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is joining from Canada foreign interference? <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

Learning to hunt is also useful if you live somewhere with winter

So why would "greenhouse gases" will ruin the environment when they're literally used to accelerate the growth of vegetation?

CO2 is quite literally plant food :p

I'm being rather tongue-in-cheek, I understand the thermal retention of gases.... but those provide for rapid growth of plants. Almost like the entire planet is a system of self-balancing ecosystems

It's a feedback system in the most literal sense

^ lol

"climate change" has been the preferred nomenclature for years!

Real talk: How can the same person/group hold both that we should rapidly increase the population of the west via mass movement of people, and also that the climate is the most urgent and important matter worthy of protection at all costs?

for example, the Liberal Part of Canada plans to TRIPLE our population to 100M by the end of the century, requiring massive amounts of construction, deforestation, and increases in our environmental footprint. But they're also trying to find any way to reduce our carbon footprint, including and mostly limited to taxes and quality-of-life reductions.

I don't understand how conserving the environment is not considered a conservative value.

The conservatives I know prefer locally-sourced, high-quality, long-lasting and repairable products. The progressives seem to prefer made-in-China cheap stuff that has to be shipped, and is of such low quality it does not last.

Agreed. Part of that must do away with throw-away culture, in my opinion.

Waste and disposability are cultural values that can change for better or worse.

Having multiple pairs of shoes seems fine since each additional pair extends the life of the rest. They only wear by... err. wearing..

Control of information via suppression and hyper-sensationalism are the most powerful tools in existence.

For example, a family member recently said that she was disgusted by Trump getting too close to his daughter and how creepy it is. Yet she's completely unaware of the dozens of instances on camera alone of Biden being extremely inappropriate with women and children, even at one point being called out by progressives and apologizing for it only to keep doing it. Thanks, media.

super based first-generation immigrants showing what it means to be a principled American

Can someone explain to me why none of this is investigated by the FEC? I like to think that in Canada, Elections Canada would be investigating claims with their own authority.

oh here we go

they swore affidavits... that's under oath

"When I asked all the people who you've testified were working together to fudge the count, they all said they didn't. Ha! So there!" - this lady, pretty much



yeah that's not sketchy at all... "they won't testify"...

need more sodium

there might be a surge in salt when this all gets settled

How can these states certify without investigating all these claims and statistical anomalies/impossibilities?

no mention of the fact that masks must be test-fitted, which also requires no facial hair

They don't work with any beard. I've had to wear N95 for work and we all got sent to be test-fitted and it was made very clear that we must be clean-shaven or they don't do anything

"No evidence" holy sweet jesus

notice how they conflate evidence with concrete proof

How can they say there's "no evidence" in the face of all those sworn affidavits and statistical data?

@RALPHY88 it's genetic


GA hearing going on and we're talking about anime <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

I don't blame you... the swamp has been shown to be deeper than ever thought possible

Nobody can even tell me a single good policy from Biden in his 47 years in office. Nearly half a century, and not one single thing.

Every criticism I hear for Trump is more true of Biden

Exactly. Biden has a long history of racism, cheating, and highly questionable foreign relationships.

They say Trump makes typos, meanwhile Biden introduces his grandaughter as his "son Beau Biden who you [Philidalphia] helped elect to the Senate of Delaware"....

real talk, my grandfather had dementia in his later years... it was a sad decline and what I've seen with Biden mirrors it perfectly. Especially with referencing things from years before

in his last days, he pretty much thought he was back on the farm as a kid. Very sad

seems like no amount of evidence is sufficient for some of these people to even CONSIDER it... yet any single anonymous allegation must be thoroughly investigated if it's against a republican

Why won't they? With everything on the table...

Investigation by who? Who would be satisfactory? They already have hard evidence of at least some cases of dead voters in multiple states. What more can be done? Why won't election officials investigate?

tonight at 4am Tuborg's vote will receive 138,000 additional votes 100% of which are for <:trumpepe:445634522344587274>

but that is nothing of concern, right? Totally normal, right?

I would expect them to further investigate by demanding a full audit of all the votes, including verification of address and signature

how does multiple instances of that not call into question the integrity of the election, requiring a full audit to be done?

or maybe have some 3rd-world-or-better requirements for voting in the first place....

one side is principled, the other is "by any means necessary"

the dems will use all the principles of conservatives and the letter of the constitution in any situation that benefits them, but completely oppose it at every other chance

Has even one single Democrat official come out against the doxxing and bullying of the Republican canvassers by Democrats?

I'm talking Democrats in power, rather than just a supporter/voter


here in Canada, the media will completely set out to destroy newcomers who step out of line with the progressive agenda.

66,000 underage voters....??

this professor is on fire

doesn't count if it isn't on zoom with a media corporation

this lady's getting schooled

I love how every swamp creature just starts with "okay but there's no evidence"!

instead of just their own fabricated document? ha

of course she talks like a total div

this professor is on another level from the legislature

I doubt they understood 10% of what he said

They're all-in... they can't let up because they're gambled the house

if this falls apart, every aspect of mainstream media, big tech, pollsters, etc, are done for

even if/when Trump wins, they will still insist to their viewers that he's the one who stole it, a tyrant, etc, etc, etc

the number of pepegas who don't even know these damning hearings are going on says it all

in any other election, they would be ragging on about how awful Biden is and has been for half a century

A family member the other day asked "don't you think Trump is racist?"... I told her that Biden is the one who had to drop of out a previous presidential run specifically for being racist. She asked what he said, I told her about the 7-11 indian-accent comment, and she thought it was funny. These people have no standards and are beyond reason.

And in case you didn't guess it already, she couldn't provide for one manner in which Trump is racist. It's just a talking point to throw out there.

^ Exactly. Any politician who actually puts the interests of their own country first gets this treatment.

Look at Maxime Bernier in Canada's previous election. The most sensible person running by a large margin and a clean history got destroyed by the media because he wanted to reduce mass migration to Canada.

* only in Western countries

Fully-semi-single-shot-matic High-Capacity (1) Assault-Style (by standards of 1920) rimfire .22LR (which is basically .223, so basically 5.56 so military spec)

and then it turns out that whole accusation was a planned conspiracy that was made aware to the fbi by the cia, and based on a dossier purchased by the dems from the Russians...

they're, in the most literal sense, the ones who collude with russia (and china), yet thanks to the media, the NPC pepegas think it's Trump.


he's already on the droxy... gamer 200-IQ strats confirmed

Dems: "Hey guys, we'll put her under pressure for time to cut her testimony short! Ha!"
This lady: Np I can fit it in

folks we have the most morally upstanding minority Americans, don't we?

Thanks! They were made in Canada by a company called Cooey from 1919. He made the rifles for the 1924 Canadian olympic team and participated in Trap (got Silver). They started with single shots, then repeater bolt-actions and break-action shotguns. Last model was a semi-auto. Whole operation bought out by Winchester in the 60s, then later by Savage, who also bought the Canadian arms manufacturer Lakefield. Savage still makes the semi-auto (model 64).

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

I'm indigenous but from the wrong country. Can I throw? ๐Ÿค”

interesting how the Democrat's position is to refuse to look into it

is the Democrat's job in the hearing to defend against the evidence of irregularities and fraud?

this woman is a fucking psycho

not emotional at all

did she comment on the MI canvassers being doxed, threatened, and harassed (including their kids)?

Well she did ask whether all their own positions should be considered.... hmmm..

just like in MI

finally someone mentioning the media not reporting any of this

There's not much to Canadian firearm history but that's probably the biggest one. Some of the Cooeys would be known in the US as "Sure Shot" that were sold at Simpson's in the states.

he doesn't seem to understand that the decency and civility comes hand-in-hand with functional democracy. If the latter falls, so too does the former.

I've noticed Trump's FB page is littered with foreign and fake accounts that make hit-and-run comments the instant he posts something

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