
Discord ID: 611263915246223370

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2019-09-06 23:11:06 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

Yeah. It sucks that left wing politics have to infest everything. There's no escapism to be had in games/movies/etc.

2019-09-06 23:13:28 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

Why do we have 5 entire voice channels? I think they overestimated the influx of people a tad.

2019-09-06 23:16:24 UTC [Athens #the-long-walls_immigrants]  

@wotmaniac The page says something about financial aid so there may be other factors at play than just time. Mental or physical conditions might prevent someone from working overtime or working side jobs (or even working full-time)

@livid_scrooge autism isnt a meme

Oh I guess it's doing the floss

I thought it was having a stroke

I'm still gonna knock -50 points off for ponyshit

Thots where?

Are you trying to imply I'm female? Do you want to fight? <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

I'll show you my fucking dick, cucklord

@Muten it's an obvious joke, don't be a sperg

life imitates ~~art~~ memes

@Warlord Dick Cheney dm me your fashwave collection ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ

why it look like dat


that's cool

just to see if it works or for artistic purposes i guess

are all your kitchen utensils made of carbon steel?

doesn't look very pleasant to hold


why does something as innocuous as a knife making video have 33k dislikes

i'm a fashy boi can i still hang out with you all Classical Liberalsโ„ข as long as i dont want to genocide anybody <:comfort:592107824826417204>

nah it would be ten times bigger and have a blunt edge, colours on point though

i wish it was an mmo so i got to choose my character <:why:462286147473637407>

i have a few more problems than what's skin deep <:thinkcide:462282415549841409>

but if you killed yourself in an mmo you would just be a ghost or something

in real life it has forced hardcore mode and deletes your character

I'll be a good ~~goy~~ boy

Enemy of my enemy, eh? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Why are there so many fucking bronies in this server

That's how I feel about jojo lmao

the exposed thing, not the gif

being bombarded with jojo memes and references everywhere i go made me want to not watch it

yeah i've heard it's decent but it's hard to separate a work of art from its fanbase sometimes

how many do you have? you can just put them in a google drive or a zip file or something. if it's not too much trouble

i was lucky to play undertale before it really kicked off

in popularity

helps that i had friends who were interested too that i could discuss it with, so i didnt have to delve into the fanbase

the only problem was those friends loved it and i was kind of critical of the message but oh well

owo what's this link

good music but never heard of that tv series before

but i'm only like 16th chosen people

literal degenerate art

that looks more like a mule

We need a final solution to the brony question

by proto-self do you mean the player controlling me

well he/she isn't very good at min/maxing

in MMOs they do

the mmo genre hasnt cared about roleplaying in years. pretty sad

depends on who youre playing with i guess. as long as your character has some decent flaws

if your character is literally perfect in every way with no personality flaws at all it's pretty boring

i guess when people say minmaxing in tabletop rpg terms i think of someone who only cares about the numbers

do they have, like... a semi-serious personality and backstory?

...does anything in your life not revolve around my little pony? ๐Ÿค”

my god


Hans, get the zyklon

the drinking isn't what i'm reacting to

it's more the whole masturbating to childrens' cartoons thing

2019-09-12 04:46:55 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

these are some very interesting news

are you actually a wine tester or was that a joke

I don't really care about ethnostate. I have family that's non-white. I'm more of a Mussolini type than a Hitlerist

Well fascism is rather broad. You could technically classify a lot of empires throughout history as fascist, the term just wasn't invented at the time

is it your own 'brew' or do you work for a company?

i see

that's pretty cool

wine is one of those things i want to get to know more about but never really put my mind to learning about. probably because i dont have the money to buy a bunch of different wines

@Laucivol i mean i imagine on some spiritual level, if you're a religious type, you have to believe that your soul chose to live this life, yes

@ur mom college ask her why she takes so long to reply. do it in a joking way like "why do you always reply 10 minutes later am i that boring ๐Ÿ˜† "

where did i talk about reincarnation?

more just... incarnation

heaven and whatever divine consciousness is out there would be beyond time and space, yeah? it's only natural that your soul would be aware of what would happen during the life that it would live on earth

what does that have to do with mormonism?

doesn't the soul come from heaven? or do you believe it is created in the moment of birth? how am i evil?

you're behaving very strangely

how is that evil

why not?

putting up with it is being a pussy. she is acting like you're boring.

well okay you could say like

"are you not interested in talking?"

something along those lines

the thing is she might have a reason to not reply so quickly, it's better to ask about it

i suppose. we don't really know the timeframe. is it a week? or are we talking several months?

i assumed they had just started talking and by "always" he meant "every time we talk"


i would still personally ask them about it. it seems weird to reply about 10 minutes later every time but continuously reply still

i prefer to directly confront people about stuff rather than assume, but maybe that's just me

what do you think they should say instead?

well you you have a better suggestion mr alphachad?

i dont think wrapping a question in a bit of self-deprecating humour makes you look insecure. if anything, someone who can joke about themselves seems confident as long as they don't overdo it. you're also simultaneously implying that she's being disrespectful, so it really goes both ways.

maybe it's just that i don't care about impressing thots


either way

to answer the whole soul thing

i think i already clarified it. if the soul comes from heaven, and heaven exists outside of time, wouldn't it make sense for your soul to be aware of your future on earth? not your earthly consciousness though, of course

why not?

hence why you should be direct and ask. don't give in to the mindgames

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