
Discord ID: 82991410898272256

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Zoomer gang rise up

He nose the game

Polls said Hillary had 90%+ chance of winning

Hang in there brother

What's the <#489823000707727360> channel for?

That doesn't sound good at all

What are those flags in the background

Patrick Casey absolutely DESTROYS liberal snowflake news anchor with FACTS and LOGIC

I don't even want to go to my school's gym because of how 'diverse' it is

Need a qt IE gf

In minecraft

Yeah, similar to Denver mural

T**t patrol ๐Ÿš”

Respect women

"You are an evil white supreeeeemist and THAT'S the tea" ๐Ÿ’…

These terrible people owe IE millions of dollars

It'll never be as bad as the one Alaskan guy


Who do we go to for an invite for the fitness server?

Not bad


Yeah @Jacob That's where shabbos goy comes from

My mom worked at a Jewish retirement home and is semi-aware of the supremacist feelings amongst them, I was talking about what Jews think will happen during their version of the apocalypse and got to some part where they believe all non-jews will come to the Jews for guidance and worship them and she said "Of course they believe that"

Despite what she said and my dad's feelings on race though they're still pretty lefty, my dad says the R's will be the death of the middle class, which I don't entirely disagree with (wow another tax cut for billionares where's my wall) but can't see that the Dems will be the death of his family and his people

I keep trying to slip things to my dad because he's right there but its frustrating when he says things like " noticed most of the kids leaving the middle school weren't that white" yet is a devoted dem

He might be too far into the boomer (he's not a boomer fyi) mindset of "There's black's and n***s" right now but I'm hoping I can push him a little

For spokeo?

I just searched myself and a few friends and nothing came up for any of them nor myself

Or is it specifially for criminal searches?

Oh, also I just found my dad on Spokeo, honestly kinda shook

Wow just did a search on truthfinder and got dragged along for about 10 minutes of loading bars that were probably just for show to get told I have to pay for it

Pit mommies are the worst, I work with one and she posted about how it got off the leash during a walk and was offended whe nthe neighbor kids were running, when I have kids I hope they run from any big dog pitbull or not

My grandma has a shih tzu that has some like developmental disorders but he's the cutest little bastard

He was tripping over himself while turning around one time, hius tongue won't go back in his mouth and his head is always tilted

Bad picture but you get the gist


No doxerino pleaserino with the tag

I'm a cat guy and I feel like a girl fawning but god damn I love that dog, everything he does is just so cute

I think I've very briefly had that happen one time

I've only had one reoccuring theme in my dreams about some personal things in my family and man, dreams never really meant anything to me, I still don't feel they have a "meaning" but I mean I always just passed them off, but those really mess me up when I wake up

Not to damper the mood or anything

Yeah, on a lighter note, i do remember a dream fom when I was like 6-7 probably and I was like fighting my cat, even though I loved him

Uncle Jared statue with his hands on his hips and foot on a pedestal

I want a son that makes me look like a woman in comparison in chad-ness (not that I'm that far along to begin with but that'll change) and carry on the name

My, maybe small brain take is, they're trying to save face with sexual assault claims, same thing with "the GOP is racist" "No we're not here's a BASED black guy" "the GOP doesn't care about rape" "yes we do, see we're letting this baseless claim go in front of congress"

Of course it'll never be different, people will say they don't caree about rape no matter what just like they say they're racist no matter how many based blacks and Hispanics they get

Is Kavanaugh testifying at all today?

"How did you get to DC <:teehee:381917632359563264> "

We watched an episode of Welcome back Kotter my junior year and my teacher was saying basically the same thing as that reddit post

Are you sure he's white

Dad's Google history
FBI crime stats by race
Dad's Google history

Fellas I think we need a mutiny against Patrick

Most of the guys I work with who are under 20 males seem to like Trump at the very least

The ones who don't like him/don't have an opinion on him just don't pay attention to politics in general, the one kid said to me today "I don't care about politics I'm focused on sports" ๐Ÿคข

Even getting to the MAGA kids I know is hard in my experience

The one understands races are different but doesn't care because "I'm going to marry a korean girl"

There is one friend who's 100% woke on everything though, watches Allsup even, he's my white pill when I want to talk about my true feelings on what's going on without getting looked at like "Here he goes again with his crazy theories"

This kid is an autist though, like actually, I don't think anything will get to him for a while. he's still really young though so I won't go too hard

I don't expect a 16-17 year old to be 100% involved in what's going on

Most of my friends have a pretty good idea of my views and they think I'm the odd one so whenver I try that like I mentioned, I get looked at like I have 3 heads, I'm more so worried about just planting some seeds and activating those almonds

I know I seem like I'm jumping over with how other close to me see the world, but some even realize the demographics are destiny thing but just don't care, Its so frustrating when someone is right there but won't take the jump

"If jews see themselves as their own ehtnicity they're dumb because they're not" <:sad:366743316475281408>

Yeah I shouldn't sperg about it as much as I do

I do always bring it up humor at least and odn't go all Patrick Little on them

Iranians are?

Maybe dumb, but aren't Iranians arab or am I missing something

The absolute state

That's using your noggin

Or we can just have woke guys say they're trans and cause a shitfit if they're rejected for being a guy

I tried watching the Last Week Tonight segment on Kavanaugh and couldn't stomach listening to John Oliver make fun of a man for crying after his entire life is being ruined in front of him

Kavanaugh isn't some dumb boomer, he's used a computer and has seen what the MeToo stuff does to guys, he probably thinks there's little use in defending himself if she was able to get it all the way to the senate judiciary committee, he knows he's guilty until proven innocent, and he'll have a hard time being found innocent. Even if he's cleared of everything, even if he wasn't in the same state, for the rest of his life he'll be known as 'accused rapist Judge Kavanaugh'

https://archive.is/7wnP2 Where have I seen this a dozen times before ๐Ÿค”

Venezuela at $531 a coin, go to venezuela, mine a bunch of coin, come back to US so you don't die, and sell for insane profits

I liked the anchor's "well there you have it" as if what he said was completely crazy

Fox showing tweets from someone who put echoes around their name, maybe someone will look into their meaning

He already does

IE Minecrart server when

https://www.autcraft.com found the IE server actually

Any fortnite merch @Reinhard Wolff

http://archive.is/jANil here's the whole blog post for those interested

2018-10-02 04:31:38 UTC [Fitness #general]  

How exactly do you guys train calves? I basically just do calf raises and a calf extension machine

But we need to focus on lowering those taxes!

I think they know not to just go after the top guys because it'll be a rallying cry/someone will just replace them

What about his wife's boyfriend?

I've yet to have any direct (as far as I know) interactions with the chosen ones surprisingly

Actually that's not entirely true, I worked with a gay half jew who as shitlibby as they get but other than that not really

This guy I knew said he was staunchly anti-israel

The zionist anti-racists I'm familiar with seeing at least, I saw a video about some jews protesting zionism but they were all religious converts so I doubt they'd even be considered real Jews

Yeah kinda crazy how she just flat out said diversity is non-white and not something like "more non-whites" I know they sound exactly the same but you're all smart cookies I trust you know what I mean

I think its hard to push the issue without acknowledging that races are different so, and I understand this is a 4d chess meme here, they just kind of leave it open for others to figure it out on their own

Yeah I'm not seeing anything on it

@Jacob What site is that?

Wow its crazy, almost like theyall realize there's no such thing as white privilege and its actually seen as bad to be white in America so they go with the side that grants them sympathy ๐Ÿค”

@Deleted User *extremely Ben Shapiro voice* Well you see we will win on ideas when the general public wake up to this absurdist leftist censorship and its effects on our civilization, as, of course, we're all natural conservatives until we're brainwashed by the Democrat plantation

He didn't respec a woman and kicked her at a pro-choice event

Imagine being so non-masculine you seem to think it rolls over and resets to peak masculinity and can Bruce Lee kick a phone out of someone's hands and only hit their phone

Honestly the whitepill section is a good way to at least Temp. unblackpill me, seeing the reactions to the Kavanaugh stuff by senators is a small step, nothing has been openly about identity but I think a lot of people lowkey see it as

Fortnite merch to give him

How does Sierra Leone have a 91 IQ?

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