Message from @Papí
Discord ID: 277678696251392010
@Yuma County Wtf? How are they in Yuma?
i live in the south so we're pretty commie free but they're rising in numbers ever since the 2016 election
how about defense
If you want to improve it, make sure you hand draw it
I never hear about antifa in Tempe or Phoenix
Good night comrades
It looks better hand drawn rather than just digitally made kek
Hell Victory
ill scan it and trace it
@Papí a lot of kids come to the college from California, so they bring it with them.
Make sure the proportions are the same
ill investigate the snek species and stuff
get it right
Flags and logos is how you get bogged down larpingg
the gadsen flag is fine but it's been kinda ruined by the tea party people
it has to be the same snek as the original one
Just roll with an American flag ez
Or a Trump flag
Or both
tfw ur college has no leftists
Bam solved
Use the American flag
@DoctorPiss We need organization though
*not enough
Then we look like patriots
@Papí My sister attends ASU, there's about 100 or so there, but between the preachers screaming about girls deserving rape and the actual rapes themselves, no one pays any mind.
People who want to run groups and power trip need organization
@Papí The thing I gave is the int logo, I am currently working on the shart in mart one
There's about 10 Antifa at the local CC here TOPS.
This is humanity vs communist anarchists
@Anticom LR Everyone create a chapter and recruit where they live.
All you need is to show people who they are, what they are, where they are
And the rest sorts itself out
we should wear yellow visibility vests occasionally
People who want to be "the leader of the 4chan anti communist army" don't wanna hear that tho