「くΣ Σ F Δ Χ 」

Discord ID: 235878627235856407

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Learning the smart is actually stupid gives me a zing

>Literal tautology

Ok but I coulda sworn that bronze age societies kinda went patriarchal at some point
Or was that more to do with the development of large scale war? Maybe the plough? Idk

Because nobody else busts their ass or deals with ups and downs and the people who tag along with your enterprise are shit all I guess

Shit Nigga you probably have a decent fortune left over post tax, and the rest can go to people who dont have the same means as you

I'm guessing you are
>In a first world country
>Not born to the worst off people out there

Also funny how the retirement age is always going up like that

I mean for the love of god
They wanted a big sounding number
Above and beyond the highest estimates. That is obviously terrible scholarship.

"Well external factors only cause famine if policy is bad"

Right wingers are deadass allergic to randomised control trials and the gay sciences alike


Are you taking the piss

"Ah yes but the British banned slavery remember"

Communism is when Putin basically

The USSR de established, then a socdem was in charge but they had him replaced with Yeltsin

If you dislike interdependency you are gonna hate capitalism my guy

Some of the alt right actually understand this, and call each other wage cuxks


Innovation needs creativity

Which just generally needs fuckin autism and the will to live

Any like
Non communal or non democratic form of productive organisation post-state just ends up recreating fuckin ancient Mesopotamia

Capitalism is corporatism bro

The free market unbound is entropic

>But not newborns
>But is learned


Crawlin in my crawl tho

>people first capitalism


I'm not a marxist lol
pro freed markets but in actual existing capifalism corporations run amok and just fuck with people

I mean yes
conpared to today sure

But neoliberal capitalism is like literally the most pleb tier

Just the worst combination of rent-seeking and corporatism while eroding labour protections

What do you entail by third position economically?

Third position isn't really 'socialist' though, celebrates private property and labour/capital distinction but basically tries to make it like a nationalism/class collaborationist thing

Like socialism proper entails actual worker ownership

So Mutualists, Marxists etc fit into that

I mean
fucking capitalism has state coordination and channeling of economic activity, thats a fact of nearly every capitalist society to exist

I fap erry day

It really shouldn't take like two fuckin weeks to stop tho

>In this blog

Tbh demsuccs are often labour aristocracy

real surface level

@Deleted User Trans kids literally get fuckin harassed for trying to piss in the toilets matching their identified gender my dude what are you on about

Like waiting to come out later fucks people up

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