Discord ID: 418499649884782622
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can i be a mad lad
* conservative
@SchloppyDoggo schizophrenia a badass disorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What the heck are you talking about man.Everybody knows down syndrome is the most badass disorder ever.
@SchloppyDoggo DIDNT GET THAT MEME!!!!
*religion jewish
Can i become a filthy jew right now
*role Vlad the Impaler
Forgot he doesnt have that role
*role panama
*role gnostic,usa,catholic
*role gnostic
*role US
@Firefly You also need 1.Idealism 2.Cult of the Leader=Imperialism 3.Nationalism 4.Authoritarianism in a Communist Countries
The NAZI party was the National Socialist German Workers' Party
It doesnt matter if they are similar parties or not,but the cause that they have on their respective countries is what matters
Nah aint that
Im from a former communist country and parents and grandparents lived in pretty poor conditions
The problem is that you cant implement communist ideologies in poor countries or in unhomogeneous countiries
@DA GOMMIE JOO Yes Yugoslavia was way better than us,but they were allowed to move abroad and we werent
They leaned towards the west
@DA GOMMIE JOO I mean ethnicities with different backgrounds like africans with europians, not slavs who have very similar cultures
Nah they were a mixed kind of economy,not just socialist
@DA GOMMIE JOO Where are you from
@PugSlugger That's kinda true though,NAZI Germany was the most technologicaly advanced country of it's time
V2 rockets(the first remote controlled rockets)
Saturn V(the rocket that send the first man in space)
Created the first assault rifle stg-44
They are also the creators of Tiger 1, the most powerful tank of its time
The NAZI's were no joke on the armament department
@Adolf Hitler Now you are going overboard man
@Adolf Hitler Where are you from
@Adolf Hitler Which country
Come on man ๐ ๐
Weren't the NAZI's supported financially by Prescot Bush
The grandpa of George W Bush
@Adolf Hitler Im with mi6 man not mi5 ๐ ๐
Gonna send those links straight to MI6
@Adolf Hitler Dude you have so much dedication.Why dont you do something else with it,you know something worth it and not realted to the relics of the past.
@Borzo Your name is "Borzo" right?
@Borzo What does it mean?
So you are bulgarian
@ApplicationBot Long LIVE KEK
@ApplicationBot You are racist
@XLM No what you just is racist
@Borzo I dont think you would like to know
@Borzo Nah,but you slavs dont really like us
@Borzo Spot on
@Borzo The second one
@TheTeacher Nice title
@Borzo Nah,i dont mean you personally
@TheTeacher Yes
@Borzo 70% of us are muslims
Or even more
@Borzo We don't like to blow up
@Borzo NOICE
@Borzo You know are religion is money
@Borzo We dont care what you believe in
@Borzo The Kosovars are better than Albanians to be honest
@TheTeacher It will never be
@Borzo Yugoslavia je CYKA BLYAT
@Borzo It will never happen man
@Borzo Is that Iran
@Borzo @TheTeacher Its was a capitalistic system in the 70s
@Borzo The one that shouts the loudest "Allahu Akbar"
@DOg A man needs a name god damn it.Why are you so heartles?
@DOg Whats a reverse image dude
@DOg Who's this jewish woman?
@DOg Today in things that never happened
@ApplicationBot Today in things that never happened
Isnt Aljazira a terrorist organization?!?!?
Za Jews make Amrica run though
All those brokers in Wallstreet
Are mostly of Jewish descent
@PugSlugger Of course they were
What kind of questio is that
A majority of americans are of german descent
All the people living pas Moscow
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