Mulatto Bartender

Discord ID: 234469940214628352

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Jewish women require restraining orders


GFs are overrated

im tellin y'all

GFs are overrated

coke is bad drug

Service industry squad lmao


The great mighty poo oof

The dino Egg game was great

St Left Hand

Don't think its out on Gumroad yet

I'm also waiting patiently

Pretty sure there is

But I pay out to the gumroad

because i love financial domination

w a t

dam u blormf

tragic is what it is

damn gameras


its a mega negress

There were some muscle thotties at my gym yesterday

oo ma ma

got em

they're gonna make a little me

That did me a big think

Bumble is the goat

tinder is a cesspool


so what you're saying

is that the goth girl on bumble that wanted me to literally put a razor blade to her ass

is a mentally ill thot????

pretty sure it owns

braces incoming


niggas dont have water distillers in 2018???

they call me mystery meat

my 'gf' calls me little man

What did I just witness


Ignore them

If theyโ€™re noticeably making eyes at you

Look at them in a way that says โ€œwhat could you possibly want Thotโ€

I need all of us to day


Their revenge will be swift

feeling lazy

my polling place is a 2 minute walk

should I fucking even

imma vote dem fuccit

voting red to own the gf

Fat???? Bet ur feeling dumb now


Black Clover watch party?

Epitome of ironic anime

Hnnnn g

She have snapchat?

Sheโ€™s stirring up my mongrel libido


Itโ€™s in the name

Goofy nigga

Is DIO also an absent father?

Ay he a real nigga

Ben Shapiro minion


Itโ€™s TR3WAY

Mixed breeds most powerful out

How I feel when I tell people Iโ€™m a half breed

Going to my polling place looking like a semi homeless negro millennial so my neighborhood doesnโ€™t suspect Iโ€™m an E-racist

Oh for fucks sake

Thereโ€™s a line

Iโ€™m a minority


Get to the back whitey

I straight look homeless

I already walked here

Plus itโ€™s warm

โ€œHey this voting thing is epic and all but I gotta get back to the soup kitchenโ€

Iโ€™m pretty sure thereโ€™s a tranny working the table

Iโ€™m in Chicago

Iโ€™m doing this cuz Iโ€™m bored

Itโ€™s no nut

Nothing else to do

I watched like 3 episodes of Kickstarter tv this morning

I shouldโ€™ve tbh

Not big enough yet

Big nigga season is rough

How kind of them

Iโ€™ve gained like 50lbs since last year lmao

Thanks veganism

This shit is mad gay


Iโ€™m a 2015 edgelord

Writing in Sam Hyde

oo fucking rah

Gorgeous Diva Hyde for president

I voted because fuck plastic staws

270 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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