Message from @Papí
Discord ID: 277690794230677505
Generic one makes us just look like some flimsy organization. Look at Antifa, they don't have just a general anti-nazi logo.
Openly promoting nuclear families will get us lumped in with the NatSocs.
Plus to be honest it's not that easy to draw.
Tbh, their logo is pretty brilliant.
It's so simple.
I think if we want an easy to draw one, we stick with the shield.
It's effective. Immediately gets the idea across.
We should be promoting individual freedoms.
It's literally just like a heart but flatter at the top. Literally everyone knows how to draw a shield.
Normies who aren't screaming leftists don't even care about Nazis anymore.
We should just be anti commie
Man, I have no idea dude.
You guys need a design language. Like, a list of aesthetic principles.
And against antifa
I do like the idea of a simple shield
I honestly think having our symbol as a single shield would be best
a mission statement
I second the shield
How would the normies recognise that though?
our symbol should be a leaf /s
Also, the name shouldn't be "Anti-Com"
Anticom is a bit, eh
@Verm How do normies recognize Antifa?
It should be "ContraCom"
It's all in a symbol
ancom flags
thats how i recognize them
They don't, that's why we should.
Those who know that antifa even exists probably recognize Antifa's symbol when they see it
you guys need to find FN303 less lethal launchers
do we even need to be recognized by name
ANTICOM doesn'
"the guys that stop commies from wrecking shit"
Yeah, anticom is two letters away from ancom.
Not really at first Larpe, but itll come in handy