Message from @johl kohl
Discord ID: 600784065204846594
Tim lives in Hoboken doesnt he?
1-Up (nigga)
I remember that he lived quite close to me
NJ: Land of No Left Turn
dunno why
but i cant really stand his vids now
WHere they take out their garbage but never their women
NJ, land of successfully violating the 2nd Amendment
used to watch every day
NJ: land of Christie The Clown
SC drops banhammer on my state when?
Obama: Smells like Upnigga in here.
Trump: What's Upnigga?
Obama: Did you just call me Nigga?
Trump: Wait no...
Obama: You're not black you can't call me nigga!
Trump: agghhhh falls dead
NJ: only place that lets you visit for free but makes you PAY to leave
no joke
Is Sargon
In the thumbnail
probabkly a UK story
jp's wife has terminal ||sargoy||
Get some help
Obama: Smewws wike Upnigga in hewe.
Twump: What's Upnigga?
Obama: Did you just caww me Nigga?
Twump: Wait no...
Obama: You'we not bwack you can't caww me nigga!
Twump: agghhhh fawws dead
And they have to slender Sargon of course
They say, that he was talking about raping Phillips
more like
I would't rape that dirty cunt
(sargon should have used this verbage)
I was banned from some youtube channel, because i said, that real Sargon wouldn't rape her either
if she complains about the 'rape' she admits the 'dirty'