Message from @Titrainium
Discord ID: 683694836196442227
New York was better in the 1890s
don't be to careful they can take your wallet even while being beat up
why do you think Scrump lost half his money when he visited vee
i actually wonder something is there such a thing as Steam-chan
Cringe x500
am gonna fuck that
@Titrainium why would you buy a game on steam not on sale, unless it's a new release
That's your own stupidity
When did I say I bought a steam game off-sale?
You posted a meme I was just responding to the meme
Is your memory really that shit m8
imagine buying anything outside of the Bethesda™️ Launcher
I think I threw up
Gustavus, it was an image I searched for on google, it is nothing to do with me or my spending habits
Ok I was just responding to the meme. I just @ you because you posted it
lookin like full asian markiplier
isnt markiplier already asian