Message from @Papí
Discord ID: 277955120850010122
@Papí didn't someone hack one of their websites? used to be theirs, right? And I think another of their websites was wiped entirely
>inb4 that happens to us
Don't go there
It's a trap
@Anticom LR that looks goof
I mean good
we get people to hack their websites if that happens
@Festus Omega - TXAnd no it wasn't ever hacked
Sorry if im dumb or retarded but what does the blue and black shield represent? Sould it not be yellow and black? @Anticom LR
If I remember correctly, it's supposed to represent peace and tranquility which is also why the snake is white & blue
These fuckers also use Gmail 😂😂😂😂😂 Someone needs to hack their account
I would make it yellow and black but with one side being black and one side being yellow that's like full ancap flag
Also who owns ? Would like the insignia you guys made so I can add it to the collection kek
Oh shit is that yours?
Nice, can you pass it to me kek that's what I was just talking about
I love it man
It looks great for canada, fuckin helmet design and everything
Where are you based?
Ok. We need folks in Vancouver too
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Do you know when the website will be done
oh shit he's off
Also, threat?
falcons touchdown!!!
Don't fuck with us or 10 of us will jump you and try to kill you
fuck that pussy
@Anticom LR Is it a Squarespace site?
@Anticom LR I'll make sure to bring my lion repellent
Because we need a better site than the antifucks
Registered at namecheap is all it says
So yeah I'm guessing an actual legit site
And make sure your info is not avaliable on ICANN
@Tonald DrumpFuck the Falcons