Lazzy "Lazy" Coxx

Discord ID: 157190851037102080

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That doesn't mean "shoot to kill" but if it happens, it happens. @SihvMan FL or..?

(it's one of the few states that I know that has it)

Over here we really have the opposite

we're supposed to exit the house with our family and call the cops unless situation really calls for it

nope, Finland

Oh, in rural parts it's shockingly long. We're talking over an hour

Luckily there was a high profile case where a gang of junkies tried to rob a weapons collector (elderly man) who shot them. Not lethally mind you, but enough to cause one of them to use a colostomy bag for the rest of his short life if my memory serves correct and he got off the hook because it was deemed lawful

the collector that is

Indeed, the guy was a huge chad about it as well. He gave interviews where he talked about his hunting trips and how he, despite his age was planning his next trip

soo, what's happening here officer

Well that's no fun

Did the conversation end with you saying "yeah, were done" or something to that effect

Depends on the person, my experience is pretty much 50-50

But I'd say that you really need to have a real talk about that. If she wants to have a open relationship and you dont, well...

Yeah, personally I'd err on the side of caution but as long as you are happy. Sometimes it works, I've had that same conversation and that went well. Granted, it was about having a threesome which I was not down with and not about a open relationship

and thanks, I'm supposed to do a case-study but that sweet procrastination is too strong!

Nah, I'm good. I'm almost done and I'm taking a break

plus this is more interesting ๐Ÿ˜„

That's good to hear, I hope everything works out for you!

Being queer, I reckon

only western animation allowed

Well, start doing that from now on

If anything, the teacher will think you are a loon, so best to avoid and just let you pass the course

2019-12-03 07:46:18 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

In other news, Finland is having a bit of an crisis in the government, that could mean new elections and a hard-right government instead of the socialist filth we have now

2019-12-03 11:50:31 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

@Rookie 314159265 Corrupt, "green", feminist etc. Current PM has resigned, now the hunt for his successor has begun. Currently the appointed anointed one is a 30-year old career politician with no actual work experience outside of politics.

2019-12-09 08:48:14 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

There's no way that the government is going to stay in power the whole time with all the ineptitude and ideological bias going on in there. @Swedishmafia101 she kinda is foine, but then again I have the weirdest fetish for finnish social democratic women

2019-12-09 08:49:04 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

meaning I wouldn't mind having her in my bedchamber, but NOT in the government

2019-12-09 11:23:56 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Well, they are culturally Finns, they just speak Swedish in a goofy manner.

2019-12-09 11:56:08 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Agreed. Granted, German would be even worse.

2020-01-01 17:40:22 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

I concur with Xaverius, there's no leaving while you can still get those sweet eurodollars. I wonder what will happen once the Brits truly leave and no longer pay.. I mean it's either everyone has to pay more or a scaling down of subsidies. And considering the nature of bureaucracies, there's no scaling down ever. So the rest of us will have to pay more.

2020-01-04 11:59:13 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

@Storin Yes. We must remove the racist Saami from our land.

2020-01-08 11:06:42 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Which one?

2020-01-08 11:53:44 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

As long it's not the German one (2nd/3rd Reich). Even the Austro-Hungarian would be preferrable to that abomination

2020-01-15 10:02:39 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

But how would you organize that federation? And how exactly would we kick ass?

2020-01-16 06:51:31 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

It could be good, or maybe ol' Putin is doing his usual stuffs. He might prefer to be a PM since there are no term limits then

2020-01-16 06:51:55 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Or maybe he's planning retirement (won't hold my breath)

2020-01-17 07:53:18 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

@bocchi just wants friends I doubt that *actual* nazis are gaining in popularity. I guess part of the problem is that I don't think that there's a easy way to identify what actually is a nazi or nazism that the everyman can agree with. Are ethnonationalists nazis? Maybe, maybe not. At least here (Finland) some do have some troubling opinions that do veer too close to actual fascism and nazism for my tastes.

2020-01-17 07:54:23 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

that being said, I do think lefties and greens are a bigger threat than a handful of actual nazis.

2020-01-17 08:12:26 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

And all means MUST be done to stop it

2020-01-17 12:40:10 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Not soon enough

2020-01-29 09:53:33 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

What I do not understand why exactly is nationalism so maligned? Sure, internationalist commies and moneygrabbers etc etc but for the everyman? "But that resulted in WW2!" "I do not like nazis!" Who does? Why is it so wrong to like your own country and it's culture?

2020-01-30 08:45:25 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

And also to calm down, he goes on and on about the same things. "I am biracial" "I have my preferences" which are cool and everything but most of his content just feels so samey.

2020-01-30 09:14:31 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

also he needs to drop that silly wool cap and embrace the bald.

2020-01-30 10:31:13 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Sure, but personally I don't need to hear the same take again and again. The comments on his videos are usually pretty hilarious

2020-01-30 10:34:34 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

They do have a point about him taking the red pill, he does seem to be ideologically more aligned with the "right" but he cant seem to force himself to admit it. It wasn't easy for me either, I used to be a complete cringe-commie in my youth.

2020-01-30 10:44:18 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Of course there is room to the discussion that what even constitutes "the Left" nowadays etc. However I do not think that being pro life and pro capital punishment is the test to pass as a right winger. At least to me it is more about being small government, pro individuals rights and duties and so on. But sure, abortion and death penalty are important issues to the right.

2020-01-31 07:25:00 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

I wouldn't put it past him. Sure will make the EU more popular, if only because the alternative is forbidden!

2020-01-31 12:05:58 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

reparations now!

2020-02-04 10:31:43 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  

Indeed, there is no real benefits to it. They aren't as productive, can be unpredictable etc etc. Even purely from a control-viewpoint it isn't really that beneficial, since smart people are just as easy to bamboozle as dumber ones.

2020-02-04 19:31:28 UTC [Athens #other_politics]  

I suspect it has more to do with naivete on their part "if only they had the same chances as we did with education" etc and potentially partly out of guilt for something that possibly did not even happen. Also I do not think they actually think that there are any differences in IQ between nations. Because that would be... *gasp* RACIST! And they most certainly are not racist, no way! *sarcasm*

Being smart is no protection from being fooled by the powers that be, some hustler on the street or by your own biases. Nazism and communism are (or were) popular among the educated, the typical user of alternative medicine is a well educated, younger woman. Smart people are opportunists, as well. I believe that the only reason we're seeing so much immigration and so little resistance to it from state actors is that it seems to solve the problem of aging populations, it produces cheaper labour, drives up the price of real estate and so on. And who would want to say 'no' to people who only want a "better life for themselves". Not to mention that there are actual loony lefties that actually do think that property is theft, borders are to abolished and that ends justify the means. Even if that means that they'll be actually doing the bootlicking to crony capitalists at the same time.

2020-02-09 06:04:24 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

Just make them vote again. The Irish have experience in that.

2020-02-20 09:22:30 UTC [Athens #eu_politics]  

No mass shooter is. Unless someone were to shoot up a grooming gang without shooting innocents etc. I guess that only happens in movies though

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