hawk jungle
Discord ID: 445309540083171328
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how im i having a bigger rank than you?
can i spam to get a higher rank?
wil it icnrease my rank?
o right
[john 20:29]
want a good video, for sleeping ? @Satan
you a female? @Satan
you mean baled
or did you guys ditch her
technically its a he, cant do nothing about that
ben shapiro brakes it down
jo, sup yall
joo @Human Sheeple !!!
nein nein nein
jo i cant post
hows it doin man ?
and well i hope ?
lol, it suits them
you cant even see curvature from the Height of the supposed iss which is 408 km high
isnt express vpn the best
sup sheeple
we have measured the earth water surface to be flat and not curving with direct measurements, the globe model predicts 8 inches per miles squared, for example : 8x10x10 = 800 inches of drop in 10 miles thats 20.3 meters of drop over a spawn of 16 km, when we measure over this distance there is no drop at al, so no curvature equals flat
its easy testable and repeatable unlike any nasa video s, @Shabam
many have,
you just need a good zoom camera
yeas i have, done some observations of my own,
then do them yourself, cant be ignorant forever @Shabam
buy a good zoom camera, how hard can it be
right in your face, dodge that ballers
says the astronaut
who ever heard of the scientific method right!?
here it is
thats all indirect evidence, direct measrements have been performed and the measurements tell us its flat,
no you cant
i havent seen any math coming from you
typical, ignores direct measurements bases his proof on indirect measurements and helio cult religion
o i smell a i cant trust my own senses but at the same time i trust appeal to authority with my senses
you just wish sarcasm was an exact science dont you @jeremy
scientific evidence implies: performed by the scientific method, it doesnt imply a scientists nor a authoritative figure.
(a person whose real or apparentauthorityย over others inspires or demands obedience and emulation: Parents, teachers, and police officers are traditionalย authority figuresย for children.)
jo human sheeple
can you let me post more then 10 lines pls @Human Sheeple
hey thanx @Human Sheeple
no thats the fes
the controlled opposition
gravity is asumed
the scientific method requires observation first.
no one ever saw gravity thus assumed
yall are suffering from the barnum effect thinking gravity is real
sup man @California Nightmare
doing good, coffee time
how are you doin? @California Nightmare
pretty good tbh
with milk and a bit sugar
yea i bet
1.every religion has good points as well as bad ones.
2.He will therefore keep the best of it for himself and ignore the weak points, which does not necessarily mean that he must profess a religion, but he shall express awe to each for of worship, for each religion has its proper principle of God, whether the point in question be Christianity, Buddhism, Islam or any other kind of religion. Fundamentally he may be faithful to his own religion..
3. According to the universal laws, He will state that, apart from the deficiencies, each defender of religion will endeavor to represent his religion as the best of all.
5.Each religious truth is relative and the comprehension of it depends on the maturity of the person concerned.
6.Therefore the person does not interfere with anybody in this respect, nor will he try to sidetrack anyone from his truth, criticize him, to say nothing of condemning him.
7. At the bottom of his heart he may feel sorry for fanatics or atheists without showing it outwardly.
8. Let everybody hold on to what he believes and makes him happy and content.
9. Should everybody stick to this maxim, there would be neither hatred nor religious dissensions on this earth. There would be no reason for disputes and all turns of mind could exist happily side by side.
10.Quite a different thing is, if a seeker, dissatisfied by materialism and doctrines, and longing for spiritual support, will ask advice and information of an person. In such a case the person is obliged to supply the seeker with spiritual light and insight, according to his mental powers. Then the person should spare neither time nor pains to communicate his spiritual treasures and lead the seeker to the light.
its called the truth
then so be it for you @Brian (Fourth Amendment)
i love my own and respect the others
you should learn to do the same
o im done, just wanted to share it
im not going to debate religion, period, love your own and respect the others is where i draw the line
the reptillian part of human behaviour is associated with sociopathic and psychopathic part of our nature, the more we fall in that catagory the more we act like reptiles
19.25 meters of refracted hidden, thats the height of a 6 story building
yet we see to the base over a distance of 22 km where there should be 19.25 meters of refracted hidden curvature according to the globe model.
if you account maximum refraction possible, the lighthouse still should be 8 meters obscured by the supposed curvature
the lighthouse is 1 meter above sea level,
the focal hight of the light house is 30 meters above sea level
focal hight=height of the lamp of a lighthouse from water level
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