Message from @Mulatto Bartender
Discord ID: 509430012013707303
So you may well have vote tampering happen anyway
By some crazy retard
I’m in Chicago
I’m doing this cuz I’m bored
should've done something else
It’s no nut
Nothing else to do
Not that
I watched like 3 episodes of Kickstarter tv this morning
Should've gone to the polling place with a shredder and just sat there shredding paper
Did you lift?
I should’ve tbh
Not big enough yet
I need to start protein powder or something
Big nigga season is rough
e-friend's comment: "you look like the guy from taxi driver plus one cycle of tren"
How kind of them
Gotta begom big
I’ve gained like 50lbs since last year lmao
I burn food too fast
Thanks goat-wrangler genes
This shit is mad gay
voting 🅱️ homo
i'm voting for paul town in 2020
no more incumbents
I voted for Ron Paul town ryan
A man memes a slave retweets
i voted for whoever will give me a gf
paul town vs nick juan faguentes
2020 election
i'm unironically gonna write in nick fuentes pepe style next election
the look on the worker's face will be awesome!
it takes up the whole screen
I’m a 2015 edgelord
Writing in Sam Hyde