
Discord ID: 542951568689987584

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sup niggas

meditation is amazing, very therapeutic

box breathing, gonna look it up

@DeezNutzYourChin the dirty job is just doing our won thing. That's really not 'dirty.' Its just an adjustment


i doubt civil war will happen. people are to anesthitized by technology to care about anything. which has its pros for introverts

dude mgtow should create an off-the-grid community, and power everything with solar power

good plan deeznutz, sounds fun

fuckin jews, lmao

the artificial womb would set things straight, that coupled with the sex robots

yeah, we'd have to convince them its for their benefit. Like, now you won't have to go through the pain of child birth. something like that should work

lol. shits getting so orwellian, that's why the smart people are careful about what they say

@Nawalter Jizney more than efficient enough. solar technology's rapidly increasing. its in high demand

wind power's overrated though, too noisy and you need a shit load of those fans

@felldie1496 yeah compared to nuclear energy maybe

but its a better alternative than relying on grid energy

@felldie1496 but its decentralized and affordable

hydro? haven't looked into it

depopulation (evil jew laugh)

what type of engineer r u

coud u engineer me a submissive trap?

cool, u makin over 80k then

lol. me too

im an apprentice sewer engineer aka a plumber

yeah my friend was a mechanical enginner, he said the same. However, the college program is too weed out the less intelligent

@JDB nigga just start lookin up python tutorials on youtube

yeah, groundwork for the metaphysics of mgtow had a great video on becoming a programmer, its really in depth

@felldie1496 true, the theoretical stuff, mostly cant be applied

i gonna go eat now, c u niggas ltr




satan lives within the selfish and wicked

yes he does, as an archetype

@Rhunespire that's Zoroatrianism, the older religions like Hinduism are much more balanced. All 'gods' which are just archetypes of the human being, were balanced between Destruction and Creation. This is much more health imo

Cthulu mythos?

@Xychotic yeah u got Nylarlethotep, Azathoth, etc

yeah, Lovecraft could have been channeling interdimensional aliens

lovecraft was racist because he feared the entities that tribal people were getting in contact with. Like the Haitian Voodoo gods and such

@Misanthropic Imperial hmm, well like a buch of uninteresting girls would talk about them

if god does exist he's obviously equally as 'evil' as he is 'good.' He likes seeing little kids get raped and having people overcome terminal diseases

women also exist to make men servile. It's programmed into our DNA to live for women

lol. thanks

@Rhunespire yes, just like any Master Scientist would to his experiment

yeah the bible's interesting though, for example if read correctly its actually saying that we were created by multiple 'gods'...Aliens?

the bible's been used to enslave the masses...no doubt

the manipulation has worked better than any former kind...Just tell a bunch of sheep that paradies awaits them and they'll do anything for u

@Xychotic Lovecraft = Prophet; Mohammad = Prophet

yeah the muslims actually wanted to keep the library unlike the catholics

racism is ignorrance, however, they're are defenitely differences between races. a lot

@Rhunespire if you're a christian apologist that's cool. i dont mind open-minded christians

lol. have u been masturbating. that'll be 10 hail mary's


thomas aquinas was a certifiable genius, but too christian in his philosophy for my taste

yeah Ayn Rand said Aquinas was the closest to proving the existance of god philosophically

God is dead?

Godel? Gonna have to look into that

Since we ate from the Forbidden Fruit of Good and Evil, doesn't that make us our own Gods now?

@Rhunespire I like it. And now u see A.I. doing the same to us.

99% of people don't have the will or desire for enlightenment. They're afraid of the dark. True enlightenment lies in Darkness.

@Rhunespire only if the light isn't brought to it. For example, metaphorically MGTOW lied in the darkess because you had to dig for it.

yeah, its smarter to appear weak to people

I see Lucifer as a much better archetype for mankind than Buddah or Christ. The Strong, Individualistic rebel, who refused to serve his master

The one Ring to rule them all = Sauron. The One God to rule them all = Yahweh

i was an altar boy

i helped turn wine into Christ's blood, still tasted like wine though

True Catholics literally believe that its transformed into his blood, google it

yaoi = paradise?

women (no matter how old ad sexy) = slavery of men

@Victortze that's crazy. gonna look into that

its even harder to find 'love' as a gay guy I've heard.

@SalamanderBoss same here, you opt out of society simply by spending your freetime doing what you want

misanthropy is logical. Logically speaking human beings are very stupid sheep that are close-minded

im automatically gonna like most mgtows though, because they're intelligent enough to see that women = slavery

20%of men get 80% of women? that rule?

@Rhunespire yeah, that's an optimistic outlook

ideally you're balanced between optimism and pessimism

dude we should just kill off women and advance bioengineering to the point we can all become hermaphrodites and breed with ourselves. problem solved

what do women bring to the table besides being fuck toys? nothing

lol. a dildo would work. good point

im somewhat joking. i have a dark sense of humor

buddhist monks are mgtow

@felldie1496 explain mr. engineer

isn't it possible that science just doesn't understand how humn beings (electromagnetic beings) interact with our own energy yet?

isn't Spacetime still techinally a theory?

spacetime is part of General Relativity right?

yeah, im not as well read in physics as i'd like to be

@felldie1496 angst has changed due to technology anesthtyzing most people, that and antideppressants..cough, cough..Orwell's 1984

im not a conspricay theorist, i just have 5 tatoos of alex jones

yeah you'd like it, dystopic science fiction

Nope. Disney's Pinnochio is

batman's pretty mgtow

what's the deeper meaning? that the guy's personality was shaped by our souless society?

@LOGICWINS yeah becuase he still worships women

the joker's red pill

nutbag or enlightened?

but the joker's right, humans are a bunch of brainwashed sheep. Why not exploit them?

"It's no meaasure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Dude, I'd just fuck Robin, he's pretty cute

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