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> But I assume the mainstream fake news is in on it to right?
@alois Lmao, I love how nobody saw it as “fake news” until Trump said it. Lmao, y’all sound ridiculous.
This is a capitalist society, they do what makes them money.

Like, y’all sit here like “Capitalism rules” but then sit and whine when it’s capitalism that doesn’t agree with you.
Like, grow the fuck up.
Of course they have a bias, every shitty unreliable news station does.

Trump needs Nevada to win.

The sanctity of life is bullshit

You don’t have a “right to live”

That’s bullshit taught to us by outdated religion

Religion should be abolished

Especially Christianity

Yeah, kinda

> "tyranny is when you can't do drugs"
@some random dude If you believe this, I question your IQ

I don’t believe in the sanctity of life

It’s baloney

Fake news

There is not “right to life”

No one had a right to live

And if you think people do, then what about serial killers and rapists? Don’t they have a “right to life”?

Most women don’t find out they are even pregnant until around the end of the first trimester

I mean, I’m my country, it is.
Personally? I could care less.

It’s a collective decision in a democracy, which I advocate for....
I am indifferent on it.
Personally, I’d kill only if my life were at risk in an “anarcho” situation.
But even a collective has some small rules to get along.
For me, I think killing randomly is stupid and a waste of time....
But if I were in danger, I would have no problem with killing them.
Murder is the unlawful killing.
So I suppose killing without justifiable intent would be against my own rules.
But merely because it’s more if a headache then it’s worth.

Really an indifferent on it

It all depends really

Needlessly killing is against my religion to begin with.

But not killing things itself

I told you, it depends on the circumstance

Not all killings are done for the same reasons

I personally, don’t care

I just answered you

That wasn’t my answer

I said that it depends on the circumstance

We shouldn’t condone needless killing, but if it had meaning behind it, then it’s none of my business and I’ll turn a blind eye to it

^thats my answer

It’s not a yes or no issue for me, because there’s different motives to bring someone to kill another person

But I’m an anarchist, so there wouldn’t really be “crime”
Just basic rules in each small society....Follow them, or get kicked out....

Or killed

Murder wouldn’t exist because it’s not unlawful

No, if you fail to defend yourself, that’s on you....That’s not my business.

But you could rob a house easy and not get caught.

It’s survival of the fittest

If you don’t survive, oh well.

> @NumberOneSilver I gave you a specific scenario. This all its irrelevant
@justkaus It was a bit of an outlandish scenario to begin with, but okay. What exactly are you getting at?

Again, that’s on them, it’s not my business

It’s a matter of life, your live, or you die.

There is no meaning to life, you just try and survive. That’s it

And I realized how pointless everything is

What is that meaning?

What is our purpose?

We exist by mere chance, evolved this way by chance....There is not “meaning” behind it, it just happened. So you either cope or die

Those are you’re options.

And we distract ourselves until we have to make that choice

You’re hobbies are distractions

That is your belief, I go off of facts....I never said I didn’t appreciate what I have. You jumped to that conclusion yourself.

> @NumberOneSilver "chance" is what uneducated people call destiny
@justkaus That sounds like you took it from a fortune cookie....

I’m not in search of meaning, because there is none to be found. And I am content and satisfied with That.

It comforts me to know that what i do means nothing in the universe and as a normal person of little to no status, I will merely be forgotten a few years after I die.
There is no afterlife
This gruling and pointless life will be over.
And I had survived through a time of intelligence that most species will never reach.
The mere thought that nothing I do matters drives me to be and egoist and act in my own self interest by non selfish means and enjoy what little time I have left.

My life has no meaning

And that is satisfying

That is true freedom from self imprisonment

There is no such thing as truth

It her than perceived facts

> @NumberOneSilver but if you are happy and satisfied, why do you even need a meaning in life?
@justkaus That’s my who point, there is no meaning, nothing to have to live up to.
It’s satisfying to know nothing I do matters....
Like I said, it’s freedom from self imprisonment.

No, I never thought of it really.
But there is no meaning to our existence.
There is no god,
So what would give our existence meaning? It is by evolution we are even able to think such thoughts....Science led to our existence, not some existential meaning.

I’m not, I was not raised devoting time into these things....I think much more about politics than I do about thinking about morality or anything like that.

I never sought if, but Bible thumpers preach constantly....So I hear it....

I don’t think life has meaning because I’ve never been given a concrete reason on why it does.....I’m a science based thinker.

Lmao, more whites kill whites

That’s kinda funny

I don’t remember you being in the conversation to begin with.

There’s no such thing as black on black or white on white crime, lmao.
Crime is Crime.

> libtard
@Genji / Yui I’m not a libtard you retard

Get your terms right asshat

Fuck big government

But I’m not left

You’re good

Government is gross

Who wakes up and is like “Yum I love me a big bowl of corruption....”

> this crime is happening in the cities
@Mr.Respect Crime happens everywhere, but poverty makes it worse....It’s not a single party’s fault.
The party system is dumb and honestly, I want to get rid of it.

> liberals support my racism 😈
@minecraftgamer420 Or your racism supports leftism....
Because that’s not liberalism....
American liberalism isn’t even liberalism....

> @NumberOneSilver
> The definition of "liberal" has been screwed so much that its an anticoncept
@GussTR Well, I'm a libertarian according to the political compass, which makes sense because I am very anti-government.

Also, how do we feel about gender neutral bathrooms?

This is what I found

I’ll do a deep dive into more studies tonight

I personally don’t care, you go in, piss, wash your hands, and leave.
It’s simple.

I don’t understand why people are so upset about it

Yeah, same....

It seems to be that the right only cares about Transwomen, but don’t give two shits about Trans men (who look like men) in the bathroom with their little girls. 😂

That’s kinda cringe

> If they won fair and square they would be perfectly open and transparent on the votes and investigation
@redeeming rectum or they feel like the trump camp is gonna cheat lmao

> @NumberOneSilver both of them
@Hippity Hoppity yeah I don’t trust either

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