Commander Davis (TWP)

Discord ID: 178688706373353472

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If anyone wants to archive the jewish trannycam it will help jason in court

2017-06-08 15:52:26 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

For everyone not in the cville event discord

Literally a fed who leads this group.

Insert conspiracy theory here

The Klan in question (the largest in the US) is the klan that gives them the every one is FBI reputation, because everyone is...

I have connections in the actual klans, they hate them with a passion.

there ya go

Flag of our injun allies

National Native Action Front


@Erika get this to IE

@Charlemagne MD estonia has blue on the top

Blue black then whitw

My antifa honeypot

That's what I thought

I'm apparently as prolific as Spencer and Taylor XD

Say it with me: Leftists can't meme.

What are you crazy kids on about this time

This spergfest has darkened my soul by -5 XP

I leave for a few days and there's a internet coup smh.

Internet coups are silly. But I won't tell you not to, there has to be some way to vent autism.

Ah I see what's been going down. Did ya'll ever think you might have right wing fags you could get to burn a pride flag and raise their own. You know like F.A.C.T. Just throwing that out htere


For all the kiddo's not in the know of every obscure group out there this is their flag. I may of may not have been the one that was commisioned to make it.

I think Gavin is just a closet gay who doesn't want to ruin his relationship with his wife.

He can't keep his real beliefs about Jews etc. under wraps 100% of the time it's pretty sad

You not a true straight man untill Greg Johnson bans you

Well it's not fair if I tell you in advance

It was because I told him being doxxed isn't a big deal if you actually care about the movement.

>tfw you don't have 5 IGD articles, a medium article where you're put next to spencer, and two nobody antifa blog articles.

Look guys be more stratetic gays go on front lines and contaminate the enemy with their bloody remains


I'm getting so much EXP off this chat tbh

No one has ever not wanted to look like (((elvis))) just saying

Elvis was a jew brah

Yeah the burning I think is actually illegal on city fire hazard ordinance but someone would have to look that up

Certainly you can set up a bonfire at a private party later

2017-07-05 16:50:53 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

Alright kiddos looking to put together a sock group to split the three percenters. Anyone down?

Yall need this flag if you're going to subvert lolberts

Don't tread on US

and yes a fascses

Is anyone else uncomfortable with working with outlaw biker gangs? Asking for a friend.

Not a fan of crime in particular

Criminal history is not a good look. Very 1.0

Bikers are fine. 1%ers are crimimal gangs

These guys have sold bombs to the feds. 80 bombs.

I've been around bikers my whole life 1%ers are bad news. Drugs, weapon trafficking, firebombing bars. Bad hombres.

We have rought men you don't want drug dealers next to you. All bikers aren't made equal. Meth dealers aren't your greatest ally.

I'm going to try and get a few of the Virginiaryans in on a carpool so anyone whos in one of our areas is welcome

I'm just saying we could do the most frightening rebel yell in over 100 years if we wanted to.

2017-07-23 13:56:05 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

I feel a great disturbance in the force.

2017-07-23 13:57:48 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  


2017-07-23 13:59:30 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

*rolls eyes* yes Odin is dank son

2017-07-23 14:01:04 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

Asatru is technically the middle path between left hand and right hand spirituality

2017-07-27 14:45:36 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

Prepare for 4000 armed antifa, that is all

2017-08-15 21:00:06 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  


2017-08-15 22:03:00 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

damn jews

2017-08-15 22:50:47 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]

2017-08-15 22:50:57 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  


2017-08-16 00:21:35 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]

2017-08-16 01:24:29 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]

2017-08-16 01:29:40 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

that's what it's meant for

2017-08-16 01:45:34 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

wat about the WANG

2017-08-18 00:58:01 UTC [tradworker #tradworker] IE are fucking idiots

2017-08-18 01:12:08 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

@dzi They're the antifa's livestream team

There's no real vetting process as there's no real orginization. We (TWP) will be formalizing the guild at some point but right now this is just a underground work trading server.

2017-08-20 23:23:11 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

My imagination already has the idea

Alright kiddos this server looks like it's actually going to be important now seeing as even I was fired (Will be attempting to get my small buisiness big enough to live off but we'll see) so find as many people as you can and lead them this way seeing as it's not obviously "evul nazi discord" we'll be fine @everyone

2017-08-20 23:44:11 UTC [tradworker #tradworker]  

He did a podcast so he's at least functional, the man got hit pretty bad so I expect there will always be a little damage left.

@B1488 Edgeworth's Emporium - Custom Flags, Patches, Embroidered shirts, 1" Buttons, and eventually shirts. We're about to launch a .onion site via a deal with TWP to work logistics of their (our) merch and stickers and such.

I shitton of the Cville flags you saw came from my store.

988 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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