Message from @HoppetillyouDroppe
Discord ID: 289938667093491712
pretty funny
They stopped arguing after that
Neo-Marxist should seriously consider assisted suicide by helicopter
Brb going to rotary-blade flight school.
Anyone know what battery a 2014 TaoTao uses. Thinking of selling that pos moped.
No, but I do know Colorado is full
and communists from and stoners are invading and ruining the state
When will Great memwar veterans like me be allowed in the 4chan VA?
Or else get a parade or a memoral?
r/socialism is cancer
They definitely don't represent the left like they say they do
or at least the left I consider myself a part of
whenever I see an SJW use the word "initialize" to refer to anything anime (or in this case, the cat girls), I cringe
mrw to socialists banning animu
All of reddit is cancer
It's literally the same thing over and over again, and going against the hivemind results in hate
Its definitly a giant circle jerk
I think the_donald is ok
Psuedonymity doesn't compare to anonymity
There are at least 20 anti trump subreddits
itss so funny
no but we can't let him get the nuclear codes
>trump is going to start WW3
so when do we subvert them
>Trump is a Russian plant
pick one
Its pretty much confirmed they have shillbots to downvote tho
Also their CEO is autistic and admitted to editing people's posts
Something antipedophilia on the_donald was at like 50% upvotes
ShareBLue in action
Shariablue as they call it
@Alice, Utahime of Truth >The left I consider myself a part of
How did you get here?
What do you mean?
Don't play dumb with me