Message from @PebbЛe
Discord ID: 361660947158532096
anyone with anime pics should be auto-banned
i will kill your first born
it's probably gonna be a girl so that's fine
Hey now
weeb women are still weebs.
The anime pic is there because it's aesthetic, just like any other image
No homosexual love connections allowed.
it's a male
it says no homosexuality
Svenske bro are you a girl?
I'm not a girl :V
Is homosexual behavior allowed?
Ah, alright, no worries
This would mean in public, correct
it was obviously a dude
whatever people do behind their doors is their own business as long as their actions don't impact the collective
That's not always the case
Peb ball noided
and look what happened
The slippery slope falacy
slippery slope is a real thing though
burn gays alive
No, it's not.
homosexuality should never be a part of the community
It is to some degree
you cant be traditionalist then allow little bits of this and that in
first you compromise with homosexuality and then you compromise with ***communism***
then continue to make exceptions
I'm bisexual and I fucking hate gay people
10 years ago you didn't see articles like nowadays .. "Animal assaults increasing" ... "I'm a pedophile, not a monster" and so on