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Looks like the NPCs voted in force today then


Can't lose elections if you rig 'em

I'm looking at these house results and I'm wondering what the fuck is wrong with America

Who is voting for the party that constantly says they're all fascist, racist, white supremacist oppressors while also promising higher taxes, more illegals and straight up open borders? Who genuinely thinks that's a good fucking idea.

And here I thought Trump had the Black vote?

Daddy Trump got the jungle fever

Free love. Provided it comes with a corporate logo and not from a fascist.

And isn't actually free in any way.

Build. The. FUCKING. WALL!

If the wall were built by now, the dems might not have secured so many fucking votes

I think I need to go to bed now. This was spicy as hell earlier and now I'm just depressed.

Hey, Osama deserves respect.

Mother fucker is the hide and seek world champion.

Anyone that can hide in a cave from the US military for nigh on a decade, wiping your arse with... What I can only assume would have to be rocks at that point... man, that's a dude that deserves props.

Weird flex, but I'll buy it.

@Nossie C'mon man. You're killing me here.

@Christopher If they pull that shit, there'll be a civil war before Christmas.

Jesus fucking Christmas

Cali votes basically determine the house then huh?

Imagine if there was no Cali

If Cali flips, I'll put a video of myself nutting into a MAGA hat on this server

Fucking bring it

I am a man of my word.

So the gays get 6 whole districts? Nice that we let them think they're people.

Keep it goin' Cali. I've got plenty in the tank for this video.

I mean, how is a democrat vs a democrat even legal?

How does that happen?

So that's what... 13 more gains they need with about 140 to announce?

Losing hope two or three times in a night is exhausting.

But it's part and parcel of living in this society.

Jesus, a whole server dedicated to shitposting and you took that seriously?

Hey, me too!


@Nossie North East with all the oil barons

Well, if you don't I'll come down and shag 'em for you ;)

Fucking Cali man.

Fifty. Fucking. Six. Districts.

Lol, cute that you guys are arguing for no sales tax. Here in the Democratic Socialist Republic of The United Kingdom, we pay income tax AND sales tax.

Yeah, you'll get taxed just about everything in the UK. I'm waiting for the oxygen tax to be announced

23? Shit. I thought it was 28.

Unless the Reps start flipping shit like crazy

Someone should've stacked their deck with more mana.

What about the whole 10 year economic high we heard so much about?

That Obama actually took credit for. The cretin.

Apparently America doesn't care about America anymore. Gg

Good night, sweet prince.

I've never seen so many celebrities begging people to vote. I guess it worked this time.

Fucking Hollywood and their bullshit.

I think we need to stop calling it common sense after this past decade.

Apparently nobody has it. Can't be very common.

Service guarantees fucking citizenship.

I seriously reckon that all voting should be done in person.

Mail in only sounds a lot like 'please tamper with the results!' to me.

Trump's gonna need something special for 2020... maybe a little war with Russia will get everyone in line.

I think it's about time the Reps start shipping in white Europeans enmasse to escape mass immigration. I'll vote red for a green card.

That should offset the dems and their bullshit shipping in illegals.

Pfft, there'll still be riots.

OrangeManBad, remember?

Doesn't matter how much good you do, there'll always be a lefty to tell you what a shit job you're doing.

Actually... that's a point. I'd also really like Americans to stop calling their leftists 'liberals'

Ironically the only people putting stones on the wall will be Democrats for the next 2 years.

2019-12-19 04:18:04 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

So I've just found out about the impeachment. I'm not really up on US politics because *Britbong* but does someone more knowledgeable wanna catch me up on what the deal is and what happens next for Orange Man?

2019-12-19 04:20:44 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

So he hasn't really been impeached, it's more just a vote on what they think the charges are to move onto impeachment in the senate?

2019-12-19 04:23:58 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Gotcha. So is this really just the Democrats throwing their weight around because *OrangeManBad* and they have the House of Representatives? Some hardball political theatre, if you will.

2019-12-19 04:26:16 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

It sounds like that's the case to me. The left-wing just got Yeeted out of existence in the UK with our election, and I think the Dems are terrified the same is going to happen in the US in 2020

2019-12-19 04:27:57 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I reckon this brings the impeachment procedure into question then if Presidents can be impeached on pure partisanship.

2019-12-19 04:28:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

What's to stop the Republicans impeaching the next Dem president because they don't like them? And then it just repeating every 4 years?

2019-12-19 04:30:12 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

@Troye Is that a thing? Is he actually blocked from running in 2020 or will he be allowed is he's acquitted?

2019-12-19 04:30:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

**Well in the case, long live the God Emperor.**

2019-12-19 04:31:07 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  


2019-12-19 04:32:28 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Welp, time for bed. Thanks for the information, my dudes.

2019-12-19 10:19:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*Take a leaf of the French playbook and just invest in a couple of guillotines.*

2019-12-19 10:25:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Well then just use your guns - that's what they're there for.

2019-12-19 10:27:09 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*Nothing solves pro-socialist partisanship quite like Uncle Sam armed with an AR-15. Just sayin'.*

*It's boogaloo time.*

2019-12-19 10:54:54 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*It was always about Trump. OrangeManBad, haven't you heard?*

2019-12-19 10:56:01 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

*This isn't even his final form.*

2019-12-19 10:58:08 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

**Imagine the scene.**
*It's the year 877 of the 41st millenia. Trump is sitting on the Golden Throne being a beacon of hope for mankind like the mad-lad God-Emperor he is. And somewhere in the imperial bureaucracy, the heretical cult of 'democrats' is still trying to force impeachment.*

2020-01-08 14:31:09 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

*These hambeasts aren't in any danger of being raped anyway.

I wouldn't fuck anyone in that pic with Dankula's dick and Sargon pushing.*

2020-01-08 14:37:39 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

It's just a pity that 'all crime being appropriately dealt with' has been thrown out of the window in the UK, huh? On the one side, you've got people going to jail for jokes in Twitter and on the other extreme you have grooming gangs walking free, raping whoever they like and the police are arresting the victims.

2020-01-08 14:37:47 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

*clown world.*

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