Dale Gribble

Discord ID: 618611865513361419

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Hello can I be let in <@&437672766737612800>


?rank Fascist

Wholesome content fren


Yeah , it's nice . sometimes we all need stuff like this

Idk I haven't seen it

2019-09-19 03:26:39 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

First they started with pot and now this ,as much as people try to tell me not to make the so far, but the whole slippery slope thing seems to be making more sense

2019-09-19 03:55:50 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

True , it's most likely just a noseburg whispering

If you believe in the legitimacy of the State of Israel put this on 5 discord server. Don't just ignore this because it says in the Haavara Agreement if you deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel, they will deny your legal rights in front of court of law during trial on anti-semitism. This is the simplest test. If you love Jews and you are not ashamed of it, copy and paste it on 5 discord server

2019-09-20 14:11:07 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  


Me and the bois after we called ice on a meat packing facility


2019-10-25 02:12:13 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

Yo give me some hot takes on libertarians

2019-10-25 02:15:40 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

Yeah it's kind of true, I always see them as some sort of state approved edge kind of like the other political parties in the Soviet Union.

2019-10-25 03:06:42 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

Happy birthday brรถther

2019-10-30 18:18:12 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  

Good morning

2019-12-03 15:15:06 UTC [Imperium Nostrum #walls-of-rome]  


2020-03-17 22:59:45 UTC [Outer Heaven #join-log]  

Human rights r cringe change my mind

> You're a human and therefore do not deserve rights.
@Wolfgang Amadeus Yurmom's art

> @Dale Gribble racists r cringe change my mind
@83โ€™ Volvo 240
When did I say anything that was racistI never really denied if people have a different skin color were humansure I've made jokes about gypsies and Ukrainians not being human

I don't know he said racists are cringe so I'm guessing he tried to call me racist

Yeah that's a really common misconception

There is a clear difference between what is considered private property and personal property

Exactly why do you think they say seize the means of production

not ask them to give up such

> Communism is when everyone owns the means of production without addressing hierarchy
There is naturally still going to be a hierarchy this is not anarchism

Where in the world did he say he was against hierarchies

Even the anarchists believe that there will still be hierarchies within the world It's just they define them as just and unjust

Hierarchy is just logical there was a hierarchy of pain within most socialist countries your average doctor did not make as much as your street sweeper this was a very common thing that was addressed

@FUI-FUI no my apologies I'm using text to speech install a little bit faster It sometimes messes up

Well welcome

Dictatorship of the proletariat

I believe It depends on the circumstance

@beni give me your toothbrush white boy

I guessed as such

K which one ?

Cool story bro I don't remember any sort of historical context where India was ever communist or Socislist , beyond the naxalite rebellions in what little territory they actually heldbut okay

Well unless you give me a little bit more context I won't be able to really get a better picture of what you're saying because unless I get more context all I can assume is that you're just making up cool stories , and both of us can trade around cool stories

Because for all you know I could just be saying that I'm from the Republic of Congo and I have lived under King Leopold's regime and I am currently missing my left hand

Which province did you say you were from cuz I've got a bit of Wikipedia up right now just for a bit of reference

Okay that is something

@justkaus in that state upon gaining this new economic system there appeared to be a growth in the economy and employment along with several considerable things some of which were quite unheard of such as in 2007 they're being a bank in every village

Now there are certain other things to account for in the economy such as it being heavily reliant on labor from the Persian gulf but there is still certain things that can be commended

From the years 2003 to 2005 there was record unemployment

And a GDP growth of 7.4 for the year 2004 to 9.4 in 2005

That is rather impressive even for the tiger economies of Southeast Asia

I'm from the middle of Alaska

I am 18

@justkaus It lists such in the tablesand it is listing such as 8.4% although I will cut them some slack since these are 2019 to 2020 numbers and I more than willing to bet that several places in India were quite affected by the Corona virus

I am having a serious conversation we are having such right now

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