Discord ID: 202720248078532608
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@THE KEK I feel that antifa should allow my dick to be between her breasts :-)
@Nonon Jakuzure Is that asking for too much info?
How will I be able to stop antifa if they don't do shit where I live?
@Anticom LR Looks noice
@Yuma County Wtf? How are they in Yuma?
@Yuma County Are there any antifa scum at ASU or other public colleges?
@Yuma County Ok. I'm out in Gilbert but if there's some antifa rally in Tempe or Phoenix, I'll be there asap
@Yuma County Do you know anyone that can help that goes to ASU?
@Yuma County I think you should deal with California antifa
@Yuma County Is San Diego just as far as Phx?
@Yuma County You are a bean
@Yuma County Get on the West Coast channel brah. AZ is a part of it
@gabe_brouse No one sadly
@gabe_brouse Federalism isn't anti libertarian though
@gabe_brouse Would you classify Thomas Jefferson as libertarian?
You didn't answer my question @gabe_brouse
@Miomio Look out for Marxist events in your area
Wimin are the ones benefiting from the welfare state so they won't go against communism
Stop getting all autistic about her and just remove her
Jezuz how the fuck are we gonna fight antifa if you guys don't get your shit together
@Anticom LR It's pointless
We will get fucked over by antifa if we can't organize
@Anticom LR Good idea.
> tfw antifa is so poor they can't afford a website. Sad!
@Festus Omega - TXAnd no it wasn't ever hacked
These fuckers also use Gmail 😂😂😂😂😂 Someone needs to hack their account
@Anticom LR Is it a Squarespace site?
@Tonald DrumpFuck the Falcons
@Odalist Refrain (((Goldstein)))
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe What measures did you put?
@Nitrodubz >Bike Nah get a pickup
Guys, wtf. We can't look like we're affiliated with Richard Spencer
@YWMaga It doesn't matter. We can go out to the public as Nazis even if some folks here are NatSoc
@YWMaga He might not be a "nazi" but he identifies as a "white nationalist". Normies automatically will assume he is a racist and if they see us supporting them, they will think we are racists too
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