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Socialism differs country to country

ultimately, the state has authority over the economy. they "control the means of production"

We should support Russia and hope they are victorious over the globalists bc they globalists are our enemy

The Soviet Union did fail. However, they also accomplished great things. Russia was a peasant country and rose to be a superpower in less than 50 years.

and dont worry, the USA capitalist system will fail and capitalism will be scorned just like communism is

whatever you want to call this system, it doesnt matter: its going to fail

"capitalism" as austrian economists imagine it is just an abstraction that is fake and gay.

Corporatism - it depends on whose definition of it

If you mean it in its original sense, as described by fascists

the Soviet Union put the first man in space, invented the AK47 and the cell phone

they went from a peasant economy to world superpower in 50 years

thats impressive

the future is NAZBOL

your entire country and way of life is being hollowed out by capitalism and yet you all still feel the need to defend it

there's a reason all the "woke" takes are coming from corporate HR departments

capitalism is inherently international by its very nature

its premised on perpetual growth

its America

capitalism is a meme and nothing more then

whatever you want to call our economic system, its destroying america

America is capitalist

"corporatism" aka corporations dominating the economy, is a symptom of capitalism

this is money power as Spengler wrote of it

you cant temper it with virtue

the only way to keep capitalism in check is to wield authority over the economy

"socialism" means a lot of different things to different people but the definition is that "the people control the means of production" - you can interpret that however you want

in practice, it can be done a variety of ways

ultimately, the market must be reigned in. we should not live in a market society. we should live in a society that has a market

Read Burnham's 'Managerial Revolution' and Lasch's 'Culture of Narcissism' - there's a reason things are the way they are nowadays and its not just "da jooz"

why did feminism happen? why did multiculturalism and open borders happen? breaking down these barriers is part of an economic process that capitalism facilitated

it was more than jews. unironically.

you have a system that allows, not only allows, but favors this subversion. why?

capitalist interests

they were national S O C I A L I S T

consider the following: socialism doesnt automatically equal breadlines and gulags

it means "the people control the means of production"

capitalism, the same capitalism that imports illegals to undermine the working class?

immigrants are labor

the reserve army of labor

why do you think capitalism pushes women in the workforce narratives?


simple supply and demand

more workers = lower wages

much better to have Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve to control USA than the party members, right?


I have stated my position

I said any type of third position

not this phony "based" pinochet authoritarian run neoliberalism

actual third position

wanting economic reform is now "larping"

got it

"right wing" in what way?

identitarianism is supposed to trascend the left vs right paradigm

i said third position

how am i not answering the question? do i have to give specific details of every aspect of my imaginary economic system?

im not for a communist system and im not for a capitalist system. im not sure what exactly the future economic system will look like in the future bc i cant predict the future

ive answered your question. you apparently want some autistically descriptive definition

which question

there's been too many

thats why i advocate for third position

but the only way such an economic system can exist is without democracy

"right wing" means different things to different people

it could mean caricature of a republican

or it can mean it in the European New Right sense

which is not really "right wing"

the European New Right is a label that the media applied to people like de Benoist

Last night I got dogpiled by so-called identitarians for making arguments that were made by the people who actually invented identitarianism like Alain de Benoist ๐Ÿ˜‚

want your whiteness studies degree? read every book Arktos has. once you have done that then you are officially white.

when the woke capitalism backfires hard

who is the wignat emperor?

even though heimbach is not an example that people should strive for, his comments regarding his recent expulsion from NSM were spot on and can be applied to the greater number of people who adhere to NS, wignats, those who unironically call other people "optics cucks", etc

if Trump were a king maybe he'd actually get something done

2018-12-09 12:02:22 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

Arktos Journal

2018-12-09 12:02:33 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

Radix journal is no longer active

fantastic documentary about how USA was behind Balkanization of Yugoslavia

anyone else part of the YangGang now?

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