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BBC is left bias?

I've literally been avoiding sources like politifact and cnn and whatnot in exchange for less bias sources like usatoday or BBC, or forbes(they might be bias but idk who they are)

All of these sources at best have a slight left leaning bias, but even then are still very factual bar a few loaded words, even websites that try to judge how bias news sources are say this is true

Forbes is even somewhat right center biased

Maybe we just have different ideas of bias

No fox news is pretty bias right wing, it's the CNN for conservatives essentially. Considering you compared it to Washington times I'll just assume washington times is about the same.

>unemployment rate was low
That's good and all but those people probably needed multiple jobs in order to survive, unemployment being low is good but how well those jobs pay and how much time they need to devote to survive matters
>economy was best in history
By measure of stocks which have little to do with most Americans income? Or unemployment which as stated before isn't a very good metric for how well the economy is doing for the average citizen
>illegal immigration was at its lowest
I'm not positive about this but in willing to bet that's because he allowed less immigration, not because he made it easier to legally immigrate.
>prison reform bill
Idk what that is so I wont comment on it
>signed a form supporting kids with down syndrome
>taken down two of the world's most dangerous leaders
Alright, good
>first president to set foot in North Korea
That's good, I mean he also harmed relations with them and threatened them but yeah that's normal for our relations
>number one in world for testing
And number one in the world for cases, we have hundreds of thousands of deaths, and the economy fucking tanked due to the poor management of corona.

Yes, Donald Trump is racist. Yes, Joe biden is racist. They are both racist. Kamal sucks ass and the things she did to black prisoners and trans prisoners is horrible, I dont like her.

Was our president

For a couple months sure

"Mexicans arent sending their best, they send rapists, drug dealers" I think you know that quote

Yeah after

He said mexico

He also pushed the conspiracy that obama wasnt born in america

In 1973 he had a lawsuit against him for trying to not let black people rent hi properties

My internet is acting up rn btw

FFS I CANT SEND ANY MESSAGES <:ree:767535533312049152> <:ree:767535533312049152> <:ree:767535533312049152> <:ree:767535533312049152> <:ree:767535533312049152>

Trump also had that thing with the central park 5

There we go

He did the Muslim travel ban

He wanted a latino lawyer I think to give up a case because he was mexican and was part of the latino lawyers association

He has always been slow to denounce white supremacists and has retweeted white supremacist tweets

Aight so none of us can send messages so let's just cancel this debate lol

Grans rights

@Kriskris because they want to talk about their struggles with you maybe

@Kriskris I mean you cant identify as a sex, the only way to change sex is long and expensive treatments. But ik what you mean

Some trans people are fine telling people they are trans, others just want to go stealth and not talk about it

ALM is a reactionary stance that is only used to hate on black people and BLM. You dont see ALM people protesting when a black guy gets unjustly killed, you see them justifying the deaths in whatever way they can. They never try to advocate for things that would actually help all lives, instead they just call for BLM to stop protesting and stuff

@icedOJ yeah just wanted to make my statement

Centrists <:ree:767535533312049152>

Do police even have unions?

I'm not very educated on police unions lol

It happens alot lol

Didnt george bush do that shite in Iraq and whatnot

Like lgbt


> @Donald Trump i believe too. God of every Religion exist
@Legend gaming sounds like agnosticism kinda

@Donald Trump how do you know that to be true?

@Donald Trump fair enough, to me religion is both not provable and not disprovable

@justkaus we are electing God

It's always existed, so has socialism and whatever else. That doesnt mean humanity has always been capitalist

@justkaus that's cool?

You know communism isnt when everyone shares a community toothbrush or whatever right?

Who says it needed trust? Just regulate stuff. Anarchists are the ones who believe in mutual aid

Not peacefully <:emoji_94:771478128508928020> <:emoji_96:771479021275447296>

Yeah the slogan isnt "ask for the means of production"

I dont like hierarchy but it is inevitable the doctor earns more than the janitor. Unless we do stupid things we cannot change that. This establishes a hierarchy placing the doctor economically above the janitor.

@Dale Gribble doctors made less?

@justkaus just privatise your thoughts omegalul

@Dale Gribble oh ok, ur good

@ะฆัะดัะฝะฑะฐะป probably, but it hardly matters. Debates happen here all the time and they dont last long normally

DotP? Sorry am dumb dumb and dont know what that is a shortening of

Ohh ok

I kinda agree

I think the proletariat should have a say and should have democracy to an extent. I also like the idea of democratically elected socialist intelligent leaders. And vanguard's and such

He ded

What do you think private property is?

An xbox?

Pretty sure you need to do that in memes

Eli meme dankleft

I support abortion up until the third trimester, after that point it should only be allowed if you have medical complications

I mean, I can see why they would roll it out so quickly but i still am gonna be a bit cautious

@THINBLUELINEUSA please dont say it's like they had it all along

Good lol, I thought you were gonna start saying conspiracy stuff

If we want conspiracies we need to get john Wayne or whatever he changed his name to in here

You forgot Donald Trump jr

@Pluto me I need you

I need you to tell me something

Can you touch your toes while standing?

Lmao fatass go back to sleep <:emoji_51:771471255936303105>

@Grape u ruin the vibes smh

The only lives that matter are the ones that give me money, and they only matter so long as they can continue giving me money

Why yes I am ancap, how did you know?

Why yes my name is chad, how did you know?

This sounds like a mental asylum vc

Some duce humming

One dude coping

And another yelling at him

@Castiel what was that?

Hey guys I don't mean to say anything controversial but ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Biden won

Vc always has the same few people ngl

@V i n n y L u c o <:bruh:766661313912242187> sure

Nah u just arent acting insane like danger lmao

Danger had a boomer moment

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