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michigan weed proposal passed with 58% of the vote so far

This proposal allows individuals 21 years and older to use marijuana recreationally, grow up to 12 plants for personal consumption, imposes 10-ounce limit for marijuana kept in residences (2.5 ounces and above must be in locked container), and creates a state licensing system for marijuana businesses. A 10% percent tax is included on all marijuana sales that goes to local government, education, and transportation infrastructure. Changes current violations from crimes to civil infractions.

most republican challenge seats in cali are either neck and neck r/n or leading republican

also districts 10, 39, 45, and 48-49

i voted for it. need it to repair the roads, and it's a good tax mine

if you don't live in michigan you don't know our unique road problem

like we fix them one year, and 3 month's later they're totally ruined

some black cnn guy who complained of whitelash last year

john james still has a chance here. still a decent amount of republican counties left to close the gap

republicans seem to hold most, if not all of their seats in cali

we flipped a seat in minnesoota

cnn is forecasting 167-165 dem favor


probably a maga island of conservative rich wine growers

utah house 2 seat is republican up 3k votes 48% in

95% for seat one NM republicans gonna win that one

most house republicans are either a leading dead heat or a few points ahead

cali house one projected repub win

scott was decided by 60k as of r/n by CNN

cali is holding well.

update, 76% in, king up 16k

he's up at least 6 now

@Tom - GET Official as is we still have a good chance to retain the house, as long as california holds by the slim majority the republicans hold. also maine 2nd is leaning republican according to the times

georgia house 6 is literal dead heat

only 400 votes, repubs lead

since this is the discussion channel, and because I genuinely want to learn everyone's opinion here, do you (being the server pop) think that sex offender registries are moral, reasonable, and effective? Why or why not?

does anyone believe that minor offense that land you on the registry should be allowed for petition after a period of 5 years or so?

and when I say minor i mean things where the maximum penalty is 5 years or less. things like public urination and similar acts

in some states there are mandatory adding ons for crimes like that. in addition, most of what I've read about the subject is highly critical of registries because they make living after serving probation or jail a living hell. people who've murdered others have it easier than people who end up on the registry. in addition to that, there are no studies involving empirical evidence that support the "mythos" that sex offender registries make places safer or reduce rates of recidivism. the opposite tends to be more true from what I've read.

most of the time however if the crime is relatively minor compared to other felonies (crimes with a sentence possibility of over two years) you can end up on the registry for 25 years minimum. during that time it's next to impossible to find stable work, housing, and a means of reintegration with society.

For actual pedophiles, yes the punishment should be severe, but most people who end up on the registry aren't child molesters and rapists. a good portion are teens who screwed someone they didn't know was underage. there was a case in michigan where a college football player was falsely accused of rape by two women who corroborated a story against him. he lost his scholarship, his enrollment in college, and most of his friends, and ended up 30k in debt for legal fees, and was mandated to register. after his conviction was overturned when, he's still on the registry. Was that justice? It's come to the point where the accusation alone turns what is otherwise a good and honest man into what is in the eyes of the public at least a witch or leper. (see Brett Kavanaugh for further evidence). The worst part is that they are put on the registry because the state assumes that the individual will commit a similar crime in the future, effectively denying him presumption of innocence and most of their 5th amendment rights.

I'm only asking for a college paper but reading into it more and more it seems the laws on record are highly immoral, even though it pertains to the treatment of "criminals".

conviction by DNA, yes, mandatory, but convicted by accusation alone?

with no empirical evidence?

i must come from a different state then. both my parents are lawyers, and the culture up here is pretty fucked in this regard

Michigan. I'd bet you're in arizona or new mexico, maybe texas

florida or georgia then?

not that it matters really. laws are more lax down there, except in kentucky and arkansas

up there, that's practically nothing serious, but it'll land you on the registry for 25 years.

that's your 16 y/0 screwing a 15 y/o situation

and where I come from in michigan, I know almost half a dozen people who've done that, and they're all upstanding people

oh, now that's a pickle

but is it worth 25 years of being a social leper? i wouldn't think so, unless he was a repeat offender

repeat offender. lock that motherfucker up and don't bat an eye about it

oh man, mass's laws are so strict that if they were allowed they'd castrate you for the last one

from what I'm gathering, there are a decent amount of bad people down there, but some of them aren't deserving 25 years on a public list. it's even more lopsided in my state. most up here were teens fucking 14 or 15 year old's who lied. not habitual sex offenders

yep, it's definitely mississippi or georgia

when you've been mauled by a cougar...

but seriously people up in washington need to change the laws, at least make them more uniform

I've got a teacher up here who did something similar. 26, lesbian relationship with a student, fully consentual, and she's now in jail for it

like is it immoral? probably, but it was consentual, so it shouldn't fucking matter

f for respects, or f for a good fuck?

respect for droppin a thot

most of my teachers were massive bitches if they were female, except my cooking teacher, who everyone called cooking mama because she was a literal angel

like if you were a shitty person in her class you got lynched by everyone else

I take offense to this image. jew kingdom doesn't have a million shekels

how about this for a screwed up image???

eu4. play from 1444 to 1821 as any nation of the time. was the first to circumnavigate the globe as a nation that doesn't start with boats.

Is the black sea the best because it can say the N word?

Can Montenegro say it?

<:Bhinking:356075100858220545> <:beem:448656049742807040> <:Bhinking:356075100858220545>

literally why atheism is the worst notion man ever conceived. it provides for no moral code, thus it treats man as a means to an end, and by extension dehumanizes them so a few disappearing isn't a big deal to them.

why is communism really appealing to people? because if there is no absolute moral standard then it leaves people free to act how they please, regardless of how morally abhorrent it might be. I'm not just talking about the bigger things, I'm talking about stealing not being a big deal, or greed not having an impact on your active conscience, or rather not being burdened by the though that what one is doing is wrong. The irony is that in this totalitarian system (as communism eventually regresses to), the little sins you make end up costing you your livelihood or worse, your life. exactly what happens if you live rejecting god.

it's more than that ragnarok, it boils down to them wanting being free from consequences, either of lifestyle choices, or freedom from that nagging feeling in the back of everyone's head that if you do something wrong your conscience will tell you.

it's actually ironic that atheism in this sense, in promising free will, takes it away from you

there are no religious communists

if you find one, i'll be surprised

which is another way of saying they didn't actually know better

perhaps. I doubt there were many, if any genuine christians in the communist leadership in china though

as we know, Christians aren't unique in putting their chips in the right place all the time. We do seem more common though, when it comes to promptly admitting our faults and asking for forgiveness. I'm just ranting about atheism this early because I'm reading some of Lee Strobel's works.

Lot of stuff I didn't know before reading them, like far more than I thought I knew

the biggest bit was that Science cannot provide a single proof for the origin of life. Microevolution, yes, but not the idea that we all have a common ancestor.

Lee Strobel is an american author and former atheist who wrote a book examining the proof for Christ as a lawyer would

he examined almost every facet you could from medical scholars to archeologists to several people with doctorates in New and Old Testament study to come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Unique Son of God.

there isn't enough time for what you're suggesting. Think of this. Life more or less came into being only 540-60 million years ago, and almost all of the animal Phyla came fully formed, meaning some with the traits they would hold for millions of years. this in itself is another miracle, but the bigger miracle is that life arose in the first place. no biologist can solve the most fundamental problem of evolution, that being the ultimate origin of life, because they are incapable of solving the assembly problem.

the idea that the earth is billions of years old?

then why would god create radioactive decay rates and then make them unique to each element?

true enough, but then how would one explain away the Radioactive cosmic background? the flood wouldn't be a good explanation for that

you can't read the bible literally in this sense, just like you can't read it literally in the sense of Daniel 9:24-26

Daniel 9:24-26 refers to sevens which translated from the original hebrew meant weeks, and yet the prophecy concerning in this chapter say at what time in history the Messiah would appear, and when one does the calculation properly, it matches up within a year of christ's birth and death

the book of daniel is set approximately 490 years before christ's death

which is exactly what is predicted in the book through the prophesy of daniel.

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