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2019-09-19 00:58:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.s president has the same role as a 17th century english king

2019-09-19 00:58:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

his powers are basically identitical

2019-09-19 00:59:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

no the powers are identical

2019-09-19 00:59:26 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

if you're saying that the american president doesn't have the powers of a monarch then you're saying that the position it is copied from, which is the king of england, isn't a monarch

2019-09-19 00:59:34 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

it's constitutional monarchy

2019-09-19 00:59:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

that is how the english system works

2019-09-19 00:59:55 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the english king required approval from the lower hosue too

2019-09-19 01:00:05 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

you don't seem to understand the history of the u.s and its political system

2019-09-19 01:00:35 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

and the funny thing is that, as iirc abraham lincoln's advisor said, while the u.s is an elective monarchy the u.k became a hereditary republic

2019-09-19 01:00:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.k has this fucked up fake system of two monarchs and doesn't function properly

2019-09-19 01:01:09 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

@Cobra Commander it's literally what david starkey, the leading historian on the subject, lectures about

2019-09-19 01:01:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

laugh til it hurts

2019-09-19 01:01:38 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the entire system of u.s is a carbon copy of england

2019-09-19 01:01:58 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

of course u.s.a was created by englishmen who wanted their own england and rights as englishmen

2019-09-19 01:02:08 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

magna carta, provisions of oxford, petition of right, all flow directly into u.s constitution

2019-09-19 01:02:15 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.s constitution is just the english bill of rights

2019-09-19 01:02:25 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

so they recreated their own english system in the u.s but further democraticsed it

2019-09-19 01:02:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

becuase the u.k has changed, no the u.s

2019-09-19 01:02:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.k is very different now, but the u.s is the true continuation of england

2019-09-19 01:03:14 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.s has simply been further democraticsed and rationalised and systematised

2019-09-19 01:03:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

but the u.k is just an incoherent mess of politics with no functioning true executive

2019-09-19 01:03:57 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

to paraquote starkey:

2019-09-19 01:04:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

if you look at the senate it is merely an elective house of lords. to begin with you were indirectly elected, remember the constitution amendment providing for direct election to the senate is only on the eve of the first world war, but if you look at the senators each rejoices in a quasi-noble status of two per two

2019-09-19 01:04:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

per state

2019-09-19 01:05:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the kind of duke of minnesota and earl of oregon. they have effectively life tenures. they have, like the british peerage, access to loot and pillage and reward their followers, sometimes they get found out and there are processes, going directly up to the president itself of impeachment, which is taken straight out of the medieval constitution

2019-09-19 01:05:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the process that clinton narrowly escaped of trial before the senate with the lower house acting as prosecutors

2019-09-19 01:06:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

what are the house of represenatives? they are simply the commons of england. their presiding officer is called the speaker just like in u.k parliament

2019-09-19 01:07:05 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

even the administrative officer is the sergeant at arms. why is the u.s lower house run by the sergeant at arms? because the sergeant at arms is the administrative official of the house of cmmons in england since the reign of henry viii

2019-09-19 01:07:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

we're not looking at how systems are furhter democraticsed but the structure ofthe system

2019-09-19 01:07:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

of course originally when u.s was founded it was only white male property owners who could vote

2019-09-19 01:07:47 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the founders of the u.s were not concerned with democracy, they were concerned with liberty

2019-09-19 01:08:08 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

that's why washington d.c is so beautifully laid out so that you can easily machinegun rampaging mobs from strongpoints

2019-09-19 01:08:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

to continue:

2019-09-19 01:08:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the president is a monarch. i used to say, until reagan was elected, the president was simply geroge iii without a wig, but then reagan came along and the joke fell almost flat as his hair was bouffant

2019-09-19 01:09:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.s president also has a court, as all monarchs have their courts; america is ruled by a cabinet chosen purely by the president, and the key officers do not sit in the cabinet but are genuine courtiers, rogues of the night

2019-09-19 01:09:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

right, and overtime it changed and evolved, but no

2019-09-19 01:09:55 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

many people could vote, it changed back and forth overtime, but it was more a matter of property owners

2019-09-19 01:10:10 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

you voted for your local knight to go to parliament or if you lived in a town voted for your burgess

2019-09-19 01:10:42 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

not too dissimilar to parliaments in other european countires, at least on a surface level quite similar but really world's apart in the fundamentals which is why u.s.a and u.k and anglo world so different in politics to european countries

2019-09-19 01:11:12 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

which we see with u.k leaivng e.u today that european politics is a roman model and roman law while anglo world is english law, which is sort of inverted

2019-09-19 01:11:47 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

in the 19th century we get mass suffrage coming along both in u.k and u.s and other countries, and the whole thing is a sham

2019-09-19 01:11:55 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

it's just politicians realising that you can bribe people with their own money

2019-09-19 01:12:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

you mean when? 800 years ago in the beginnings? yea and it changed overtime

2019-09-19 01:12:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

back then most of hte population weren't even freemen but were slaves and serfs

2019-09-19 01:12:34 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

similarly in the u.s.a slaves could not vote

2019-09-19 01:12:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

women could not vote

2019-09-19 01:12:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

non-whites could not vote

2019-09-19 01:12:45 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

people who didn't own property couldn't vote

2019-09-19 01:13:25 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

through the high middle ages far more people are represented as serfdom collapses and by late 1300s/early 1400s you have most population become freemen

2019-09-19 01:13:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

but there are arguments today against universal suffrage and that the people would be better represented if less people could vote

2019-09-19 01:13:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

another interesting thing is that there was a far higher level of rerpesentation the further back we go

2019-09-19 01:14:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

like if we go back to high middle ages a few thousand people to even a few hundred people had a represenative

2019-09-19 01:14:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

we look at today and we are alienated from political power where it is even millions of people to one represenative who just toes party line

2019-09-19 01:15:11 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

so if this stuff you're going on about is as if somehow people have less political power today then you've got to be kidding

2019-09-19 01:15:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

even slaves could talk to their knight and influence them

2019-09-19 01:15:34 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

what power does you average person in the u.k or u.s today have over their local mp or congressman or women?

2019-09-19 01:16:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

when are you talking about? you keep doing this weird thing of talking about britain and u.s withotu any context of time

2019-09-19 01:16:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

no the common people in america rebelled as they had no represenation

2019-09-19 01:16:27 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

they wanted and deserved their own parliament

2019-09-19 01:16:40 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

70% of people in u.s owned land when?

2019-09-19 01:16:45 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

5% of people in britain owned land when?

2019-09-19 01:17:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the u.k system was messy and corrupt already by the early 1700s as there were so many seats with virtually no population

2019-09-19 01:17:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

there was a term for that i forget of basically seats on populationless areas

2019-09-19 01:21:10 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

when? historically england was very powerful militarily because its commoenrs were allowed to own and train weapons, and the peasants got very rich from it

2019-09-19 01:21:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

this goes way back, like hundred years war peasants got very rich from hundred years war and were paid very high salaries

2019-09-19 01:21:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

by around 1500 serfdom had virtually disappeared

2019-09-19 01:22:11 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

latest season's swimwear collection fyi

2019-09-19 01:22:24 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

are you defending serfdom?

2019-09-19 01:22:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the collapse of serfdom in england is the catalyst for creation of modern civilisation

2019-09-19 01:23:24 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

it drove the late middle ages urbanisation and most of the population going into towns becoming competing tradesmen, within 2 centuries population went from something aorund 10% literate to 90% literate

2019-09-19 01:23:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

huge tax revenues, huge infrastructure spending, this all creating economic viability of mechanisation

2019-09-19 01:24:11 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

like no point in a water-powered factory when you only sell to a small local market, but when you sell to tens of thousands of people then mechanisation is economically viable

2019-09-19 01:24:24 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

so what if they didn't own land?

2019-09-19 01:24:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the "private" farmers with enclosure was far more efficient creating way more food with less workers breaking the malthusian trap and creating modern civilisation

2019-09-19 01:24:57 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

human civilisation was basically stagnant for the previous 10,000 years

2019-09-19 01:25:05 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

and it could have continued that way for another 10,000 even

2019-09-19 01:25:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

real change always happens from the ground up

2019-09-19 01:25:19 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

and as for your meme

2019-09-19 01:25:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

that's ridiculous as serfdom was miserable, and you can see some people today living similar lives who by their mid 20s look like old people with broken backs, malnutrition and so on

2019-09-19 01:26:03 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

the real meme of that is hunter gatherer vs agricultural cuck

2019-09-19 01:26:33 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

humans living as hunter gatherers as they evolved for is how humans truly should live where they eat healthy varied diets, live in close communal tribes and so on

2019-09-19 01:26:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

serfdom was just a far worse version of all the problems present in modern industrial civilisation

2019-09-19 01:26:57 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

and was like living in sierra fuckning leone lol

2019-09-19 01:27:03 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

have you seen the homicide rates of english villages?

2019-09-19 01:27:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

"wasn't sustainable"? humans lived in it for hundreds of thousands of years

2019-09-19 01:28:01 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

your average small english farming community in the high middle ages had the homicide rates of like african warzones today

2019-09-19 01:28:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

natural resolves itself, if there are too many humans then some will die off

2019-09-19 01:30:03 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

well now you're just discussing the supposed inevitability of settled agriculture, but we're not discussing that it happened and will happen but are discussing recognising that it sucks balls

2019-09-19 01:30:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

get redpilled

2019-09-19 01:32:10 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

right but what point are you making?

2019-09-19 01:32:51 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

but they lived miserable lives

2019-09-19 01:33:02 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

humans live more fulfilling lives as nomads and hunter gatherers

2019-09-19 01:33:21 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

or whatever comes of industrial civilisation

2019-09-19 01:34:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

what do you mean by "not really"? malnutrition, regular famines, oppression - we're talking about a people who repeatedly rose up and fought for freedom even though they knew they had previously been crushed

2019-09-19 01:35:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

we can see the physical effects too from looking at skulls where they all had fucked up teeth. the superior chad jaws of hunter gatherers is testament to the true natural lifestyle man is made for

2019-09-19 01:35:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

no cavemen needed braces, they had perfect teeth. serfs were all mouthbreathing chinless virgins

2019-09-19 01:36:31 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

why would that be? the people in cities were richer and suffered less from malnutrition

2019-09-19 01:36:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

based on what do you say that?

2019-09-19 01:36:50 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #general-chat๐Ÿ’ข]  

these people lived off mostly grain

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