Message from @HappyHappyHappy

Discord ID: 798400183015833601

2021-01-12 03:40:23 UTC  

Again, these people aren't your traditional police.

2021-01-12 03:41:30 UTC  

Is Biden advising people not to come his inauguration? I have not heard either way?

2021-01-12 03:42:41 UTC  

I just heard trump may be about to declare martial law in the next 3 days this is coming from somebody who knows folks in govt so he says have 2 wks food cash on hand plenty gas etc. So just in case this is true thought I'd let everyone here know

2021-01-12 03:43:19 UTC  

Always good to be prepared, but I doubt that'll happen, at all.

2021-01-12 03:43:38 UTC  

Unless Trump wants to get impeached/25thed for real.

2021-01-12 03:43:55 UTC  

I know I dont wanna believe it but yea just in case ...

2021-01-12 03:44:16 UTC  

I have no money, and food in the house is day-to-day. Not everyone can afford to stay bunkered up. I still haven't received my FIRST stimulus check.

2021-01-12 03:44:17 UTC  

@bunny_foofoo9, you just advanced to level 2!

2021-01-12 03:44:29 UTC  

So in doing so it would hurt him more than it would help?

2021-01-12 03:44:37 UTC  


2021-01-12 03:46:05 UTC  

I don't think he will do marshal law. I think he has plans after election and maybe to run again. So I think this sort of thing would hurt him. But who knows with Trump. Unpredictable.

2021-01-12 03:48:12 UTC  

I'm watching tonight's show right now.

2021-01-12 03:49:26 UTC  

It was from a man on fb named wade McKinney fb video

2021-01-12 03:50:28 UTC  

By the way, expect many people that were even around those two officers (one beaten to death) to be in jail for 20+ years. Simply being in the crowd and doing nothing is enough to get a felony murder charge. So keep an eye out for that.

2021-01-12 03:50:39 UTC  

Also the attempted murder of another officer.

2021-01-12 03:50:59 UTC  

I am so frustrated with all legacy media for not reporting and then there are these peopel who post videos that have not been fact checked either. I do not know WHERE to get just news, no opinion, just the news. Whether I agree with it or not. I like R & R because at least he covers the dockets being filed

2021-01-12 03:52:30 UTC  

Does it contain graphic content?

2021-01-12 03:52:58 UTC  

yes, at the end. it has privacy warning and must sign in to view. i can delete if you like.

2021-01-12 03:54:47 UTC  

I think it is funny that people think Ted Cruz "likes" Trump. Just watch 2016 debates where Trump said Cruz's father killed JFK... XD

2021-01-12 03:56:46 UTC  

that's just politics, way of the world you go with the winner until they aren't the winner anymore

2021-01-12 03:57:17 UTC  

Ty for posting saved to watch later!!

2021-01-12 03:58:51 UTC  

Also apparently trump signed the insurrection act

2021-01-12 04:00:21 UTC  

I'd prefer that if possible.

2021-01-12 04:00:36 UTC  

Generally that's NSFL stuff, as she literally dies in the video.

2021-01-12 04:02:10 UTC  


2021-01-12 04:13:19 UTC  

I am listening to 1:25:31 on Rob's video where he says that he thinks no more investigation should be done in regards to election fraud. I disagree. How are we supposed to fix the problems if we can not see all of the issues.

2021-01-12 04:14:04 UTC  

Well according to people, literally everything went wrong apparently.

2021-01-12 04:16:17 UTC  

I know Biden will be our president, Jan 6 and all. I just wish ALL of the Dominion machines could be audited. And if there was cheating, fix the issues for next election. So we still have confidence that our votes are actually being counted, one vote for each person.

2021-01-12 04:16:17 UTC  

@bunny_foofoo9, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-12 04:19:39 UTC  

That's because the overwhelming evidence is that there was no significant fraud. Entertaining the delusions of the President has proven deadly. It's obviously not "harmless" to keep accommodating the ever moving goal posts. The swiftness of the 1/6 related arrests should put to rest the idea that there has not been enough time to build voter fraud cases. Or that is requires Emergency Injunctive Relief in order to make a case. There have been no fraud arrests, because there is no evidence of fraud. To pretend otherwise any more is a disservice to the American people. We now know the dangers. It will take a while to accept, but it is 100% the truth.

2021-01-12 04:22:14 UTC  

From what I've picked up from this YouTube channel, only a few cases were even allowed to present evidence or were allowed discovery. The cases were thrown out on latches, standing, or no harm yet done. Even if Trump had won, I would want the same things audited/investigated.

2021-01-12 04:24:33 UTC  

Im not suggesting rioting, or anything like that. I'm just wanting issues fixed. Rob even pointed out how easy it would be to submit massive false mail-in ballots with no consequences. Those loop holes should not be there.

2021-01-12 04:25:00 UTC  

I can help to break them down, if you have any questions. There is nuance to Robert's takes on the cases at the time of the live streams. If there are any specific cases you are concerned about, I would be happy to share my perspective.

2021-01-12 04:26:10 UTC  

I don't know any time that Robert said it would be easy to commit fraud. I am unaware of any loopholes.

2021-01-12 04:27:19 UTC  

For example, the case which talked about how the comparison signatures were pulled from the DMV. The DVM signatures were not at a high enough resolution that the machine needed, so the machine acceptance tolerance level was lowered so that the machine would push through more ballots because (due to the low resolution comparison) too many ballots were being rejected.

2021-01-12 04:32:02 UTC  

Rob said in the state where the government representative posted on facebook how to get around the absentee ballot ID restrictions (how not to upload ID requirements usually required of absentee ballots). That it would be easy for false ballots to be requested, and if someone actually voted, the false ballot would just be amended. But further investigation would be done to see where the original ballot came from. So, how many ballots could be cast that the actual person never came to vote to amend the false ballot.

2021-01-12 04:33:06 UTC  

These things, to me, are loop holes that could be abused (if they have not been abused already).

2021-01-12 04:33:22 UTC  

This is not an accurate recounting of the evidence. There was evidence given by the Agilis expert in the NV case that said that officials followed the procedures exactly. Even high rejection rates did not mean that signatures were not verified. It meant that signatures were matched via panels.

The NV case was fascinating. I highly recommend watching the hearing. It was live streamed. The Trump campaign lawyer - Binnal - was totally outclassed by the defense led by Richard Hamilton. There were 14 witnesses and experts that were deposed under oath and cross examination. I don't know how anyone could watch that hearing and not come to the conclusion that the Trump case had no merit.

2021-01-12 04:34:33 UTC  

I will watch this TaLoN132

2021-01-12 04:36:54 UTC  

This was in Wisconsin... The FB posting was in poor taste and could have really worked against the Biden campaign. The WI SC determined that individual voters could determine for themselves if there were Indefinitely Confined. If they did this and did not have proper ID, their votes could have been invalidated. The Trump campaign had the means to check voter roles against the state's DMV and voter ID records. They were unable to find anyone that voted fraudulently.

2021-01-12 04:37:57 UTC  

I'm just saying, having these types of issues dealt with is what I want. If they haven't been used to cheat this time, they can be next time.