comuna redpill

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what's up gringos


fucking gringos

Nazis deserve torture

Anyone who is threatened by them

Most communist parties in the US are only fbi bait

The succdems

Dsa is a bunch of edgy succdems


We are going to put them on death row

>defending nazis

>commies are memes

Just let nazis have a platform, they totally didn't had one in Weimar and got in power because of this

"Don't let"

Bad boys!

You can't kill racial minorities you know?

No cookies today!

They already do

And it's in the core of their ideology

And there is the third way besides they doing a violent revolution or getting elected

The US going ape on your nation

Happens every time here

Latin American feels

I'm saying what is said by the cia themselves

In their files

And what was done here


Nope man

Just Brazilian feels

From 1964 to 1985 we had a fascist military junta here

The cia helped them

Yeah because if it's black and white and has a background it's true

Internet quotes are always true

Checkmate commie

Oh yeah 1984

Best manual around

Thought policing? Where does that come from?

Damn boi

Get your shit done man

At least read the propaganda like a good boy

I already guessed that

My parents voted in obunga I'm so mad


The term thought policing as you use it came from 1984

I have family in nicaragua

In the US? LMAO

They have a strong ass influence on business and media

@DA GOMMIE JOO is this hooty?

Way too similar

Nazism and fascism advocate for that

hooty sounds smart

I'm done

@Maoistcentury [1997um] this type of person is what makes people believe in third worldism

Centrist. Is inherently liberal


Liberalism is center right to right

Social liberalism is center right

Classical is right

Haha no

Social liberals are center right

Conservatives are classical liberals

Best argument

Step 2: wait

This is why I joke about gringos so much

Look at that dude

You are a retard

You don't have the right to call people a vegetable

They are conditioned to economical relations

@Mr. X when using big words try to write them right

It will look better

Cool keep looking like a infant

Grammar nazi lmao


Good boy!

Here is more propaganda

Free speech doesn't exist

Ideology is conditioned to economy

There is freedom of speech tho

When you have control of the media you have freedom of speech

We advocate that for the proletariat

If you were a nazi you would be conditioned to reeducation if not "active" and prison or execution if you are

We advocate freedom of speech for the proletariat not fascist demagoguery

@ApplicationBot let's say is not possible

That's not possible now

For fucks sake

There wouldn't even exist the conditions for the existance of nazis as a movement

As individuals they could be judged by the locality

@Mr. X beat him up really nice

As if I care

I don't care about liberal morality

I don't give a fuck

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