Message from @ChinaGirlNL

Discord ID: 659509027440689153

2019-12-25 21:27:49 UTC  

fictional stories are not lies

2019-12-25 21:27:56 UTC  

but I managed to move countries, and now I work in management

2019-12-25 21:28:07 UTC  

school isn't everything

2019-12-25 21:28:19 UTC  

I learned a different language

2019-12-25 21:28:25 UTC  

Start bugging your teachers for evidence for everything they say. oh if I could go back to school knowing what i know now...

2019-12-25 21:28:28 UTC  

my first is arabic

2019-12-25 21:28:36 UTC  


2019-12-25 21:28:43 UTC  

there is a lot of truth in fictional stories

2019-12-25 21:28:57 UTC  

Something else I like about school: be annoying if teachers tell false things

2019-12-25 21:29:10 UTC  

Or make spelling errors in Dutch class

2019-12-25 21:29:59 UTC  

```"What Im going to do here is teach you how to think. The goal here is to train your mind how to see the world differently. To question what others say.

I've come to realize that there is 3 categories of truth; personal truth, political truths and the objective truths that shape our understanding of the universe."

2019-12-25 21:30:13 UTC  

He thinks there is 3 truths

2019-12-25 21:30:24 UTC  

He teachs u how to.think

2019-12-25 21:30:32 UTC  

Science bro

2019-12-25 21:31:35 UTC  

My truth-list:
Personal truth: Sorry, didn't find out
Political truth: I don't like politics
Objective truths: Aren't they just facts?

2019-12-25 21:31:36 UTC  

he forgot non truths

2019-12-25 21:32:03 UTC  

Modern school models only serves to force and impose, it is a predetermined form of a teaching, these children are set up for office work, number crunching, marketing research and improving statistics so they can improve sales figures compared to the previous year. and this is all so that corporations who harm our planet and destroy our seas and our environment can make more money for the greedy banking elites, who pump some of that money into schools and continue this cycle of brainwashing and indoctrination

2019-12-25 21:32:59 UTC  

My brother became a primary school teacher after he finished, does that fall into the same category?

2019-12-25 21:33:10 UTC  

that means he failed

2019-12-25 21:33:18 UTC  

He has to act like all those kids are brain dead XD

2019-12-25 21:33:25 UTC  

"Don't be direct"

2019-12-25 21:33:40 UTC  

if you succeed, you work for a company and get a car and a parking space

2019-12-25 21:33:57 UTC  

and sometimes the big boss give u a bonus and a pat on the head

2019-12-25 21:34:04 UTC  

He didn't exactly fail, he just chose his own way

2019-12-25 21:34:27 UTC  

well not for me or you, but to the establishment

2019-12-25 21:34:36 UTC  

they make us skip hoops

2019-12-25 21:34:47 UTC  

Earth is flat like Minecraft

2019-12-25 21:34:48 UTC  

And teacher was the easiest choice, because there aren't many teachers in the Netherlands, it's kinda hard

2019-12-25 21:34:48 UTC  

and all these exams

2019-12-25 21:35:27 UTC  

so they can find the gems, the really brainwashed ones that are very greedy and power hungry

2019-12-25 21:36:09 UTC  

What would they think about a kid that's good at making exams, but never does a \*\*\*\*?

2019-12-25 21:36:09 UTC  

Objective truth =/= facts @ChinaGirlNL

2019-12-25 21:36:29 UTC  

\*cough\* me and my brother \*cough\*

2019-12-25 21:37:37 UTC  

next time the subject of Earth comes up, you should ask your teacher how they know it's a spinning ball

2019-12-25 21:37:50 UTC  

and how they know the size

2019-12-25 21:37:57 UTC  

I don't follow that subject anymore

2019-12-25 21:38:01 UTC  

If you suck enough you get stuck with office work which some pay a good amount others are great jobs to be in @ibn la'ahad

2019-12-25 21:38:06 UTC  

I'm more a beta type

2019-12-25 21:38:11 UTC  

maybe it will come up in a physics class or something. or history

2019-12-25 21:38:12 UTC  

Don't blame school for your shortcomings

2019-12-25 21:38:15 UTC  

Geography is gamma