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2019-08-31 20:28:37 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

thats a fair statement?

2019-08-31 20:32:49 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

ok makes sense

2019-08-31 20:35:25 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

the jew i live with is quarreling with her daughter because she doesnt want to teach her child hebrew and doesnt care for or follow any traditions


2019-08-31 20:36:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i also had a long conversation with her the other night and she was talking about how criticism of israel IS antisemitism, full stop. she also says anti-semitism is on the rise, that she can "feel it in the air"

2019-08-31 20:38:26 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

shes chock full of opinions, but thinks she knows everything, i can tell you that much. imagine a stereotypical jew. the memes are too real

2019-08-31 20:40:10 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i feel like id rather keep quiet and absorb as much information as i can.

2019-08-31 20:42:14 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i get that feeling. strong victim complex. muh holocaust and anti-semitism all the time.

2019-08-31 20:43:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

we were walking the dogs the other day, on a nice sunny day, and she was hardcore lamenting about the suffuring of the holocaust. like chill

2019-08-31 20:47:12 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

not worth throwing my life away on some autistic neo-nazi stuff. i get about as much of my own opinion in on things before i know she'd lose her mind, which isnt much.

she can probably tell by now that i dont really care about some percieved suffering of her people, but i think she just takes that as me being apathetic.

i told her i was getting into calvinism though, and she was talking about how calvinists are too restrictive. yada yada yada

2019-08-31 20:48:18 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i do as much as i can reasonably get away with

2019-08-31 20:49:25 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

yes calvinists are based imo

2019-08-31 20:49:48 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

much more fundamental that other denoms

2019-08-31 20:50:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

to the extent that you can find fundamentalists outside of an Amish community

2019-08-31 20:51:38 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

if jews were going to have a downfall, wouldnt they have been gone by now, after being kicked out and persecuted so many times?

2019-08-31 20:52:42 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

they pretty much do reject free will

2019-08-31 20:53:44 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

nothing you do happens independent of God

2019-08-31 20:54:45 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

your choices are God's will

2019-08-31 20:56:01 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  


2019-08-31 21:07:28 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

"the human will is in bondage to sin, and the only one who can change that is God the Holy Spirit" - a calvinist

"sin is a product of our choices, and we are only as bound to sin as we choose to be" -most other Christians

2019-08-31 21:08:33 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

a calvinist: the idea the humans are in bondage, in chains, to a sinful will, is biblical

2019-08-31 21:10:13 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

only God can set you straight. you cant do it out of your own free will

2019-08-31 21:11:38 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

no, what in saying is "your will is bound to sin until God chooses YOU"

2019-08-31 21:14:04 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ no human on earth is walking a perfectly straight Godly path

2019-08-31 21:14:20 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

thats the point isnt it?

2019-08-31 21:15:18 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

but thats what the New Testament says

2019-08-31 21:15:45 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Deleted User yes i did

2019-08-31 21:18:23 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

but if you die not rejecting Christ, that's all that matters. literally we are so unworthy nothing we can possibly do matters. the point is we are so fallen it doesnt matter, but those whom God has chosen will, through the Holy Spirit, be driven to do good acts as much as a human can do

2019-08-31 21:20:05 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@MawLr you will never be good enough no matter how hard you try

2019-08-31 21:21:11 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@sodomite its not just knowing Jesus, but believing He saved you

2019-08-31 21:21:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  


2019-08-31 21:22:17 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

we cannot save ourselves. only divine intervention will save us.

2019-08-31 21:22:42 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

all are unworthy, always

2019-08-31 21:24:28 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

those whom God has chosen will naturally do at least SOME good (as much good as a human can do) because of the Holy Spirit intervening and guiding the will

2019-08-31 21:35:24 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

you will never find salvation as a consequence of your own free will, this is because we are inherently broken. only by God's intervention can we be guided towards salvation.

2019-08-31 21:36:57 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

its not that you SHOULD sin, its that you couldnt NOT sin even if you tried

2019-08-31 21:40:37 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

you dont have a choice. you were born chained to sin. you cant see past sin. you dont have the capability

2019-08-31 21:47:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

we are so irrevocably broken we wouldn't know God's grace vs sin if it hit us in the face. we are running around blind. who can possibly know anything but God?

2019-08-31 21:51:29 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

oop, can i take that back? now i'm just talking about stuff i know nothing about

2019-08-31 21:52:39 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

am i going to be in the heathen category until i get baptized?

2019-08-31 21:54:32 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

im going to church tomorrow!! not once, but TWICE!!

2019-08-31 21:54:38 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

also i have a Jesus plan

2019-09-01 03:13:09 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

anyone familiar with the Heidelberg Catechism?

2019-09-01 03:14:23 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

ok long story short its a protestant confessional meant for the reformed doctrine

2019-09-01 03:14:34 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

ok but it says this

2019-09-01 03:15:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

"I believe in a holy catholic church, and the communion of saints"

2019-09-01 03:17:21 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

now, when i was at church last Sunday, they told me it does not mean catholic church in the sense that catholics here might understand it, and also likewise for the saints part, because they do not pray to saints like catholics do

2019-09-01 03:18:28 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

but then this leaves me a little confused. what exactly is the meaning then?

2019-09-01 03:24:51 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

this same exact phrase is in the "Apostles Creed" which is a brief summary of the teachings of the apostles. i don't know if all Christian denominations have the Apostle's Creed, but it says it is ecumenical (relating to all Christian churches)

2019-09-01 20:16:51 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]

2019-09-01 20:39:20 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

also, the catechism mentions that, by believing that the bread and the wine are physically transformed into the body and blood of Christ, that it is therefore a form of idolatry, and is a denial of the ONE sacrifice of Christ (as opposed to a continual sacrifice if Christ is repeatedly transformed in the world)

2019-09-01 20:49:18 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

considering the definition of idol is "an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship" i cant really deny what you just said

2019-09-01 20:53:06 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i shall take the issue up with my new calvinist friends at the EVENING worship. that's right folks, i worship not once, but TWICE on the sabbath. i've rested (took a nice nap) and studied the catechism. today is a good day! hope you are all having a blessed sabbath!!

2019-09-01 20:55:06 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

thank you!! you too!!

2019-09-01 21:18:34 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

isnt it called the sabbath by Christians? and where did i talk about mosaic law?

2019-09-01 21:19:57 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

oh, do i just call it Sunday then?

2019-09-02 03:52:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

is it okay to listen to marilyn manson, so long as you take all the righteous anger in his music and apply them to secular liberals?

2019-09-02 03:54:27 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

-You eat up my heart and all the little parts
-Your star is so sharp it leaves me jagged holes
-I make myself sick just to poison you
-If i can't have you then no one will
-Lift you up like the sweetest angel,
-I tear you down like a whore
-I will bury your god in my warm spit,
-You'll be deformed in your porn

2019-09-02 13:57:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ does this mean images of Jesus are forbidden by the second commandment?

2019-09-02 20:10:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

well, does the 7th ecumenical council go against the bible then?

2019-09-02 20:11:34 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i mean it says you shouldn't even make it, let alone venerate it

2019-09-07 09:48:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

a city near me just passed an ordinance that makes it illegal to call the cops on a member of a "protected class" if they are found to not be breaking any laws. penalties for doing so are a fine and a misdemeanor on your record.

so basically, if the "urban youth" down the street are acting shady or like animals but the police dont find anything substantial, its YOUR problem for calling.

2019-09-07 09:58:29 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

guys im having a lot of anger issues related to racism and i still don't know if God would approve or not. i fantisize about fascism and my heart is set on an ethnostate away from monorities.

2019-09-07 20:38:17 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

can anyone tell me the significance of the Lord's Prayer?

2019-09-07 20:38:21 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]

2019-09-07 20:42:43 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

is it how i should start a prayer? by saying this? or is it itself a complete prayer? or should i say the first few parts and then pray about whats on my mind?

2019-09-09 04:03:20 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

the jew i live with keeps getting things stolen from her.

the culprit: a mexican caretaker who looked after her for a week or so when she had surgery and who now occasionally raids the house late at night to steal various things. its possible shes just paranoid and misplacing things in her old age, but, listening to her telling the story, she definitely got taken advantage of while she was immobilized and was never able to press charges because she has no proof.

but i dont really know whether i care or not, tbh. i suppose i should care, as a Christian. mostly though im just creeped out that some mexican lady might be snooping around the house at night.

2019-09-09 13:26:42 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

@Deleted User yes its an old jew

i just feel like i dont care about jews. id rather we rounded them up, along with anyone with brown skin, anyone gay, and all sluts, and sent them through a meat grinder.

2019-09-09 13:27:44 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

add the irish in there too, just to be sure

2019-09-09 23:02:53 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

can i just listen

2019-09-09 23:02:57 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  


2019-09-11 10:31:02 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

@Mozalbete โณฉ so i was reading through that and taking it in when (ive been sick) a bad migraine set in and i had to put it down.

i started pacing around the room because it was so bad. i felt nauseous and i felt really angry that i was so useless (im sick of being sick). to be honest i felt a little angry at God, which i know is a bad thing to do.

eventually i got a towel with hot water, put it on my forehead, and laid on the floor for a while. this helped a little bit.

but i noticed something when the towel became room temperature and i took it off my forehead. at that exact time the a/c came on, and by consequence of where the vent was located it started drying my forehead immediately.

so i just laid there for a second wondering if such a relatively insignificant event was ultimately orchestrated by God, or if it was just the result of a series of causes and effects created by the free will of me and the jew i live with.

2019-09-12 00:58:20 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

9/11 was orchestrated as a "pearl harbor" to get support for a war in iraq predicated on jewish and oil interests in the region

2019-09-12 02:46:06 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

@SUPER MALE VITALITYโ„ข you just implied free will is real. perhaps you meant the inverse: they are the elect so therefore they live as the elect

2019-09-12 02:51:30 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

also another idea from calvinism: no human is capable of guaranteeing their own salvation. it can only be done by God.

2019-09-12 02:52:38 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

i.e. you can try to be a good person and believe in Jesus all you want, but if God doesn't make it happen for you theres nothing you can do

2019-09-12 03:00:06 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

hmm ok i see

2019-09-12 03:07:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

isnt that assurance the same as what is assured through justification by grace? if someone is a sinner(as if someone couldn't be a sinner), so long as they believe in Jesus they will be saved.

2019-09-12 03:08:24 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

im just saying, that isnt necessarily unique to Calvinism is it?

2019-09-12 03:13:31 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  


2019-09-12 03:20:52 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

ok so let me get this straight because i keep getting confused. calvinism (not hyper-calvinism) is basically just saying that God already knows everything past, present, and future, and therefore willingly has damned some people.

2019-09-12 03:21:47 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

youre still a monster, just a saved monster

2019-09-12 03:26:03 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

the idea of the afterlife being eternal scares me

2019-09-12 03:26:27 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

my pastor talked about going to a funeral of a family member who did not believe

2019-09-12 03:52:54 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

@Deleted User thats great! but.. it doesnt distinguish Calvinism from any other prot denomination

2019-09-12 20:48:24 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #offtopic]  

>tfw felt the cultural shifts happening since 2014/2015
>tfw realizing its mostly the younger generation who can be jewpilled without losing their minds
>tfw wondering if this means big changes down the road, or if its just a passing fad

somehow i feel as though artificial intelligence will save us eventually

for now ill keep going crazy because supporting hitler-like ideology in real life is social suicide

are you guys building a minecraft world together?

if so can i join

2019-09-19 12:36:07 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

all Christians with tattoos, drinking, and swearing habits should be excommunicated by their respective churches, have their mouths forcibly cleaned daily until they learn their lesson, should have their tattoos removed before they are allowed reentry, and should be forced to pass a breathalyzer test any time they want to step foot in a church.

2019-09-19 12:45:19 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

i walked past a church office last night and all the guys standing in there had big tattoos on their forearm. thats absolutely disgusting!!!

2019-09-19 12:46:10 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  


2019-09-19 12:47:27 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

whats the deal with people getting tattoos anyway? theyre gross, show you are low-class...

2019-09-21 23:42:36 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #general]  

just install VLC on any smartphone to view webms on the go

2019-09-22 19:39:56 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

i'm becoming so confused reading The First Book of Samuel

2019-09-22 19:41:34 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

so Saul is trying to find and destroy David, who is on the run from here to there in a game of cat and mouse

2019-09-22 19:44:55 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

but TWICE David is given the opportunity to get the jump on Saul and kill him, but he doesn't.

the first time Saul says "surely you will be the King of Israel" and "you are more righteous than I" BUT THEN HE KEEPS HUNTING DAVID

the second time Saul says "I have sinned." "...I will not harm you again..." BUT THEN HE KEEPS HUNTING DAVID

2019-09-22 19:47:41 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

ok and then it gets even more confusing. im at the part where David runs away to Philistine territory, you know, just the territory whose armies he has slaughtered numerous times before... and he is not being openly hated and attack because... why? he is given an CITY by a philistine royal named Achish, where he proceeds to slaughter tons of people in the countryside for a reason i cant figure out

2019-09-22 19:49:50 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

also, David is being so, so mean to a rich farmer because he supposedly protected his livestock, and because of a mere VERBAL INSULT he decides to indiscriminately kill ALL OF HIS INNOCENT MALE SERVANTS

2019-09-22 20:01:01 UTC [Legio Christi Hangout #bible-study]  

@MawLr @Mac tรญre iarain i understand what you guys are saying, but i dont even understand the story... it confuses me... i think i know whats happening and then the next chapter makes me reread the previous to see if i missed something.

i was so confused when David decides to go on a rampage against Nabal. i didnt know where the fury was coming from.

and every time Saul seems to apologize and repent for trying to kill David, but then in the next chapter is right back at it trying to kill him like nothing ever happened.

and then i also dont understand why David can even go into philistine territory and stay with the royals there. it doesnt make sense. the first part of the book consists of David destroying the philistines any time they try to do anything...

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