Gothik Extravaganza

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2020-02-12 21:32:41 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

> Adding or subtracting from scripture is a sin
@Maksim so.... This copy is a sin?

2020-02-12 21:33:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim cognitive bias.

2020-02-12 21:33:42 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  


2020-02-12 21:35:22 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

> Adding or subtracting from scripture is a sin
(I hold up a copy of the Bible which excludes most of the OT)
> @Gothik Extravaganza Irrelevant
Pffft. Your ignorance is showing, doc, might want to cover it up. It's rather unsightly.

2020-02-12 21:35:49 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Niveusater matthew 5:10

2020-02-12 21:37:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

> False Prophets
@Maksim as you are, speading falseness.

2020-02-12 21:37:18 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@moira okay zoomer.

2020-02-12 21:37:45 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim so stop trying to victimize us then.

2020-02-12 21:38:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim Matthew 7:5

2020-02-12 21:39:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim so you've said before. Yet, you've done more evil here than I.

2020-02-12 21:40:03 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  


2020-02-12 21:40:14 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I am a child of God.

2020-02-12 21:41:46 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

That's great dude. Then stop harassing me.

2020-02-12 21:42:38 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

No. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

2020-02-12 21:42:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

We are.

2020-02-12 21:42:50 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

We believe in Christ.

2020-02-12 21:43:12 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim that's nice

2020-02-12 21:43:36 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I know. And there is a lot of work I must do m

2020-02-12 21:43:42 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I should do.

2020-02-12 21:44:48 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Instead, I'm b caught up in this pissing contest with you because you want to single out one group out of numerous, because, why?

2020-02-12 21:45:26 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Cut the pragmatism, Doc. What is your personal issue against the LDS faith?

2020-02-12 21:45:50 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Again, a facade.

2020-02-12 21:45:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Please, drop it.

2020-02-12 21:46:26 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Then you have nothing against the Church of Jesus Christ.

2020-02-12 21:50:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

This is all what we have as scriptures.

2020-02-12 21:52:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

@ken_ no. Structured differently. A quesodilla(sp) is more a sandwich than a hot dog.

2020-02-12 21:54:26 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

> Kys
@Maksim very Christlike of you.

2020-02-12 22:23:31 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Even within the Bible, there are references to lost and hidden scriptures.

2020-02-12 22:24:03 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Ex. 24:7.
Num. 21:14.
Josh. 10:13 (2ย Sam. 1:18).
1ย Sam. 10:25.
1ย Kgs. 11:41.
1ย Chr. 29:29.
2ย Chr. 9:29.
2ย Chr. 12:15.
2ย Chr. 13:22.
2ย Chr. 20:34.
2ย Chr. 33:19
Matt. 2:23.
1ย Cor. 5:9.
Eph. 3:3.
Col. 4:16.
Jude 1:3.
Jude 1:14.

2020-02-12 22:24:34 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

So the "only" clause is a misnomer.

2020-02-12 22:54:15 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Maksim deleting my comments is a falsehood.

2020-02-12 23:07:07 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Except, you've done nothing to exhibit justice. All you've done is shown you're intolerant to reason. Which is no better than what the Pharisees did.

2020-02-12 23:08:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Again, I calmly state, if you have truly believe you have the better way, lift me up, not put me down.

2020-02-12 23:08:23 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Ater Votum sure thing, black metal edgy boi.

2020-02-12 23:11:44 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Draลกko using the Topical Guide within the scripture app. Please, let us continue in kinship and discuss these verses I posted. I would much prefer that than dealing with @Ater Votum's attempt to be รผber edgy boi.

2020-02-12 23:13:24 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Draลกko this is what I've got. By all means, share what you've got.

2020-02-12 23:13:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Ater Votum I'm not afraid of you, boi.

2020-02-12 23:14:51 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Draลกko then what is the "book of the covenant"?

2020-02-12 23:16:28 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Ater Votum ho hum. I don't live in Utah. Truthfully, I live about half hour drive from NORAD, maybe an hour from Schriever AFB. So please, stop it. Poser.

2020-02-12 23:19:51 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Draลกko indeed, so taking into consideration it's more, a pamphlet than a novel, pardon my modern phrasing, where is it?

2020-02-12 23:21:56 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Ater Votum still not intimated. Rather annoyed actually. But I digress. I'm ignoring you henceforth for the remainder of the week. I've got an intellectual conversation going now, I don't need any further petty respites.

2020-02-13 04:20:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I am a latter day saint because heterodox is the way, Joseph Smith met God in person with Jesus Christ by His side.

2020-02-13 04:21:11 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Have you, Doctor, ever had a spiritual vision?

2020-02-13 04:21:43 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

As history tells, Joseph Smith Jun, had many.

2020-02-13 04:22:43 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

John 14:6

2020-02-13 04:23:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  


2020-02-13 04:23:38 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Mark 1:5

2020-02-13 04:25:25 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Have you come here to confess your sins or hear mine?

2020-02-13 04:26:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

All of them?

2020-02-13 04:26:14 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  


2020-02-13 04:26:27 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Just that one.

2020-02-13 04:30:24 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Alright, hold on. No. We believe Christ is the way to God, Christ is the life to God, Christ is the truth to God. Hence why he said, "no one comes *to* the father..."
He is not The Father, yet He is closer to His being than ANYONE ELSE IN ALL HUMANITY!
Because of this, Joseph Smith was able to meet, God the Father and Jesus Christ.

You are here to confess your sins, not hear mine.

2020-02-13 04:30:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

It's alright brother

2020-02-13 04:31:31 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

He is the father of all men.

2020-02-13 04:32:43 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I'm waiting for you to finish. You good?

2020-02-13 04:34:59 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

God is that what he is. Greater than any of us could ever be. He is our eternal creator. Yes, we lds even like calling him heavenly father, with great respect. Christ is his beloved son, of whom He is well pleased.

2020-02-13 04:36:09 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Does God hold a, corporeal body? Yes and it is made perfect.

2020-02-13 04:36:13 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Hold on please

2020-02-13 04:36:23 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I'm getting to the second post.

2020-02-13 04:36:34 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Peace, be still.

2020-02-13 04:43:50 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Joseph Smith, met God The Father, looking like the รœbermensch. Again, I stress Christ was there as well and did most of the explaining, possibly. Did God have a "mortal body" or some "normal existence"? Not from anything I've read. I believe, God did talk with Moses, father to son (yes, that means "man to man" as well), on the mountain. Though, there have been other examples of God having a corporal body, mentioned in places other than exodus, I digress. To sum it up :
God the father and Jesus Christ, two separate beings, I have no record of God being mortal, though Christ was. Obviously.

2020-02-13 04:50:52 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

We can become part of the Godhood, in a sense yes. Exaltation, is what we call it. Yes, there is eternal progress. In a spiritual sense, it's similar to how Richard Mattheson's detailing within the novel, What Dreams May Come. Now, I've talked recently with a Bible scholar who claims there's no Paradise in the afterlife, only death and resurrection (nothing between). Such is not LDS dogma, but FYI, it's given me more to think about than your Spanish Inquisition. . . you've got time for one more question, then I'm walking.

2020-02-13 04:56:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

That's not a question, it's an understatement. On whose behalf, I'll explain later. Do ask one more question.

2020-02-13 05:17:10 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I'm standing out front of the Colorado Christian Fellowship complex, just up the road from the local YMCA. I hereby testify the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is despised by the Catholics because they vainly consider their cathedrals to be on par with our stake buildings (honestly, there should not be any competition) yet they are also intimidated by our temples, indeed they are holier than thou Vatican.
@Maksim if you remove this post, then you owe me twenty so I can get a haircut next door.

2020-02-13 05:49:38 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Now, with this dark glass in my right hand, I stand at the corner by the cross of the True Spirit Baptist Church. Again I write in respect, the fact remains, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, the very God of exodus. Yea and he was martyred for his conviction, for humanity still makes blood sacrifices. They should not for Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Yea and I say this with the ultimate sin of a man from greater doom. Yet such a sorry story I couldn't further attest to with this weather encroaching. Onward I go.

2020-02-13 06:57:32 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Deleted User in my years I've never heard of Hitler being a prophet. I know no gift of prophecy coming from that man. Yet, I as I was taking notes on 1 Corinthians 5:12-13, I heard the words spoken by elder Russell Nelson (retired heart surgeon & current president of the Church of Jesus Christ) echo the same sediment of departing from evil ways. Therefore Sir, I must refrain from further inquiries until I've done more research within gospel teachings. Do tell tho if Hitler made any similar revelations of the God we all adore.

2020-02-13 07:07:57 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I find it saddening, the numerous of men whom died for Hitler's reign. Though I can not envy the man for the ranks he held throughout the wars. Notwithstanding, he should've gone to the Nuremberg trials. For that, only God can judge him on. Joseph Smith Jun on the other hand, with his brother Hyrum and another man whom survived the onslaught from an unruly mob, was prepared to face any trial by his fellow men and only fled when his own doom was inevitable... Caught some shots in the back and fell out the window pain unto the flat earth more than a story below. Yet I digress from such notable acts of violence to fill my own head with something worth more than lead.

2020-02-13 07:21:19 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  


2020-02-13 07:48:36 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

That is not my argument to disparage with.

2020-02-13 07:49:02 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I am not disagreeing with your, your lordship.

2020-02-13 07:53:12 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

I do contend tho, for whatever the worth, no country leader within the past two hundred years alone, have been called to the position of prophet. Brother Joseph was at his time, for the dispensation we all are still in, was a prophet, seer, revelator. Governor, militia leader, martyr & many, many more titles which us mere mortals shall argue about until his, Christ our king, comes to reign again. But until then...

2020-02-13 08:01:55 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Deleted User be those words of the fatherland's Fรผrher, I hereby raise my right hand and sustain heir Hitler to being a servant of God. Whereas I am merely a priest high a hundred years after, I cannot allot anymore power to him than what has already been agreed upon within his life. Therefore, I will not say he is on equal footing with George Albert Smith, who was the church president around that great and tragic time in our history. I go now to seek wisdom from said elder.

2020-02-13 08:05:15 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

โ€œI do not have an enemy that I know of, and there is no one in the world that I have any enmity towards. All men and all women are my Fatherโ€™s children, and I have sought during my life to observe the wise direction of the Redeemer of mankind๏ปฟโ€”to love my neighbor as myself. โ€ฆ You will never know how much I love you. I have not words to express it. And I want to feel that way toward every son and every daughter of my Heavenly Father.โ€

Chapter 2: โ€œLove Thy Neighbour as Thyselfโ€

2020-02-13 08:06:58 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Of course, this is what I get for trusting Google rather than looking up yearly numbers in the app.
@Deleted User if you could provide me the year Adolf said such kind words, I would gladly look to see who was presiding that year and fetch a quote from them as well.

2020-02-13 08:15:42 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Thank you.

2020-02-13 08:16:18 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

[In February 1940 President Grant suffered a stroke that impaired his speech and temporarily paralyzed the left side of his body. This did not prevent him from continuing in the work of the Lord. He worked a few hours each day, and he continued to give brief talks at general conferences for the next two years. On 6ย April 1942 he delivered a general conference address for the last time. Thereafter, his talks were read by others. His final general conference address, read by Joseph Anderson on 6ย April 1945, concluded with these words of testimony: ...]

2020-02-13 08:21:35 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Brothers and sisters whom read what I share, I sit here at the top of the stairs, alone in this level, save it for the still small voice of the holy spirit near, to once again testify. I read the quote as if hearing the sound of my own grandfather. Whom, ironically enough, was an English teacher in Burbank, California, during his formative years. I pray those reading such, would hear these words in their own heart as if kindly spoken by their own grandfather.

And if you've not a grandfather of your own to hear, this man has been kind enough to lend his credit to the role as all is well.

2020-02-13 21:28:59 UTC [The Right Cafe #chat]  


@nignog and other disbelievers who claim similar rebuke, let this hell be my heaven.

Acid washed blues sound like country legacy to me.

2020-02-15 01:45:41 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

@Eoppa @Draลกko, I've got some questions on your interpretations of saints. Namely, how exactly do you, venerate them?
From an outsiders approach, it's often claimed, Catholics especially, worship saints as if they are deities.
I personally, do not think such is true, yet, again, with much reverence on this Sainted day, I would like some detailed clarification, please and thank you.

2020-03-18 00:27:05 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

Joe, they would've steamrolled right through Scotland.

Yes, but actually no.

2020-03-18 03:07:33 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Hmm. No, I do not think Christians did it. I don't see a motive. They were already outcasts as is, easy targets, hence why Nero blamed them so easily.

"All philosophers must be taken seriously".
- Diogenes left the chat
- Diogenes came back, with a rubber chicken, a sinister grin and is heading to @Koninos

@ComradeChaos sometimes literally. Or, at least he took the piss outta some arguments.

Really, there needs to be a follow-up to the Bruces' Philosophers Song which features Diogenes, and Kierkegaard. Yeah, that'd be great. <:smug:591181720565579807>

If reincarnation exists, Diogenes, knowingly keeps coming back as a crazed cat lady.

Why not both? You saying crazed cat ladies can't have internet access? That's racist. ๐Ÿ˜†

๐Ÿ™„ yes boss.

@Ater Votum there's a combination of things I think I could relate to therein, but the biggest one is the Apology. I was actually reading that book a few years ago and was struck by the parallels in my own life at the time... But I digress because that topic would be more about religion than philosophy.

Fair enough. I had just prior to thumbing through Apology, read through The Psychedelic Experience. Itself tho being loosely based off the Tibetan Book of the Dead, I found parallels to teachings found within LDS doctrines.
I decided express such finding within the LDS Young Single Adults Facebook page I was apart of. Though, my language was not, is not, so refined and mild mannered. I had, somewhere in my dissertation, used the word, "bullshit". open_mouth some mamby pamby Peter fucken Priesthood dickwad, whom could not recall meeting IRL, likely a newly wed husband of one the young ladies I did know, tries to take me to task over such a blithesome term as "bullshit". Heaven forbid! rolling_eyes worse yet, this bitch was trying to chide me on "proper language", whilst spelling my name wrong! Honestly, that's a trigger point for me, getting my actual name wrong, especially if it's plainly given, clear as day.
So I'm trying to maintain my cool, but I'm blatantly laughing at the situation of someone trying to laud over me and my use of words when they themselves can't even see the error in their ways. But of course, being the prolific and provocative pariah I be, seemingly all hell broke lose and people were coming out of the woodworks just to condemn me for one word...

... The irony is, I had tried many times before, months, years, to get conversations going in that group to no avail. Sprinkle in a little bit of controversy and everyone was talking jive! Now, during the days this was happening, not only was I defending my post, citing (and linking to both the online PDF and the YouTube interview) On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt and trying to calmly tell these holier than thou art folk to check my references as I've checked theirs, I was of course taking time to read said Apology of Socrates (as well as trying to keep myself busy with any odds and ends of menial and pseudo important tasks on the property I was residing on).
So as I was reading the old Greek's statements and rebuttals against his accusers, it felt so relatable to what I had been dealing with online, albeit to a less fatal degree. I made reference to such deep seeded concept, in the group itself. Soon after tho, I was booted and banned from the group.

Moral of the story, moral busybodies, goody-2-shoes, suck ass.

2020-03-18 22:57:45 UTC [The Right Cafe #religion]  

Just one? I tend to meander slowly so it takes me a few hours to get around.

@Flavius Stilicho I've got the whole album. It is awesome!

2020-03-19 00:42:31 UTC [The Right Cafe #qotd]  

Same as anything, corruption.

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