an opportunist. I'd call JBP more the gatekeeper archetype

"I just want for my people what you want for Israel." "Shut up nazi!" Really makes you think

I'm probably going to fall out with the Jewish president of my college republicans if I keep doing it, but oh well. I always use the "Israel does this and that's great. We should too." format

I swear you can hear the fear in his voice when he talks about us, even beneath the derision

"It's our founding value because of the poem on the Statue of Liberty" that was added by Jews in the 20th century to little notice

I can't do anything spicy

The only slightly spicy foods I eat are kielbasa, pepperoni, and salami. All huwhite foods

Italian is the best food

I can't understand why people like Mexican

@Grayson I noticed that the Chinese exchange students at my school wouldn't wash their hands after anything. Disgusting

They'd also leave out food in their rooms and the stench would seep into the halls

Maybe they're just used to it

There's always that one obese, sweaty Mexican kid who smells terrible and makes a ton of noise

If you're in PA, OH, or IN and you want "muh hard workers" hire some Amish

Indian food smells so awful that I never tried it

@Deleted User I hate spicy food though

I find even mild peppers repulsive, so white guy spicy is way too much for me

The Mexicans used to always make hot wings when I worked at a restaurant. Everyone who tried them started sweating uncontrollably

Oregon was founded as an ethnostate

From an economic perspective, you could justify all but unlimited Asian immigration. Even though India has an average IQ around 90, there are still going to be hundreds of millions of above average IQ individuals there

It's not enough for them to "just come legally and pay taxes." It will still wipe us out

Fantastic photos! Did anyone see you guys and ask about IE?

IE has the best women

A lot of PF is people who were/would be rejected by IE. I'm sure some could make the cut, but I'm not sure many could abide by our server rules and guidebook

There's some crossover appeal between TRS, PF, and us, but even if we didn't serve different purposes, consolidating into one group wouldn't be great strategy

Because any scandal or lawsuit could bring the whole movement down at once (though I'm confident we'll win the Charlottesville suit)

Saul Alinski wrote that it's easier to destroy the person than the idea and it's true. Part of why the alt-right label lost its magic was that it went from a big tent to Richard Spencer's personal movement then he ran it into the ground

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