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2018-10-03 00:48:36 UTC [New Right Network #main-chat]  

great now i can finally text after ten minutes lol sup everyone

...still trying to transition to the mindset of MGTOW from the old TFL mindset to be brutally honest...

there's my red pill for the day lol the general MGTOW viewpoint that women should actual have their rights taken away or is that just what the counter argument says?

Sirens(Mermaids) singing on the rocks, lure men sailors to them in their wooden ships and then the ships smash apart on the sharp rocks and the men either drown or become devoured by the evil Sirens

its a good analogy for MGTOW discussion

The MGTOW ship not only hoists the Pepe flag but it also fires the cannons at them and blasts the bitches to bits. the sailors also capture a Siren alive and sell it to SeaWorld for millions of dollars, Euro's long as they're either evil and will be eventually conquered or are in service to male gods and men, i can accept female gods, deities existing

as long as i got my cheap rum, i'm content there a room where i can post a youtube video of me telling a nasty joke?

ok thanks

crap gotta earn permission first

dw its not a rape joke, both said fictious people are consenting married adults

just as nasty as one though

if you want link just DM me, i'll be quiet now

flapping ones get ignored

SJW 's have really gotta learn to fuck off and die, everytime i hear news about them i want to bash their fugly faces in with a rusty iron horseshoe

paying whores to get laid on witcher 3, R rated sex for only 20 imaginary gold coins.......not a bad deal.

i don't think that the words incel and infidel sounding similar is a coincidence ,

......i seriously wanna spam a shitload of word grafitti right now

i do it in the form of long drawn out weird stories in chat rooms to annoy people....not so much anymore as i get kicked a lot

its the kind of creative itch that has to be both destructive and kind of constructive in a backwards way

i shouldn't have gotten rid of my minecraft game, i used to choose a flat world and write out long dirty porn stories in glowing blocks in the ground and so you could only read it in flying mode

there ain't no such thing as being too busy for something cuz busy is keeping you bothered

if its about how good it looks its about labor not art

yeah just draw

i find if i get too caught up in how good its gotta be then it sucks all the joy out of doing it

passion ain't the issue man, its about the art not competition

fuck em anyway

lol i hate both

its fuckin awesome if say it is cuz i created it

porn, hentai porn isn't an issue its women

i'll get a fuck doll out of necessity but i'll never switch to hentai, cartoons as my main squeeze for porn

cartoons will do it if its raw enough

for me i mean

orc gangbang porn of a hot snotty airhead fucking getting wrecked is my thing....not tentacles though

whose ddj again? sorry still getting to know the big players

is mountain mgtow a big name on youtube ?

i'm in the stage neo was in when they first unplugged him, gonna need a LOT of work

partially disconnected as an incel for a long time to begin with ig

hope things go back to the 50's where a woman can't start her day without getting backhanded

lol idk

i'll shut up now

.....i wouldn't recommend loli with that one that was a sting operation online

......fuckin commit seppuku with the sharp edges of a hardened cum rag tube sock.....

i don't think mgtow is really any different from any other social group, class, niche, etc. the heirarchy amongst its own fellows is more important than the professed philosophy, ideals

pfft, its going on right now

wherever there is a social gathering of people there will always be heirarchy, it all depends on what the focus is

heirarchy is natural, its just wether the group is more about the flag it stands under or who pulls higher rank

i'm both

i don't really carry a very good voice tho.

so whats more important to you right now, your message or telling me the message

whoopie level 4, i'm an inch higher on the pile of shit i'm squatting on

if you looked good to only yourself it'd only be you in the mirror, god i love those cool ass things

hang on i gotta go do push ups and cash a check be back in a couuple hours

....fuck people and their bullshit at this point, bunch of shitting pidgeons

when arguing with someone thats stubborn and close-minded, is it the the desired effect to cause a siezure?

nah man it ain't great it insidiously evil and its a cheap move

black chicks are nerds, its natural for man to be attracted to pretty and dumb as fuck more than a hot smart chick.more logical too

a good majority of them are

yeah thats prolly more likely it

oh wait....implying women might have some brain cells is taboo....sorry

and whose the blue pill again?

i admit some may or may not have a certain degree of sharpness, but i personally say they're still all fucking idiots

i'm ad libbing my lines yowikat, haven't got a script yet

when i say that all women are fucking idiots i say it out of malice and opinion

......just take it with a grain of salt, man. i lost my head a long time ago and am still searching for the fuckin thing......

......gotta find a better way to communicate, current medium is inefficient.

must really suck to be a youtube name and constantly keep up the dignified image of it

it must be, man. doing the slightest fucking can ruin the fuck out of rep


....fuck it, if the skull ain't within axe throwing distance its not worth it on this shit

i'm gonna do a 50 part insane series on youtube on why i think MGTOW is complete crap, most of it will be obnoxious and incoherent and not really say anything at all

i've got too much self-hating whiney bitch incel in me to be full mgtow, and i'm keeping it incoherent for the sake of shtick comedy

lets face it, we're all dying to experience the mother of all bizarre fuck you's. i'll try to oblige

i compare mine more to old school looney tunes than anime, elmer fudd is god to me

and so is captain caveman

.......i got an agressive create itch i gotta expel from my imagination, if i get a dry chuckle yaaaaay bonus

its a work of shart art

listen man, i'm a hack artist. our perssonalities are usually batshit crazy and pooping out creative steaming turds is what we do. if i have to absolutely achieve anytthing its taking a giant constipated retarded shit with this

anyway i'm off to go jam a log down youttube's throat

ttyl maybe

3 out of 50, not bad for my shitty rating

anybody see any of my videos yet?

nvm i m not sufficient rank to unlock entrance into shitposting

45 more to go

missed it by a mile tbh

greatest b ball shot of my life

i understand you may feel like you need to ask the question, but in reality you need to seriously consider how you come off as strange and incoherent. its all good, man. you tried your best๐Ÿ˜ƒ

lol i'm being a fucking jackass, just busting your balls man

i get the same condescending answer 90% of the time myself

im not worried, man. in truth i actually am strange and incoherent alot,

i just get tired of it being the same answer if i'm not from other people elsewhere

idk, i just function in whatever reality i can percieve the best i can

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