Discord ID: 214325217034633216
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If I may; surely it's strength as an adaptation should be left out of it's quality, no?
If something is made as an adapation such as Netflic's The Witcher, one should rate the show based on it's quality as an independant piece of media rather than rating it's accuracy to the previous material.
Or am I wrong?
Absolutely Xenon. But then should you leave out how good of an adaptation it is on your rating. There is a difference between rating the adaptation and rating the overall quality, no?
For example: Triss looks and acts nothing like she does outside of the show but this cannot be leveled against the quality overall as without viewing extra material you wouldn't know or expect anything of Triss.
Oh shit, you did say it was a subjective rating, sorry. My bad.
Have a good one, friend!
That's fair
Who in their right mind puts 7 as the average?
This isn't the pH scale
Von, your just being racist, come on
Raises the question: If I order a prostitute and specifically request a gamer, what would anyone say my chances are of having my needs met
@UrstMcRedHead Yes, absolutely
Any second someone is going to call Soleimani a champion of liberalism or something retarded just because the orange man didn't like him
Might have tho
Both norf and souf fc hate EU because their teams are shit
So I'm right
European teams are shite
Nationalism is okay when you live in the best country
How can one be "Irresponsibly nationalistic"?
Maybe it's strategic, break national spirit so that a land is easier to conquer?
Like I said: Nationalism is okay when you live in the best country.
We are indeed both correct
Imagine being wrong
"Shall we prepare the car, Ma'am?"
I like your thinking
We have those. They're called cleavers
Where was that?
Just remind them of their place
A population rather than a person
They're a fucking vampire
Okay. Two things you can't be in VtM now: Nazis and ugly
She still looks like an angry 40 year old single mum though
Big true
He hit the gym
Why is thjere a picture of a wall?
I'll do it
They made a new bob the builder?
What the fuck is that
When did I say I bought a steam game off-sale?
Gustavus, it was an image I searched for on google, it is nothing to do with me or my spending habits
Then when I didn't understand you called me stupid, which is very mean.
^ This guy gets it
Horrible people detected
It's CG and made in America but ok boomer
He got me there
Oh shit. Who was it now?
Who's suspected and why am I better than them?
tbf, africans felt the same way
How can MyAnimeList give me a confirmation email in a split second but my fucking government doesn't bother for a whole day.
He looks like the kind of chad to say it
'But she agrees with me so she must have a say'
Meanwhile 'Take the vote away from the elderly, it's not their future'
No. He's a nazi and nazis don't get a say, silly.
Take him out the back and shoot him
Because people think 'If I take the most radical stance against bad people then I must be the best person, I feel so go damn validated rn'
I once fell for this logic. I thought 'Saying edgy stuff is cool so the edgier things I say the cooler I am "Fuck N*ggers, amiright?" Since then I matured a little'
Now I say it because I want to.
Yours is the power, Elon, deliver us!
Nice of him to build a ship for you
Good idea
so stunning and brave
Where's my Yarrick model though?
That is too funny for me to say it isn't funny but not funny enough for me to say that it is.
Yarrick is theorised to be a perpetual considering he was retired by the time Ghazkull came in.
That or he is too badass to die
I'd atleast like an in canon reason for his absence. I don't mind too much if he died but just not having him there in favour of some other commander is not nice, speaking as an ork player whose lore is primarily focused around the 2nd and 3rd wars for Armageddon
Watermark your own memes if you want credit.
Your graph is wrong
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