Discord ID: 457442858383704084
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How do tides work? The common theory is because of the moon and the spinning globe
English isn't my mother language, but that's how the tides are there
Now I'm confused XD
The moon attracts water and spins around the earth
Sometimes it would've been much easier to all just speak the same language
I wonder how flat-earthers explain it
I don't know, just what do you think?
Not really
But how does something make circles around something that is not a circle?
Yes I can, language problems again
Do you see the moon shrinking and growing as a whole circle?
And I do care about people's opinion, in fact I'm interested in different ways of thinking, but it's all quite hard to truly understand
Weigth and size are two different things, but if you know _p_ it's possible to calculate one with another
Don't have a rho on my keyboard
It has a cycle, we see
How does the moon have a mooncycle?
Anyways, how does the moon have a mooncycle?
The moon turning into a crescent, you can see that in the sky?
(I wish the server was Dutch)
I just wanted to say "I don't speak Chinese" in Chinese XD
I don't speak Chinese, I'm Dutch
Why would people want to hide whether the earth is flat or not, that would be a better question
Nice name =P
Why don't they lie about really _anything_ else, because hiding the shape of a planet is a bit... Hard?
There are easier things to lie about, like history for example
I don't know, but I just don't see the point of lying about the shape of the planet. Most people don't even think about it twice
Because I wonder why some people do
Does it?
No it doesn't
Thanks for answering
If I said "Yes, because it's a globa" would you have stayed?
I don't know, it was a hypothetical answer
Have you ever read _Divergent_?
~~_Books are better_~~
That's why I say the books are better
Look for the hidden message and maybe you understand why I find this 'debate' channel frustrating
Like other planets?
I firmly believe nobody ever has the right to bully someone
I know exactly how you feel, you have all the right to laugh out loud when you're home (or with friends), but don't be a bully XD
The moment when I just should read and continue, because... Nevermind, I shouldn't even send this message...
That's practically his job? To say something in front of a camera and get paid? XD
Fictional stories are all 'lies', that's why they are fun (real life is a little boring, why would you hire actors if you can just film the street?)
Why would you watch real life on tv if you can just get outside and see it in 3d? =P
I'm 15 XD
High school is a mess, but it's fun I guess... Sometimes
The reason why I would think about whether I like school or not is because of my friends and not because of the subjects
Something else I like about school: be annoying if teachers tell false things
Or make spelling errors in Dutch class
My truth-list:
Personal truth: Sorry, didn't find out
Political truth: I don't like politics
Objective truths: Aren't they just facts?
My brother became a primary school teacher after he finished, does that fall into the same category?
He has to act like all those kids are brain dead XD
"Don't be direct"
He didn't exactly fail, he just chose his own way
And teacher was the easiest choice, because there aren't many teachers in the Netherlands, it's kinda hard
What would they think about a kid that's good at making exams, but never does a \*\*\*\*?
\*cough\* me and my brother \*cough\*
I don't follow that subject anymore
I'm more a beta type
Geography is gamma
Physics is mostly about electicity, atoms and vectors rn
Space has only been spoken about once
They said Mars, Venus and Earth are approximately the same size XD
We often ask the teacher who said that how big Mars is
No, but... Even globe-earthers don't think Mars, Venus and Earth are the same size
And it's already a year ago, it's just an inside joke now
Actually... Mars + Mars = Venus (size)
@malding_vibes small thing... Google how big Mars, Venus and Earth ยฑ are
I thought nearly twice, one of my friends is interested in working for nasa, so I think he knows XD
_Rip, this might cause a discussion_
I live way too far away
It's not like, I can go there with school
I live in the Netherlands, so yeah...
And I was clear about my age
Don't say that lol
That's also a way to describe science
Originally, my school wasn't a public school
How sure are _you_ the world is _flat_?
Okay, I'm 99,9% sure, I'll be honest
Mars larger than Earth?
Yeah right
It is possible to travel around the world
What explanation?
The earth being round seems logical to me
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