Message from @ChinaGirlNL
Discord ID: 659089348352016424
How do tides work? The common theory is because of the moon and the spinning globe
what do you mean because of?@ChinaGirlNL
English isn't my mother language, but that's how the tides are there
Now I'm confused XD
moon therefore tides?
The moon attracts water and spins around the earth
The moons gravitational pull caused waves
Sometimes it would've been much easier to all just speak the same language
are you happy with thatexplanation
Earth is a dinosaur actually :/
I wonder how flat-earthers explain it
!mute @Lemen Troll.
how could we find out how tides work?
Do they think we think the moon is fake?
I don't know, just what do you think?
It works the same fucking way you all say.
why do you care about a randos opinion?
But how does something make circles around something that is not a circle?
can you draw a circle round a square?
Yes I can, language problems again
Do you see the moon shrinking and growing as a whole circle?
If the moon was that small it would not have enough mass to maintain a gravitational pull to attract the water
what are you talking about
And I do care about people's opinion, in fact I'm interested in different ways of thinking, but it's all quite hard to truly understand
And cause tides
where is your evidence for the moons size?
Telescopes from nasa
so you can see what the moon weighs
thats mazing
You calculate it
it is amazing
[17:50] chad: where is your evidence for the moons size?
[17:50] shakz7: Telescopes from nasa
Weigth and size are two different things, but if you know _p_ it's possible to calculate one with another