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true but they seem to be dealing with the turkey vulture calling for violence, so who knows

That's what I don't get... these people that call for violence then go all shocked pikachu when a small group of quiet picketers show up.

what was the source of all the ineligible registered GA voters? And why hasn't that been taken seriously at all?

yes but what was the original source of the claim? might need to reference it to a pepega

Oi av yuuuuu got a loooiicense f' that, m8? Yoor knicked, sunshine

pro strats. Is that just a standard circular saw blade?

Based and environmentally friendly

do you do heat treatment to soften/harden?

it would be. I was looking to get into hand-made knife making, and the heat process is the most difficult part to sort out

it's coming up with an oven that's my challenge

Any condemnation from DNC, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, etc?

Very telling that 3 SCOTUS justices didn't even want to HEAR the case being made... ๐Ÿค”

It's incredible. Such a clear-cut case of states violating the Constitution, and in a way that has enormous implications across the country, and 3 of them didn't even want to hear it.

PA couldn't even come up with a defense and we're supposed to believe there's no case?

they ran hard defense and support of antifa/blm rioters. Even got Michello Obama involved in the gaslighting


whoops 18 states now including Texas

if they rule in clear violation of the Constitution, does that not erode literally the entire authority of the governing bodies? If you say it can be ignored, then the document that is the sole source of authority that grants power to the government is worthless

@Pain the MI turkey vulture under investigation and removed from positions is icing on the cake

the panic in the media and even big tech right now seems to only compound my faith that justice will prevail. They went all-in, 100% balls deep... they can't walk it back now. And if they end up shown to be wrong, there's no going back

what else does it even offer?

she's properly mental... probably thinks she's got her enemies on the ropes and just needs her "soldiers" to go and finish them off

Hmm... I'm not sure if she's talking to the little hit-the-eldery-n-run antifa invalids, but she could be referring to the gangbanging jogging community of Detroit... who, judging by the crime rate there, are more effective

jogging attire

look, I don't care what the turkey vulture looks like... her conduct is what's reprehensible. Anything less than complete disbarment from her position and criminal charges for incitement to violence and threats is insufficient

to get around covid lockdowns? <:thinking:445724717450526731>

how can Alaska not get on board? they're a true freedom state

48 states is a PogChamp

It is important to connect with nature. Godspeed my friend

For me, it instantly invokes strong feelings of connection with the past, the land, and the people

Have you seen the video of her and the blonde next to her at the hearing at some vote counting place opening ballots?

I do believe they are not legally permitted to be involved with any vote counting, as elected memebers

members* although perhaps memebers is more true of her at this point

that's amazing AZ joined in considering their own problems with their "results"

then stop moving to Christian countries? <:smuglaugh:448311843086401536>

They supposedly are the latest to add their support

but AZ is not one of the states the suit names. It would be so funny if GA or PA supported the suit though

what law? they'll have to throw out the constitution.... so that would leave nothing left, no?

it's not like this is an interpretation or wording of the Constitution... it's explicit, and they violated it

You're too kind <:smug:448312365520519188>

The truth doesn't need such radical protection from investigation. The fact that audits have not been done in any of these highly contested states with tremendous evidence of fraud/errors suggests something's up and no attempt has been made to clear it up. Banning noticing things just compounds our suspicions

So, would that rule not including anyone reporting on the Texas case, since that does include some of that as part of its claim? Can you cover the case without being in violation of their brand new, completely made up and one-sided rule?

of course he did <:bat:445097859176595456>

so just like the other soros DAs they'll just let all the violet rioters go free of charge while pursuing maximum charges for misgendering?

did the social worker getting killed even make headlines outside of the based community?

seems like defunding (and attacking) the police is causing nothing but harm (as anyone would expect)... withholding that from the public is incredibly dirty from the media

y tho <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

Interesting. Except PA unconstitutionally changed their election laws in October 2019, 3 months before Covid was even on the mainstream radar, and 5 months before any kind of action was taken

it's likely getting weaker over time, as often is the case with viruses spreading through a population

the fast thing is a bit of an illusion when there's speed limits. My car and bike might be "fast" but when I'm driving I'm still going the same speed as the 1991 Toyota Previa ahead of me

in fact this is the second-slowest bike I've had and it's the most fun yet

we use the salt to keep the roads clear in the winter. Trump winning literuhly saves lives

me too since salt is the only reason I have to put the bike away early <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

"They look like they're passing out dope" jfc dead <:smuglaugh:448311843086401536>

he should have said they were joggin' around the room instead of scurrying

what a completely different and more peaceful situation we would be in if the media would just report the honest facts instead of creating a completely alternate reality for the delusional to live in

I'm sure it involves just Hunter and James Biden but of course not Joe. Nope. Not after 47 years in office. I'm sure he isn't the focal point of the whole operation.

of course he would. The only reason people hate trump is because the media's convinced them (and as a result, it's fashionable to, even when they have no idea why)

like people were talking about earlier today, people that hate him don't even seem to know why and can't name any policies they "hate". They can't substantiate any of their claims or their feelings about him, because they've just been subject to so much psychological conditioning that hating him is just a given. Proper NPC behavior

fortunately it takes nothing to break an NPC

what the 4 states responded?

probably being wiped as we speak

what possible reason is there to not permit investigating the machines or performing a signature audit?

clearly, but what reason can be given by a judge or officials? They just seem to say no

understatement of the century right there

Do you think the fact that Biden seems to want to stack the SCOTUS might incline them to be apprehensive of him?

so 22 states oppose the Constitution.. hmm

there can be a difference in where your political values truly are and where you know they must be to avoid a worse alternative

Canadian mandatory-taxpayer-funded propaganda corporation ran a big prime-time piece on how Trump's lawsuit (which is actually Texas's lawsuit) will fail. They didn't even tell the details of the case being made and got pretty much everything wrong.

so both GA and PA house support Texas??

(or GA legislature is heading that way)

I don't see how the Constitution is any way unclear in this case.

this should be a simple:
"TX asserts PA, MI, GA, WI did X which is illegal"
"Is X illegal?"
"Did they do it?"
Case closed.

what's there to even debate?

this isn't a situation where there's any wording issues or interpretation to worry about. There's nothing to discuss. That's why PA's response to their own SCOTUS suit was "ok but you're opening a can of worms"

surely SCOTUS must realize what will happen if they refuse to even HEAR a case made effectively by 20 states, much of the House, and even the legislature of one of the accused states (PA). And they must realize what precedent they would be setting if they ignore or rule in clear opposition to the Constitution.

they do. But if that's the case, then surely ruling in favor of the law is the only way to go. No matter what, someone will be unhappy, but at least you can rule according to the Constitution and the law so nobody can fault them

gyms are all closed up here, have been for ages

also it's candy cane mint chocolate chip ice cream season so rip

reduce sugar, eat protein (eggs, shakes), and move more. Helps a ton to change to eating larger meals early in the day and less later in the day

Yes, and the law and constitution are clear and explicit in this particular case

Repeat of a post I made earlier... how it should go:
"TX asserts PA, MI, GA, WI did X which is illegal"
"Is X illegal?"
"Did they do it?"
Case closed.

I don't want them to cave to pressure, I want them to rule with the Constitution and the law.

that's literally the whole point of their existence. And if they rule against a clear violation of the constitution, the precedent is set that calls the entire authority of the government and the scotus themselves into question

be nice to the cat <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

cats are based. Plus one day we'll be the senile old Joes babbling on

gf watched a series on netflix where the main computer whiz was blind. It was progressive to say the least

that would be how all animals must feel. And people prior to language

the question is would you still feel that way if your mind didn't have words to think it over?

they didn't do a signature audit on any of the several contested states where highly questionable things occurred. But sure, Jan.

real talk, I never knew about how badly Justice Thomas was treated during his hearings. Legit feel badly for what he went through

what is the actual reason for giving kids a barely tested vaccine for a virus they're nearly immune to? Why not just give it to the vulnerable?

at what point will the SCOTUS announce anything about hearing the case?

unnamed whistleblower = immediate swift legal action.... thousands of named, signed affidavits, video evidence, politicians kids' doxxed, etc... fuck all

hearing in WI today as well

calling out the zucc by name

they are wronged if they're subject to Biden and his corruption

they wouldn't even give it a fucking hearing even though it's clear as day that those states violated the Constitution

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