Dima is a tree.

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<:wise:583660654288830494> <:Thot:583247407236775946>

Poor white people suffering around the world...
): when will the suffering end? When is it enough? But more importantly... WHY white people, why are they mistreated so much when they are such kind hearted people?

Female privilege has gone out of control

2019-09-29 20:14:08 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Thank God for Trump, I don’t even want to imagine how America would with Hillary in charge.
#blessed #livingthebestlife <#513098339961798676>2020

Let be real, we’re all f*cked. People will say they want change but 99.99% won’t do a thing about it and continue with their life as if everything’s sunshine and rainbows ☀️ 🌈

2019-09-29 20:17:24 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Batickle never heard of him but seems like he’s on the right path

Religion could be 3 things, let me make it simple.
#1 God/s actually exists (we can’t prove otherwise)
#2 “God/s” do exist but they are not the way religion describes them exactly, they are nothing more than ancient aliens that came to earth and introduced themselves as all power Gods with their high tech technology.
#3 Religion was created by the government for a lot of reasons. Money, control, war etc.

2019-09-29 20:25:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Trump is a leader, he doesn’t focus on trying to make people accept he, he focuses on success for the country and the people

I do drugs on a daily bases

Love my coffee


Yes caffeine is a drug

Quitting drinking coffee can be as hard as quitting smoking for some people

Coffee alone tastes like a burnt cigar

I actually don’t drink coffee, I never understood why people love it so much

Yeah, coffee tastes good with a good mix but it’s not something I feel the need to drink daily like so many people do

2019-09-29 20:41:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

Woot the wall is coming 💪

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2019-09-29 20:46:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #trump]  

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Who else here just simply loves our president Mr.Trump?

@babyfriend1 do you not agree?


With one of my 3 points?

I have them in order. I’m everything

I mean, even if it was true... what’s wrong with dying in 12 years?

Die in 12 or in 70.. what difference does it make

Well they talk to me but nobody else. Usually when I’m having a conversation with one of them everyone looks at me weird and asks if I’m okay

How tf does a cat kill a human lmao

Heat is good. Without heat we couldn’t go swimming (:

If I’m going to die then so be it. If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen, nothing I can do about it

The sweet release of death is why I love celebrating my birthday. Just means I’m a year closer

But it wouldn’t be as fun now would it?

There’s nothing better than driving 4 hours to the beach to swim then getting a huge sun burn to the point where it hurts to move and then having to drive 4 hours back home with sandy cheeks.
Aww the summer.. such a magical time

Plant them trees boys and girls 🌲🌳

I find it funny how some are so into politics as if they have a say in what happens <:kek:538084230408830987>

Coming from you that means nothing

How so?

You are a sheep by believing your opinion matters lol

If you know your opinion doesn’t matter then why are you so into politics?

Look. I haven’t cared about which president we had my whole life and each president hasn’t changed anything that effected my life

Nah I depend on my parents while I’m saving for a car 😂

I just came here to see people like you

Do you though?

You’re one of those people who probably hates trump or loves him even though he hasn’t really done anything to effect your life

But you think he has or will

By the government for the government, that’s how it works. You’re not part of it

It won’t collapse, I think you and I know that so what’s the point in even saying that? Lol

And it’s “you’re” not “your”.
Don’t go around calling people dumb when you don’t know elementary level grammar.

I don’t follow it.
I’m guessing trump is gonna be president again or he won’t and nothing will change. Just most people overreacting is all I see

I’m a white immigrant and I don’t care

As long as they don’t let in thousands of illegal immigrants all at once we’ll be fine and nothing will change in the next 10+ years.

My question is so what?

You’re so stuck up on which party is president and I honestly don’t know why

Who cares what whites like? Lol

Both parties live in the same country and want what’s best for the country.

You need to just relax and bit and just go withhh the flowww

In the next 30 years you’ll continue doing what you’re doing now, probably wake up, go to work, pay your bills, waste some time and go to sleep.

Everyone wants that

Whites aren’t the only once that want to start a family and own land lol

Isn’t America made up of like 65% white people? If most of them want what you claim then there shouldn’t be a problem

Why would it happen?

Immigrants and minorities want basically the same thing as white people want

Okay, what do they want then?

Well if they’re the minority the how are they over powering what the majority wants?

Just doesn’t add up

Immigrants are the minority

2050 is a long way from down man

I say just let it all play out and worry later (:

Honestly I might be so I don’t care

I’ll be 51 by then. Just an old dude doing his thing

Doomers? Never heard of it but sure

@beyond_gravity they’ll have to figure it out

You know why I don’t care? Because I honestly don’t believe it will be anywhere near as bad as y’all are trying to make it out to be

Why would it?

Are people gonna start hating white people and discriminating against them?

Well look at blacks and immigrants now, they feel pretty discriminated against and they’re doing just fine

Okay what proof do you have that, that will happen to whites?

Not everyone sees everything by race

So basically y’all are scared that white people will be discriminated against and they won’t be able to get jobs or an education?

I find it funny because blacks and every other race are currently getting a proper education and jobs

And they’re the minority

So why would it be different if whites were the minority?

Because whites people aren’t racist but every other race is? Is that your whole argument?

Whites are in charge (not really) and nobody is suffering so why would whites be suffering if others were in charge?

Minority isn’t suffering though


Blacks aren’t racist now, they aren’t raising racist kids so when their kids grow up they won’t be racist just like whites aren’t raising racists anymore so that’s why we’re nit racist

I work with black people, have black friends and they seem completely fine with me as a white man. If they gained power, nothing would change

Okay I see. You believe everyone is racist

Except for you

I can see

Every race acts different and has a different impact but that doesn’t mean they would strip the rights of another race as if they’re the KKK

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