
Discord ID: 358325066632527872

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Heya everybody, here comes ze european nationalist <:panda:448769827704799254> <:panda:448769827704799254> <:panda:448769827704799254>

Heya /o/

2019-08-03 19:34:22 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #brexit]  

Twitter is a shithole for everybody.
Change my mind.

2019-08-03 19:41:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #brexit]  

Depends of what are you following I guess?
I have maaaaany more problems with russian trolls personnally. And see them muuuch more.
At the same time, I'm a european, soooo...
Not the same content

2019-08-03 19:42:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #brexit]  

~~Plus, sometimes SJW are right, that's why they are the most annoying~~




Not for me

What are the main politic trend followed here?

And most people are 'murican, right?


It's dumb? Guess why it's 'murican <a:arollsafe:591249399087366144>

Certainly not

Since there ain't any 'murican races <a:arollsafe:591249399087366144>

~~Except dat' poor natives~~

I don't like many 'murican things

I don't like many russian things

@TheNobody That's what they think

These white 'muricans :3

That they are the tru new Americans


Nah I 100% agree with cheap food

Just the cost of a MacDonald in France <:pepegun:591248210035605509>

(Except for medication)

(And good food)

('Coz finding good and healthy food is hard in big cities)

I would never eat 'murican meat if I cana void


That's the level of politics here?

Very 'murican.


2019-08-03 20:27:13 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #brexit]  

@GoldenGail3 ya have no idea what it is. Srsly. Most SJW want to improve life in their country. And even if they are f***** retardated, they want to do good. Most of the time.
But yeah, as a european, I see most of the time just people wanting to bring ma country to it's knees, and encouraging every policies who will destroy it. Very funny.

No tax is worst @TheNobody. Proven fact.

@TheNobody yeah. Right amount to have a healthy population who doesn't fight eachother and is able to work and learn together <:doge:448771114035052544>

Libertarian is another word fo anarchist.

@TheNobody ya have a small sister

Oh. Sad.

*Hopefully, the white 'muricans are becoming a minority*

@bink and dat's a good thing :3

@bink ya are all white 'muricans here and what ya saying is...
Indescriptible? But in a bad way. Well, whatever, ya as the strongest country in the world for now is also indescriptible in a bad way :3

God has blessed ya parents

Russians have same mentality, they just didn't have their parents blessed. Ya are just a bunch of people inheriting a great country with no ideas of how to make it better/keep it strong

Ya parents made ya country great without dictators

It's not what you need


Nor laws

What ya need

Is a new 'murican dream

Somethign that bounds all american together. And make them prouf of it

@bink wut?

@bink what is ya definition of authoritarian?

@Solid Snake Plissken seems like it exists

Ya have heard of shariah laws? <:doge:448771114035052544>


@bink <:doge:448771114035052544>

@Solid Snake Plissken ya also know why fascism and Mussolini were seen as avant-guardiste in the 20's-30's?

@Boo France was complicated. But never was it like that (except a tiny bit under Robespierre, but that's 1793)

Stealing insurances?

Seems like ya are describing russia people :3

A great country

Working very well

Plenty of allies

Nop @bink. But I did in the past a little bit.


I was little though

It was 15 years ago

But I still remember visitng some poor parts north and east of it with ma parents quickly

@Solid Snake Plissken sounds as applicable as a socialist idea for me.

@Solid Snake Plissken and even worse :3

Would ya be allowed to steal a house to have a home during cold winters?

Ans what pays for shelters?

Churches in the US are rich and powerful. Dat' ain't the case everywere

Plus, it means givng power to churches, including educating people in these shelters

@bink ya don't know churches in France, do ya? <a:party_parrot:583246247675035648>

@Boo depends on what. But on ethical things, clearly

They are a tool for outside and inside politics

So yeah, in itself, they are powerful. But not as Poutine

For now.

It may change, who knows?


It needs a more religious society

Which brings to few problems...

@Solid Snake Plissken andself defense?

@bink dat's a very centrist opinion, since it's the current doctrine in every country


@bink we say in ma country that the State has the monopole of violence.

@Solid Snake Plissken 😏 <:sweet:333043107572744205>
In effects, there children don't need any help and becomes richer than parents who needed help

In american situation, once ya poor, ya stay poor until death

Ya were born in poor family. Ya stay poor.

Ya die poor

@bink yeah but the proportion of people having this luck is strangely exremely low in the US compared to other western countries

@bink it's studied and it's called social mobility ^^

2019-08-04 05:41:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Is Trump doing a great job in foreign policies today in the US? What should be the purpose of the american foreign policies?

2019-08-04 06:00:02 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

I won't take any non-argumented answer @Dr.Cosby :3

2019-08-04 09:14:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

*patpat* depends for who I guess @waiting for silksong :3

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