Jax the Clackker
Discord ID: 488768498445582348
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sup faggots.
how's shit
denny's is good shit my man.
weird being grey again.
what happened to the robot? it's been a while/
he just fuck off?
he was fun.
lutinmetzger? lutinmuete? some shit like that.
been a while. I'm not fussed about grabbing back my rank, I'll just build it up again tbh.
that's a shame. he was fun.
I think I joined about the same time he did.
I do account wipes every now again. I'm one of those autists that doesn't trust the government and does fucking linux shit.
about as bad as usual buddy.
how'd you guess britbongland?
mornin man.
anyone know anywhere online to watch questiontime tonight?
bbc program, they get politics folk on. you've got dianne abott and jordan peterson on tonight.
because I do that everyday anyway.
what are you, my lecturer?
I've learned I fucking hate taxonomic groups. that's a damn good start.
also fuck brown algae.
It wouldn't be too bad if it weren't that plants are astonishingly boring.
how do you mean.
oh yeah, they've gone through some of that. I went to a genetics lecture at our genetics society on plants like titanum and the molecule that allws them to generate so much fucking heat.
that was pretty interesting.
@LumpyAcidFish give a look into thermogenic plants, seriously. alternative ixdase chemistry is fascinating stuff. One of our genetics lecturers has been studying it for years, all sorts of mad shit we might be able to do with them.
dAnKs gOnNa dO A HoLoCaUsT
calm it potato fucker
she sounds like she's trying to gargle tennis balls
still, not a bad introduction to JBP to uk audiences.
or at least the sort of folk that watch questiontime.
my nan watches questiontime. I'll ask her what she thought.
@Fitzydog surely that's literally the only authority the state has?
the state has monopoly on force, that's what makes it the state, no?
then no state has the right to go to war.
how does the state have the ability to arbitrate on property disputes without monopoly on force?
if the state didn't have monopoly on force, any arbitration would be mute.
because it would have no means to enforce it.
then there's nothing wrong with vigilantism right?
civilians performing law enforcement without legal authority
"A member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate."
both of those require a license tho
that's self defence, also sanctioned government violence.
depending where you are of course.
we still get some fuckery where people defending themselves are prosecuted in the uk
that's always grade a bullshit.
the populace allows the government to have monopoly on force in a democracy, but the government still has monopoly on force though.
well if they don't it's a dictatorship
well, not necessarily dictatorship, authoritarian for sure.
anyway, i gotta go gym before it closes up, good chat @Fitzydog
thought: if the mainstream media drags pewdiepie into the culture war; and I think they will do after he's basically just given sargon a shout out, 2019 is the year the shit really hits the fan.
Tbh, the shit'll hit the fan next year regardless.
Merry Christmas chaps. Hope it's been a good one.
Evenin guys. Any brits got any snow?
Midlands as well my dude @kai
Near Notts. Bout an hour out. @ @kai
That it is.
You too man.
Snows pretty good man. My best memories involve my dad being wiped out by teenagers going down a hill in a lilo over snow. And us trying to roll a giant snowball home for shits and giggles.
Sandi Toksvig is pretty fucking funny.
When was the last time someone did some form of public, political art piece that wasn't complete shite?
Shit, I'd settle for one that makes you think. And think slightly more than 'whoever made this is a fucking idiot'.
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