Message from @HoppetillyouDroppe
Discord ID: 289272249943588864
if your not willing to kill and animal then i trust you not to kill a man who threatens your life. thus my main arguement with veganism
or any religous orthodox
I don't kill needlessly; it applies to both animals and humans in my book
whoops wrong one
@asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk never speak if you get into a SD scenario, you'll get all the felonies without trying
im a little more hardline than most but im problay wrong
@Burnside i sure as shit wont
Hey guys, in the timeline where leftists and foreigners ruin the world, and the white race/intelligent people are doomed to die, what will be your last stand?
At least we would get to valhalla, dieing in battle of the commies
SCAR H on the mountains battling commies
@Crocodillo surrounded by piss bottles jerking it to anime
That would be my fin LARP
I see valkyries. To Vahalla, where fighting men never die!
Just use a fucking sig
>official commie stomping theme
fixed it for you
>Tfw you pull a Sig and it jams because it's made in America, not Germany
My only issue, @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk is that while you are right in saying "don't shoot to injure" you're wrong about using lethal force with intent to kill
>Not driving a pickup truck full of gasoline and improvised explosives into a ghetto with a few guns
>Not fighting to the death, and in your final breath blowing up the truck
>Not shouting "Allahu akbar" as a cherry on top so the news will say that you're just an unfortunate muslim who was horribly misunderstood and oppressed
Why live
FAL... Right Arm of the Free world
@Burnside ahhhhhh please explain im not even fully vetted on the law due to state by state
Either that or Cheronbyl: Electric Boogaloo, America addition
Breaking news, says CNN; Mass killer goes all out on antifa mob
FOX: Unarmed Anti-Communist is attacked by communists... You *wont believe what happens next*
My father asked me what I was doing with my life today. I looked him in the eyes and said "Looking for a good death, while hoping that I ensure a good life for our people." Am I autistic?
inb4 a shill lurking sees me posting shit about detonating a nuclear reactor and SWATs my house for a joke
now weaponize it
Considering almost any antifa related event would be far from my home, this song works
Tell me Antifa... do you bleed?